Online Off-topic moral vs.abare troll thread

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by TheWorstPlayer, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Uhm yes it does, if I can't interrupt his flow after I block his 2P when I'm fully aware, expecting it and bother mentioning it on this thread. Again its just an example people. There are many other examples I can make where abare shouldn't have beaten the other guy who had advantage ESPECIALLy when he made an appropriate response.

    That's the crux of the example.
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Alright, Twp, I get it. You're the greatest of all time, there, you happy now? [​IMG] Just messing with you man, I really do get what you're trying to say but what Jide and GT pointed out (with a really nice vid of a top-level player freezing up due to a 2P barrage, lol) is that your example happens offline too.
    So, what's the excuse when this happens offline? The controller has lag? The monitor has lag? This is why lag is the best excuse in the world. Every single time, it's the same thing "If we were playing offline, I would have done a lot better. Blah blah, yakety smakety". Ok, Twp, point understood. Offline, you're a better player... just like the rest of us [​IMG]
    No, seriously man, I got you and honestly, I don't know which one of us would come out on top offline. Real talk.

    Slide, don't know how much of this is directed at me or not but dude, what's YOUR angle? What are these posts about?
    For me to publicly come out talking about lag is the same as me publicly coming out and saying "Hey man, my heart and mind ain't into it today. GGs". Yes, I've had days like these. What's the difference between this excuse and the lag excuse?
    Lag is ALWAYS THERE.
    Anybody who's played me, knows how I play. If I'm not rushing you down, if I'm not trying to take full advantage of my advantage, then I'm not on my game.
    How many times, during the hundreds of times that we've played, have I told you "hey man, my heart and/or mind ain't in it? I'm sure that you can count it on one hand.
    I decided to share that "excuse" cuz I didn't want you to think I was taking you lightly, goofing off, or just didn't want to play you. That's the only reason I shared that, wasn't trying to make excuses... BUT an excuse is an excuse and I'm sure you and nobody else wants to hear that shit so next time I will just say GGs and keep it moving.
    Not sure where this big head talk is coming from [​IMG]
    Is it because I put up videos? I've been putting up videos since I played worst than I do now.
    Is it because I made this thread? This thread is to motivate but only with the help of other players like yourself.

    Look, we can agree to disagree but every single time we play, there's lag. So when I win, was it because of lag? Oh no, when I win it's cuz I'm good [​IMG] Oh wait, I lost? Must be lag [​IMG]
    Lmao, silliest excuse ever [​IMG]
    (unless it's freaking gray to one bar, I mean, c'mon)

    This is the last I will share about lag and then I will not chime in to beat this dead horse anymore:
    I was playing some matches with Mista Tee, Candian player, and the matches seemed so smooth and fast it felt like I was playing offline. The shit was awesome. So we're going back and forth, everything is cool and then... he did DS [2][K]+[G], it hit, he was either at -5 or 0(CH)... I did 2P, he beat my 2P with (while standing) [P]. That move is 13 frames but his mid beat my 2P while we were close enough that it shouldn't have happened.
    Now, maybe I missed a frame and the stronger attack (his) won out... but I still got pissed. I stopped and wrote him a message asking how did that happen? [​IMG]
    He invited me to chat and we talked, that night I realized that even when it looks and feels like there's no lag, there can still be lag.
    I know, I know, kinda silly of me to think that a Miami connection to Canada was virtually lag-free XD
    But anyway, I adjusted and made sure to not go for 2P again during that scenario.
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the love and yes we do disagree. Then we settle our difference in a game of VF. Simple. I fall victim to 2p uppercut sometimes because sometimes you switch it up and i get caught sleeping. I don't got time to complain about online play because i just practicing and keeping my hands loose whenever FS drops.

    @ TWP you can always evade a UPPERCUT at disagvantage and yes back then when i use to play my hands would'nt work cause your shitty. I felt the same way about K.O. until Denkai told me Mash out on you dudes and put shit in perspective like that noncahlant attitude towards VF by doing dumb shit to get over. There are certain players i will hold a session with while other ill win 3 in a row then bounce before garbage habits sets in.

    Your only as good as who you spend your time playing against.
    No i don't spend and eternity on VF to get better. I just cram what i can in with the limited time i have.

    Whats really sad is the VF5R and FS video sections help me a lot along with Hands on combat against great opponents and people refuse to use it. Everything you see the top player use in a video try to get in thier mindset and see why they did/attempted the said move in that situation.

    Anyway thats just my 2 cents. If i want to beat the best someday i have to study the best.
  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I don't have a problem or weird angle, except for the fact that I came to defense of myself, because your posts were coming off as if anyone(because you generalized) that complains about online connection or anything, aren't good players at a game.

    So let me clarify.

