Picking a character guide

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by ice-9, Nov 29, 2001.

  1. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Jacky definitely has one of the most damaging unescapable combos in VF4. A SS iaigeri-->knee(guaranteed)-->ppek(+pounce if wall) does between 50% to 60% damage, and its got very good RO potential as well. But the iaigeri thing is probably a bug and it should be fixed in Ver.C/D.

    As for Lau's "big damage potential" and "RO ability", his d/f,d/f+p+g does 65 pts of damage(only 5 pts less than XPD), and his d/f,d/f+p combos have great RO potential.
  2. Big Dipper

    Big Dipper Well-Known Member

    "Being a Lion player I think he is a great combo character. He's one of the few that has a barrage of moves that cause a crumple, drop, or leg flop on a normal hit. I rely on that to setup lot's of combos. Don't forget his uppercut or vaccuum punch starters. Lion can combo with the best of them -- he's just very unorthodox." -kbcat
    What are your favorite Lion combos, kbcat?
    d/f+P+G -> b,d/f+P ->f,f+K,K works real fine after they start to anticipate d/f+P,P after Lion SE (L/X)... fun when Lion has his back at aedge of ring and at risk of being ROd. (=*..*=) I look forward to mpeg of kbcat Lion vs. Bigcat Sarah! kbcat Lion vs. johnson Lion, etc. any set up off of new dodge moves? thx in advance.
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey Bryan, that was on Hiro's recommendation actually. Here's a repost of part of his e-mail to me:

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Hey, Jeff. I just took a look of Vf.com and saw what you wrote about how
    to pick a character. Though you had a section for continuous offense, I
    think it should be separated into two. In VF, continuous offense usually
    mean some like Jacky, Lau, and etc. who have combination with several
    choices, which cannnot be interrupted. On the other hand, someone like
    Akira does not have one, since whatever he does is defended, the opponent
    has a way to cut in. After you defend most of Akira's moves, you have the
    advantage to attack, not Akira. Sure, Akira does have a chance to make his
    second move hit if you make a bad choice. But, that is true to anyone.
    However, even if you defended Jacky's first or second move of his
    combinations, Jacky has a choice, not you.
    Maybe, it is easier to understand in VF3, fighting against Taka. Akira,
    although he has the ability to take a big damage at a time, has to guess a
    good way to defend whenever his move is defended. Otherwise, he could lose
    half of his life there. With Jacky, you don't have to be exposed to that
    kind of a dangerous situation even if you stop in the middle of combination
    since Taka has to expect Jacky's third or fourth move. (Of course, if he
    manages to defend them all, Jacky's in trouble.)
    In this sense, after each move, Akira has to guess right in order to
    continue to attack, whereas Jacky does not have to even if his first or
    second attack is defended. However, Jacky has the possibility of being
    seriously punished after his combination is defended. In this sense, I
    don't think what you wrote is appropriate.


    The other part of continuous offense that I wanted to express is incorporated into "overall speed," so I thought I'd just go with the conventional definition of "continuous offense" as the effectiveness of canned combos and really tight flow charts.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    We think alike alucard, and I gave Lau big damage potential in my second revision. I mean, his b,b+P canned combo alone is enough to merit the designation...

    Hey, about that SS iageri, I couldn't get it off at all. Any tips on the timing?

    Reminder, here's to view the table:
    <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/vf4/documents/vf4_chara_chart.php>VF4 Character Selection Chart</a>
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Being a Lion player I think he is a great combo character. He's one of the few that has a barrage of moves that cause a crumple, drop, or leg flop on a normal hit. I rely on that to setup lot's of combos. Don't forget his uppercut or vaccuum punch starters. Lion can combo with the best of them -- he's just very unorthodox.

    kbcat, I was thinking about that...

    Do you think Lion is a bigger combo character relative to other characters? A lot of characters have KD combos, but would you say Lion depends on it more than others?
  6. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    That's what I thought. Although I do think of Akira as a very offensive character, the risk/return ratio relative to someone like Jacky or Pai, combined with the fact that he has almost no canned combos, makes the point.

    It reminds me the other day I was fighting Pai and bitching to myself :jesus, these characters can do whatever the fuck they want without ant consequence, ever!"

