Pai's combos thread

Discussion in 'Pai' started by Sozos, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    Also works on Lion Rafale. :p
  2. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    I'm having so much trouble with these ones:
    > [6_][P] > [4][6][K][+][G] > [6][K][+][G] > [K][K] 86 dmg

    >[6_] [P] > [4][6][K][+][G] > [6][K][+][G] > [9][K][K] 86 dmg

    > [6_][P] > [4][6][K][+][G] > [6][K][+][G] > [6][P][+][K][P] 86 dmg
    they were the first I tried to master from this launcher because they don't have any particular characters associated with them. Are these tested?
    I can do up to [2_][3][P][+][K] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K][+][G] and that's it. I can never get the next [6][K][+][G]

    I have it set to counterhit. I understand they take speed, precision, and practice. I was able to learn
    [3][K][+][G] > [6][K][+][G] > [2][P] > [P][+][K] > [P] and others no problem, so I'm not completely lame..

    I also wondered about the [6_][P] that a lot of these combos start with. Can you always use just [P] instead? I understand that you may need to walk forward just a bit to make the combo work, but for the most part, trying to do [6_][P] , messes me up, while just [P] seems to work.
  3. smb

    smb Well-Known Member


    You need to hold the [6_][P] for many of the combos to work. Its not always necessary, but it never hurts. For a lot of combos, you need that shuffle forward from holding forward [P] to make sure the spacing works out.

    [2_][3][P][+][K]CH [6_][P] > [4][6][K][+][G] > [6][K][+][G] > WS[P][+][K][P] Stick with this one for most opponents. Make it the first one you master, it works for almost all characters--for some reason it whiffs on jacky 90-95% of the time.

    Fill in the character specific combo's later.
    Honestly, in my opinion, you are better off using this combo on the lightweights and super-lightweights. You can eek out a few more points of damage, but only a few. To me, the damage difference is so negligible that its worth dropping a couple points to have a universal, non-stance specific combo to use on all but the heavyweights.
    Andramelech likes this.
  4. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Lol, that's who I was trying to use it against. I just tried it against eileen and I see the [4][6][K][+][G] almost stands her back up. I'll get it in a few minutes, now that I know what to look for. Thanks for that info. Just another reason to hate Jacky :(
    smb likes this.
  5. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Andramelech, dont worry man . Akira, Jacky and some other chars like Shun has weird hitbox. Like smb said, you have to hold [6_][P] after evey launcher move . Its not complicate. Just practice it. Just to let you know. [2_][3][P][+][K]> [6_][P] > [4][6][K][+][G] .... try to not use it a lot against middleheavyweights .It works on some specific situations,depends on stance or spacing. Against middleheavy or heavyweights i recommend: [2_][3][P][+][K]

    >[6_] [P] > [6][K][P][4][K] > [4][P] 76 dmg

    >[6_] [P] > [6][K][P][4][K] > WS[K] 77 dmg

    >[6_] [P] > [6][K][P][4][K] > [9][K][K] 80 dmg

    >[6_] [P] > [P][+][K] > WS [P][+][K][P] 76 dmg
    Andramelech likes this.
  6. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Hey man, thanks for all this work. I was so long overdue on learning a couple of these. I've had people compliment my Pai now, which made me feel great.
    Sozos likes this.
  7. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    I had trouble landing that, and don't really have it memorised on clutch anyway, if I do get a quick CH 23P+K. I just stick with the 3K+G launcher, as once you see that pop them up, you've got plenty of time to hit 6K+G then options. If you look back a few pages, you can see the Boktai stance can set it up, with something like PK2, P+K. If you see see how I play, I will do Boktai into low sweep, then next time, go for that P+K, because if you get that, it's huge, and you can take almost half the bar if they don't spring up before pounce at the end.

    Think about the 1KK, which is discussed in a older thread in this section. The good players (ie, most of them on Live) will mostly crouch the 2nd hit. That's your shot to carefully just tap 1K, then hit launcher. If they block high, try the rising 24P+G which sets up a stagger situation, and can suddenly flip sides and ring out when you're under attack near the edge.
    Andramelech likes this.
  8. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    No problem man. I do my best for the best info for all of us as pai players. :)
  9. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    I want to give mad props to Sozos. He started this thread several months ago and has been working it diligently since then.

    I will be referencing it heavily as I build the VFDC Pai combo list for FS. I want to give recognition where it is due. And he has done so much work that recognition is definitely due.
    Sozos likes this.
  10. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Man congratulations for you to be a Pai content manager. Thx a lot for your props .I did my best for all of us as pai players. Now is your turn.:)I wish the same to you to do the best work for the pai content.That would be amazing. Goodluck man. :)

    Excuse my English :)
  11. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I would like to throw my hat into the ring as well. Thank you so very much, sozos, for your selfless efforts in bringing us pai knowledge. You have cut the learning curve down to a fraction of what it would be, had it not been for you.

