play level needed for goh

Discussion in 'Goh' started by social_ruin, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    trying going for low sweeps when you anticipate them doing a high attack. When you think they'll do a mid, throw out your quickest punch. And sometimes, if there is an obvious sweep kick, try for a mid, it should stagger them.

    Now when you stagger them, don't forget to follow up with some pressure [​IMG] [​IMG]

    tho, i will agree that there is a common tendency to bemoan hit tracking when at times the evader is at fault for trying to attack to soon after the successful evade. Might not be the answer, but it is something worth being extra mindful of. Your goh was strong last time we played 3-4 weeks ago, so i'm sure he is stronger now!!
  2. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Btw social, appreciate u taking the time to show me lei. Ur lei is and always be a monster.
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    My grife with VF5s tracking is that it basically punishes you for doing ETEGs. One of those 'veterans are punished, noobies are rewarded' thing.
  4. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Eh, I think people make Goh harder to play with when they don't really have too. For one stop using [6][P][+][K][P], [4][P][K] and [P][+][K][P][+][G] so much. The first two just aren't very good moves and add unneeded risk, the third just isn't that great and you can just throw him out of it on reaction even online if you didn't do anything. Even if it does land they are just going to escape it 75% of the time leaving you at -5 when you didn't have to put yourself there.

    [6][P] and [4][P] are not Goh's elbows [3][P] is.

    Goh's offense is fine because of his defensive options. Your elbow is blocked, you re at -5 you can still shoulder ram, sabaki, 2P, P etc. You use these to force your opponent to use options they really don't want to use so much like Jacky's [4][6][K] to beat shoulder ram. One thing I like to do is after NH [4][3] [P] at -3 I'll do a small delay and then mp sabaki. If they elbow like they probably should, I win. If they evade when they really shouldn't but it's common after lows, mp sabaki hits, you get a little damage and +1. Basically if you make your opponent afraid to attack with the basics the disadvantage doesn't matter so much. Not to mention he has great moves like [K], [6][K], [3][3][P], [4][6][P], [6][P][P], [4][6][P][+][K][P](learn how to utilize and mixup off of this besides using the enders), [3][K][+][G], [6][6][K] and a great throw game that leaves him in good positions on wakeup.

    Oh and learn how to maximize your damage on each character. So many people land knee and end up doing pointless stuff like low throwing. Don't make playing Goh harder on yourself then it needs to be : /.
  5. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    hey lucky, i'll be sure to take what u said to heart.

    also u said 6pk just isn't very good. I can see why, but i was wondering how do u feel about just 6p? I mean, obviously frame wise it isn't ur optimal move, but it has the threat of the k (theoretically) to slow ur opponents reaction.
    Thanks for ur inupt.
  6. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    heres my thing for goh

    To me he is almost a backwards character... Being a spammer against him will get you somewhat far half the time.. but when your pro and trying to throw complicated stings, it seems you get your ass murdered with sabaki and 270s. For long canned moves I dm pk most of the time into whatever will work. Against an Aoi... Mid sabaki will do wonders..
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Or you can fuzzy guard.
  8. AssassinCP

    AssassinCP Active Member

    Theres no doubt that Goh is harder to play than most characters social...He is very linear and strings are hard to come by....You do have to think harder especially since you will find urself often defending and not throwing out combos that have a high, a mid, and a low inside one string and then if blocked ur only at -2 or something(lmao vanessa)

    My best advice would be to use lots of basic moves that allow u to crouch fuzzy and fuzzy, and keep moving and spacing....this will hopefully catch ur opponent in a whiff or confuse them with exactly where you are going to do next. His mid sabaki is also very valuable against characters like akira and jacky who love to spam those elbows.

    I think GT put it well when he said gohs offense is pretty good when his defense is brought in....but i must also admit...wouldnt it be awesome to have a low chop thats positive on hit like akira?....or wouldnt it be great to have ONE guard cancel for mixup...or a low or mid circular (or half) to really punish those ETEGers? Anyway....try and make it work.
  9. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    What i learn for goh is to try to mix up with him,just dont the same move over and over i just try to stop when i'm about to finish a combo in the end or i'll just mix up move that people think when it's gonna happen

    Like one move can a be a good mixup
    His [P] [K] [4_] [P] [+] [K] then doing any following like [P] or [​IMG] [P] or [P] [+] [K] or throw them

    I know i do alot of mixups because some chars do have counters on the "Punch" button when it lands or when goh does his throw
    some people can duck or stand there or block
    Goh has alot of mixups.

    whoa i'm posting alot now,lol.
  10. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Goh takes time to learn, I had a tough time with him online even though offline he's my favourite fighter, after about 1 month of losing nearly every match (40-200 win ratio) I gave up and started to train with Vanessa instead, now I use Goh as a alternative option, I think Goh is meant for highly skilled defensive players, I'm an average player but I've beaten some top ranking XBL players with Goh, on the other hand I sometimes get beaten by no skill button bashers, my main techniques with Goh are using his low moves, roll, uppercut and his tsukami and other throw combos,
    personally I find Goh to be the most fun character to use but that's just my opinion.
  11. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Learning Goh's movelist doesn't take much time, but its learning how to apply his moves what seems to be the problem for many. I guess its because he doesn't have any fancy and confusing blockstrings like many others.

    Ultimately all you need to do with him is standard defense and punish/mixup attack. Throws and mids. Use df+P as elbow. If you can't win with Goh, then its propably because your VF fundamentals suck. I can win matches against online scrubs using like 5 moves. Maybe because my defense and movement are that much better, but its certainly something to look into yourself.

    I've also noticed an alarming tendency among goh-players to overuse his sabakis and tsukami. Goh's sabakis are good, but trying to sabaki every move that opponent does is pretty stupid.

    edit: play level needed for GOh is no greater than play level needed for VF fundamentals.
  13. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Likewise (and weirdly enough), I've seen quite some Aoi and Akira (!) players online trying to apply reversals so blatantly (and even when at advantage) that I'm asking myself whether that is not a trend among newer players now. Apropos new players, am I the only one who has registered that there are quite a lot of new, never-seen-before, never-heard-of-before players online?
  14. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    It may just be that many online players want to try to reverse/sabaki because its cool/fun to do, and are not completely trying to win.
    I know I tend to sometimes use certain moves just to find ways to use them and understand them better or because there really fun to use (Such as brads moves from sway back) and I knowingly over use them. I bet in ranked matches people don't use these moves nearly as much as player matches, atleast in ranked matches that affect your rank meter.
  15. AssassinCP

    AssassinCP Active Member

    good point manjimaru, good blockstrings and circulars are a huge empty for goh and they leave him repetetive with a guessing game that falls short. However, he is good out of disadvantage and has some quick offensive punishers which must be applied by racking ur brains to find the openings for them lol
  16. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    This is true, but the play level needed for many other characters is lower then the level of play needed for VF fundamentals!!
  17. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    u need 6th sense to play goh and also its suggested to kidnap a good japanese player and steal his goh tricks.
    this is what Assassin2p does..
  18. AssassinCP

    AssassinCP Active Member

    wow thanks mack kind words from you lately...assassin2p.....and when did watching players do wall combos and trying to imitate it for max damage become stealing lol
  19. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    dont forget.. sabakis
  20. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Fixed it for ya!

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