    I'm a good player at the games I choose to play, and if I decided I want to complain about lag I can do that if I want to, and that doesn't make me any less of a player than someone that doesn't complain about it. Unless it's an all encompassing excuse for why someone never improves or breaks through a ceiling, and when someone uses excuses to take away what someone else has accomplished.

    I personally don't, and won't discredit or take worth from any player I face, because I realize it's childish, and more importantly it doesn't feel good when it's done to you either. I appreciate all players of all skill levels, because everyone brings something unique to the table. Yet I can still make complaints random things. I can take matches and give my opponent credit because something failed due to a lag spike. Even offline I can give credit and so can my opponent, and laugh about some silly mishap, just like a cord ball shot in tennis(the player hits the net with the ball and it falls over onto the opponents side and they get the point, but they realize it's a fluke for lack of better words, and both players acknowledge it).

    The truth of the matter with any video game, is the more and longer you productively(key word.) play it compared to everyone else, the better you are over everyone else anyway. Complaining about lag, or talking about lag, holds absolutely zero bearing on that... Again... unless one uses that as an excuse for never moving forward, and as a means to take away something from someone else. Which strips their own productivity, anyway.

    Some people are extroverted, some are introverted. Thus, when something is on their minds, they'll speak about it, or they don't, depending on what type of person they are. One type of personality isn't better than the other in ways of creating top play. So someone that is complaining about a situation, isn't any less of a player than someone that doesn't, unless they complain or make excuses in attempts to discredit, or take away worth from someone else.

    I said something, because it rubbed me the wrong way, and I wanted to publicly share my view point on the matter, and see if others agree or not.
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Like I said, we can agree to disagree and like I said, I won't talk about the evil-which-we-dare-not-speak-it's-name.
    But I would like for you to tell me of a champion who complains a lot. Like I said, do you, you don't need me or anybody to tell you that. I make an observation the same way that you do. Like you said, I can do that if I want to.
    You can disagree but the fact of the matter remains, champions don't get to the top by complaining. Everybody complains at some point or another. Everybody vents but at some point complaining hits a wall and the question arises: What are you going to do about it?
    Complain away, at no point and time did I say that players who complain are lesser than those who don't. I complain.
    But if that's what ANY player is focusing on instead of finding ways around whatever it is that they're complaining about...
    yeah, you get it. I'm not going to go on. You may not say it here but I know you know what I'm saying.

    Too bad what I wrote rubbed you the wrong way... hell, that last sentence might rub you the wrong way... hell everything I write might rub you the wrong way. It's online and nobody can accurately determine people's moods and demeanor. Hell, somebody can get upset at me saying:

    "Hey everybody, we should all try to level up and complain less."
    "What's that supposed to mean? What, I can't level up and complain too? Who the hell are you? You're getting a big head now? Think you can tell me what to do? I do what I want."

    Lol, it's cool man, like I said, Idk what you're feeling towards me or my posts lately but they're not about you. I had never put you in the "too lazy to work on his game but always complains" category but I guess that's who you think I'm attacking and maybe that's the category you see yourself in... again, Idk.
    Now, please, have the last word, cuz quite frankly, Idk anymore. Peace.
  6. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I agree with you now that you clarified, that's it. And that's something you didn't do up until that point.

    No one gets to the top from complaining because complaining doesn't even equal playing the game, it's just a venting of frustration.

    Productive learning and playing, gets you there. Complaining does not, unless it can incite it. They don't run on the same line, although one's complaining can often times impede.

    All I wanted you to do was clarify, separating the two.

    Btw, the whole "have the last word" thing on your last line, come on yo.
  7. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Your making a lot of assumptions based on someone you've never met or spoken to online or offline. The only reason I bothered to respond to this thread was because Slide asked if I read it and I saw my name constantly being brought up. I honestly couldn't care less about wins and losses and feel no need to "validate" my online experience. I simply play because I find it fun and improve in the process. I don't go into dojo to practice anything defense related and haven't since the first month the game came out. If I'm in dojo it's because I want to pick a random character and I'm just figuring out the basics. I don't refuse matches from anyone unless it's laggy and I've had fun matches with AddyPaddy and Repeat Offender. The only person I play the game with regularly with now is Slide and we've played random fighting games together for a long time.

    I don't even browse this forum often. I've had an account since 2001 and I have about 100 posts to my name. This is probably the longest post I've ever made on this forum.

    I do find it amusing that the person with an ego so big as to make a bunch of random live accounts, upload online matches of himself beating "good" players and go around trying to convince people he is the worst player online wants to accuse other people of being too invested in online play. This shit is sad.

    EDIT: Just read your other post. I don't play any differently online then I would offline. Stop making assumptions.
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    This thread was starting to get a bit emotionally heated behind that whole online lag debate section, I'm glad that's calmed down now. There isn't all that much to add, as the lag debate is moot. The only time I think complaining about lag is purely unwarranted is when it's used as a reason for not improving your game, be it TV lag, input lag, whatever lag you want to pick from. We all seem to be in agreement on that, and I'm happy for it.