    Within 2 days of getting the game, I was using all of pai's best combos, rather than taking months to discover them. Thank you for a job well done. A lesser man would have hoarded this knowledge and kept it to himself. [or woman].

    The pai combo thread is a paragon of what threads should be. I even referenced the construction of your posts in the shun forums:

    follow up combos (normal damage) (counterhit damage)

    Its the perfect template for an easily readable and relatable combos thread. All the information is in one spot and accessible. Correct notations and directions/button symbols are employed rather than 1p+k > 46 P > whatever. While the numeric-alpha inputs work, they are tedious to practice and more difficult to consume.

    You are a boon to the pai community. As an experienced pai player this has helped me immensely, and it is even more of a godsend to the novice pai users. Bravo, bravo indeed.
    Sozos likes this.
  12. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Man i really thank you for your sayings.:) Like i said before is pleasure for me to help all pai players include myself and i will keep doing my best for it. Really really thank you for your sayings.Im glad that i can help :)
  13. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    after landing a reversal against a high/mid attack, I usually input9[K][K], but today I noticed sometimes you can follow it with a normal [K] and then continue. Anybody already knows what is guarantied and against which characters?
  14. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    normal K will usually wiff because the act of reversing something will create some space that make Pai's normal standing K miss. Frame wise it should hit it is 14 frames and reversing puts the enemy at -15 but you would have to dash in quickly in that 1 frame you have left to get that kick to come out. Most people I know will be ready to react to it if you take the time to dash in that is why 9KK with its greater reach is recommended instead. Have you tried to use other moves after the stagger for other combo possibilities aside from 9KK because I just go with the guaranteed 9KK personally. I haven't tried this close to the wall to see if the space it creates gets smaller if that happens then a standing kick would hit but I never tested that personally.

    If you try to land standing K online after a quick dash with the lag I don't think it would work during that 1 frame window since exact frame data don't always apply online in every instance. 9KK will miss sometimes for me after a reversal depending on how bad the lag is during that specific round. The active frames of Pai's standing K must be taken into account as well. I don't think it will work online against a decent person but it might against a foe that is a masher possibly anyone is free to correct me if I am wrong here
  15. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    mh, but in dojo, when I manage to land it, it appears as a combo (like: reversal-k-9kk = 4 hits). If it's a matter of timing, I can practice it.... but I wonder if there're also other factors that influence it
  16. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I agree with shadow,

    9k+gk (executes 1 frame quiker than doing it without the g) is the best option. Since its guaranteed. Going for something more unorthodox like a throw or launcher will usually lead to getting hit by p, 2p mashing, or get blocked/ducked by more conservative opponents. So take the guaranteed damage.

    One exception would be when the opponent is by the wall. If you have the correct set up (stomach to the wall) go with your sweep kick, it will bounce them into the wall--time it so that it lands right after the stagger recover. Also, when near the wall, you can go for pp and then go with a mix up (or go with 9k+g without completing the second k, again leaving with you at advantage to pressure the opponent on the wall)
  17. Ylyon

    Ylyon Well-Known Member

    no, I didn't explain properly maybe. The point is: K CONNECTS after the reversal. I just don't manage to do it consistently.... so I'd like to understand if it depends on the stance, on the character or on my bad timing
  18. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I can get it to work inconsistently too. I have not explored it enough to find out if its exacting frame-wise (in which case not a good online option), weight-class dependent, random to each character, random in general, or dependent on what you revers--high's vs mids, or mid types such as elbow vs knee.

    haha, i know its not the answer you are look for, but i'd say that you shouldn't be trying to reverse that many moves anyways. Generally, an evade is an all out better option, if your guess is wrong you'll ALWAYS eat damage on reversal, if they throw something out you didn't expect the evade (or evade crouch dash) will be safer and possibly gain frame advantages or lead to a free launcher.

    plus, if its character, weight class, or reversal specific, i'd say the time spent practicing that would be better spent working on other stuff. if its high or mid specific, well then it certainly worth the time to get down.
    Ylyon likes this.
  19. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    It is dependent on the class of move and whether it comes from the left or right. For example, the reversal command for a mid knee and a mid (straight) kick will be the same but the animation will be different resulting in different spacing, further still the frame advantage awarded for success may be different. All that can add up to very real difference in the overall advantage for reversing one move class instead of another.

    I remember in Vanilla and, I believe, in Evo Pai would reverse a mid elbow by violently throwing her opponent directly behind her about the distance of 1 or 2 dashes. It was far enough for a ring-out even when Pai herself was not standing on the edge. But against a mid punch she would just grab their arm, side-step and trip them.

    You just have to memorize the animations (which I haven't done) and learn to tell the frame advantage and which moves will work from looking.
  20. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK

    2:37 is the tech being discussed here.

    Do we have a video related Pai thread?

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