Opinions on VF5FS DLC Item Format/Strategy

Discussion in 'Console' started by Cla, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    RE4 is 1860 points or something like that. Maybe it will be that kind of release?
  2. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I know what it clearly says-- Before they even threw that site up, they were spewing VF5FS on xbla... Even still, VF5 on games on demand was like what somewhere between 4-7GB (I don't remember the exact number), so why would FS be less???

    FS being released on xbla would warrant some news of a size increase, or a release on the limit altogether; but, unless I see something that says otherwise, to my knowledge, according to other sources, it's still 2GB...

    However, these are the same people that stated VF5 on x360 would not have online capabilities, then went on to state that it would support xbox live aware (who uses that still), then it went to a full blown xbox live online support for the whole 1-on-1 matches over broadband...

    I say all that to say, maybe this, too, like that in the past, is or could be a typo of some sorts... I'm not trying to be picky though...
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Who cares... I paid $600 for a PS3, roughly $200 for a High Grade stick, $170 for a HD monitor and about $85 dollars for an import copy of VF5, 1 month later $65.00 for a USA copy only to get burned when they announced shortly after it was coming to XBL with online play in like 6 months. Yea not cool!

    As you can see like many I have wasted money on some pretty dumb shit. Did I really want to spend so much just to play 1 game? Nope! Did I have a great job? Nope! Do I feel like I got my money's worth? Nope. Did playing VF in full HD with a high grade bring me months of joy? FUCK YEA!

    Bottom line if you want to play you are gonna pay. I suggest you suck it up and be thankful after all this waiting and hula hoop twirling that we are finally getting the game. Look at it this way, the cost can't be worse than what people are getting for Asara's Wrath. $60 bucks for 6 hours of game play with probably more than half of that time being cut scenes.

    While I understand your complaint I'll bet anything once the game drops and you purchase it you won't be thinking about DLC pricing.
  4. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if Sega HAVE to charge for the DLC, I remember several DLC packs for DW6E and it was all free. I'm really confused on the policies.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I didn't mean to rub you up the wrong way at all, just from the info we have right now all we can do right now is speculate.

    I always assumed it would be delivered through Games on demand and not xbla. Apparently the xbla 2gb file size limit isn't imposed by MS and is actually due to restrictions on the console itself, smells like BS to me. I could see an increase in the file size and pricing limits coming soon, also don't forget that MS are apparently dropping their Microsoft points in favour of real money.

    To be honest I couldn't care less about the pricing, I know some folk are miffed about the DLC issue and how much we'll be paying and I understand that but i'm in the same camp as Rod.
  6. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    All the discussion about the item as dlc is like "we want everything but we don't wanna pay" C'mon nobody is forcing you to buy the items, you don't want them? fine don't buy it.
  7. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    lol~ I've heard the same thing and it stops me buying this game. QTE Wrath!
  8. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    im waiting so long for my vf love..i dont give a shit about money!!sega take my money.. prepare guys!
  9. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    I don't mind that customization costs extra money, but what I do mind is that no one can see it unless they also own the data.

    What's the point of even buying them if that is the case?
  10. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    It might be possible for Sega to release a free patch that would let you see other people's DLC items without buying them yourself. Let's not jump to conclusions until Sega clarifies if they are going to do this.
  11. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    I don't care about paying for the game. Nothing is free. What I do care about is getting value for my money. Paying money to unlock what is already on my game disc is not getting value for my money. Paying money for costumes that don't fit in the download is fair value for my money.
  12. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    You'll also be paying for something that no one can see unless they purchased it as well. I don't see how that's fair.

    Hopefully those who are going to Final Round can ask Sega about this situation.

    Part of the charm of recent games for me has been in the customization department. I've always enjoyed the customization in VF and I'll be buying the DLC regardless but I would be greatly disheartened if no one else could see them.
  13. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Haha, it's totally fair, isn't it.:)
    I had exactly the same thought as you at first place, but we all realize SEGA needs to get profit by alternative way. I'm the one who will pay all items just like everyone else here, but I do hope the price should be reasonable.

    The feedback from my friends in Taiwan is like, they are definitely excited, but a little too late.....
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Hopefully someone can tell Sega in a polite manner that, we want everyone to see our customization, even if they don't have the pack.
  15. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    You guys are talking out of both sides of your mouths. You're saying you don't want to pay for what's already on the hard drive. But if Everybody who did not buy your items can see it, it has to be on their hard drive . Either that or every match against some spandex wearing freak player will take extra loading time , which sucks and isn't worth it. That's how it works. And don't give me that crap that nobody can see what you've bought. First of all nobody gives a fuck about the idiotic halo you have over Akira's head. Second of all, if the opponent bought the same item pack as you, he can see what you've bought. That is exactly how Super Street Fighter 4 works. You just get a little notice during the match-up screen that Your opponent's costume is DLC not purchased, and you see his default costume. That is how Capcom does it, and you don't see everyone on Shoryuken.com crying and slitting their wrists over it.

    It's good enough for Capcom to do it that way, and Street Fighter 4 makes 20 times more money than VF. So don't expect Sega to bend over backwards so the whole world can see the pink panties you bought for Jacky.
  16. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    From how I understand it, this will just be an issue for online play. Playing against someone sitting next to you or across from you, should not be an issue.

    While I understand online is a very important aspect for many people, is this what majority of the people plan to be doing? Playing online more so than offline?
  17. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Kinda lame that people won't be able to see the items you bought/customized your character with. I mean that's half the reason you would do it right? So that people can see how boss your character looks.....except they won't be able to unless they have the items as well.

    Yep, unless some massive Welsh VF scene starts up overnight.
  18. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Having everyone be able to see the costumes would just lead to more sales though since people would see the costumes and then want them if they're cool.

    It just makes no sense to have it set up so that you can't see something unless you buy it. I think we should all wait for some confirmation either way before we all go crazy on here.
  19. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    It would lead to more sales? That's a delusional lie. Tell Capcom that not being able to see something you haven't bought makes no sense. Also tell Activision you're entitled to play on Mordern Warfare 3 maps you haven't paid for, simply because they exist.

    I suggest you get a PS3, and share your PSN login name with three of your PSN friends, and put their logins on your PS3. Then each of you download a different VF5 Final Showdown item pack. Downloadable content can be shared on up to 3 PS3s. That way you can get 3 VF5 FS DLCs for the price of one.
  20. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Nah man, it's no beef, I just forgot to throw a [​IMG] in there or something... We're grown ass men, got no time to beef, ya know??? [​IMG]

    Anyway, yeah the whole MS not monitoring the file size limit does seem fishy a bit... I'm not surprised that they're shooting for actual money instead of MS points, with the xbl gold price changing for many countries, and the overall economy being-- interesting...

    I honestly don't care about DLC at this point... Things like this are apart of the future of gaming... As long as Sega doesn't stupify the game to the point of eliminating the fun of fighters, I'm good...

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