    While I know that's not totally true, sometimes it seems like it when you're playing a power character vs. a speed one. (and loosing ;)).

  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VF4 Character Selection Chart

    Here's a link to a tidier looking chart. Jeff, feel free to edit your links to the same, and remove your old document.

    <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/vf4/documents/vf4_chara_chart.php>VF4 Character Selection Chart</a>

    I'll work on finalising the template soon, along with the million other things on my to-do list :)
  8. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Another thing. With regard to throw variety, Sarah not only has 5 standard high throws but a Catch throw, two Hit throws and two (Three if you count the alternate execution for the Kick Tornado) stance dependent throws from her Flamingo.

    Damage wise, the Leg Hold Takedown takes 55pts, the Kick Tornado takes a decent 60pts while the quadruple Knee Smash Wall throw takes 70pts.

    Damage aside the only throw types she lacks are the Front/Side Low throw and the Ground throw.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey Adio, I made a mistake in the criteria description as I actually didn't want to count hit-throws in the throw criteria, the reason being hit-throws function in gameplay more as attacks than as normal throws.

    That aside, the damage for Sarah's throws are relatively less, and her catch throw has limited application. While it's true that she has throws in four directions, so does practically every character.

    P.S. Myke, thanks for setting up me up, take your time with the templates and stuff!

    To view the latest table, <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/vf4/documents/vf4_chara_chart.php>VF4 Character Selection Chart</a>
  10. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Better not be a bug
    I love that move....
  11. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Well I tried...
  12. Vansen

    Vansen Well-Known Member

    Her catch throw has limited application???

    Weird, I tend to use it a fair bit, it can punish a whiffed move or high rising attack. Use it in an attacking manner with all her mid kicks to keep your opponent on his toes (or better yet, face in the pavement).
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Huh, you mean it will catch opponents in a straight line? The only time I know it will catch opponents in a straight line for VF3 is during a stagger; otherwise, it's usually after a dodge or catching the opponent dodging.
  14. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Nope. If the opponent is standing then they can get thrown. No if or buts.
  15. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Wow, her catch throw is improved. What if they were dodging? I assume it'll still catch?
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Uhh, I bet the catch throw remained the same. Maybe it was your understanding of it that improved, years later. It could always take down standing defenders and I recall seeing Yupa use it to snag people a split second after their high rising kicks whiffed.

    I can't speak about its ability to take down dodgers, other than to say that most throws, catch included, do that pretty well.

    To make this post a happy post, here is a smiley. /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  17. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey Creed, thanks for posting, because your post reminded me of another situation.

    Sarah's catch throw can take down an opponent in a straight line, but only on a very specific distance--that distance is about when the round begins. Any closer and any further, the catch throw won't catch the opponent linearly. If Yupa is attempting the catch throw straight up (in VF3tb), he's probably working too hard. A better tactic would be b,b+P -> dash away, causing high rising kick to whiff -> E -> catch throw. Will connect smoothly every time, guaranteed. The whole purpose of Sarah's catch throw is to catch dodging (i.e. guard cancel throw escape) opponents--it's not meant to be used linearly.

    Man, it's been so long since I played VF3tb Sarah...

    As for Adio's post, I suspect the catchability to be improved...I mean, the distance is so specific in 3 that it's quite tough to implement in normal gameplay; I don't know any sane Sarah that attempts it reguarly in a linear fashion, except after an elbow stagger maybe.

    P.S. Really, no smileys necessary. I'm sure your tone was in the spirit of discussion, not condescension.
  18. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    I agree with Adio and Vansen. Sarah's catch throw is much more affective in VF4. In VF3 I wouldn't use it without dodging first to make the approach off access, but in VF4 it works fine from straight on. The range is still important as you said. It's good against whiffed rising attacks as said earlier, and it's also perfect for a minor counter against kickflips.
  19. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

    Very nice... I haven't read the rest of the replies in this thread (I will soon), but this should definitely push some more "VF standing by'ers" into actually learning and playing the game! Excelsior to you, ice-9!
  20. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Depends if they go into or out of the screen and what feet position she's in with relation to the dodge (Open or Closed). Otherwise there's no escape unless, your opponent has the bright idea to duck or better still jab her in the face.

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