    Most people who are good that I've faced offline/online are good on both. I personally choose to only play offline now due to time restrictions (haven't picked up the game in months) and like to playing someone next to me physically. When VF6 drops, that may change.

    I'd like us to motion toward the discussion of rush-down play and what a good rush-down looks like and the mentality behind it.

    From when I played Tony back in the day, I would agree that he was definitely rush-down back then and I myself am all about rushing my opponent down; just look at my profile pic. This doesn't mean always attacking, or making bad choices in my mind. It's just a mindset of keeping the pressure on my opponent at all times, even if I'm just standing there I want my opponent to feel the pressure of the immanent attack.

    I think eileen was made for players who like to rush people down since so many of her leading attacks like CH66P and 6P+K for example are relatively safe, given solid defensive technique, but lead to very solid damage. I could list more, but I'm sure ya'll are familiar with how safe of a character she is in general, compared to the rest of the cast.

    Staying safe, giving yourself ways to get out of as many situations as possible while still being at disadvantage is what makes for a good rush-down, at least with eileen.

    I'm curious to hear how, brad for example, as a character approches this idea. I imagine all the character that thrive off counter hit moves that are fairly safe can be played well rush-down. What are some other ways?

    Hallmark points that I feel are good but couldn't find a way to fit it in: "make my opponent freeze" and "reducing their options as much as possible while keeping my options varied".
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    You sir are a fucking idiot. I've had one account this entire time, where the hell do you get a bunch of accounts from? I haven't made a video since the first 6 months this game came out. Assumptions? Get your head out of your ass. You're feeling yourself GT, you might be a good player, but you need to shut the fuck up WHEN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

    You're a fucking Mrs Nancy and your tender sensibilities. Why the fuck you wrote most of you just did boggles my mind. Just because I wrote you are good at playing online. Did I need to follow it up with "Oh he plays good offline too." in order unbunch your panties?

    How the hell can someone get offended because someone says they play a lot is beyond me. YOU DO! Playing a lot can make you better. That's like me getting upset because someone says I play Jeffry and Shun. Yeah, so?

    Okay maybe I made an assumption about how you play offline and online. Are you hurt? Are you saying you have the same results online and offline? If so, you are the fucking Messiah of online VF. I could have swore Slide said you guys joke about getting away with things online you shouldn't be able too. THAT SIR IS PLAYING DIFFERENTLY. Get the fuck out of here.

    If you could read, all my posts were about why some people do not like abare play online. It had nothing to do with how much you had "invested." I tried to run a regularly online tourney for fucks sake.

    Eat shit and die you fucking moron.
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    It seems like people talking about this topic into "online lag" zone, and I don't think it's the purpose that Tony created this thread.

    Top top players = moral + abare = truely moral.
    That's it~
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Yes lets please leave the online lag zone talk to a separate thread. I'd rather we not derail.
  12. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    To be honest I think the general consensus is that you need a mix of both. If you think otherwise you just don't get it.
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    That's not playing differently. You missed my cord ball shot analogy.

    To give you a VF example, say I do a setup that doesn't have a guessing solution, meaning if you pick the answer that answer takes care of business. But the setup works the first time, and the next time, it doesn't work, and then when I try it again, it works all of a sudden. That type of thing.

    Basically, a 'haha I got you but it's not that serious' fun jab.

    You got to understand what I'm talking about, to be able to use it in illustrating your own points. Cause otherwise, my original meaning just gets lost and misused or whatnot.
  14. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Alrighty then.
  15. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    I ain't even mad. [​IMG]

    EDIT: I think I need to put more smiley faces in my posts or something. Because I haven't been offended in the slightest by anything you wrote. You are more than entitled to your opinion. Where did you get any of the bolded from? Have I said anything that might make you think I was arrogant and/or upset?
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Shit, you ETEG'd my troll. K, nevermind. Carry on folks.
  17. Bloodyshinta

    Bloodyshinta Active Member

    ok, enough of this "haha i was trolling!" bullshit, stop trying to act like you aren't being a total jerk.
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    No I wasn't until my last post to GT, and FYI trolling is generally being a jerk dumbass now let the thread re-rail.
  19. Bloodyshinta

    Bloodyshinta Active Member

    trolling is misrepresenting yourself for the sake of getting a reaction out of someone else, being an asshole is an entirely different thing. you are the later.
  20. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    You wound me.

    Uhm do you think I was really that emotional over Gentleman thiefs post? Don't you think I was trying to get a reaction out of him? How often do you see me write "Eat shit and die" on these forums? Nevermind kid, moving on....I guess I'm going to have to be satisfied with being a jerk/asshole instead of a troll..of all the things to argue about lol

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