
Discussion in 'The Vault' started by alantan, Oct 20, 2001.

  1. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Well at least you admit you do it, and how am I distoring what anyone else is saying. I hardly stick my nose into what anyone else says, im the one starting topics of discussion most of the time. If those posts infuriate you, then avoid them alltogether.

    See you meddle with what I say all the time, whether my opinion is based on fact or fiction, but when you make a subjective comment, it CANT be wrong or it CANT be argued against.


  2. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > Well at least you admit you do it,

    Who the fuck doesn't? I don't believe in all opinions are equal - if they're based on nonsense or garbage or just plain lack of thought (99 % of yours are), then FUCK YOU, I'll tell you what I think of it if I want to, you goddamn whining baby.

    > If those posts infuriate you, then avoid them alltogether.

    Same thing, asshole. Like I said before, I had to at least try to control your continous flow of mindless bullshit.

    > make a subjective comment, it CANT be wrong or it CANT be argued against.

    Yes they can. Welcome to the world, you fucking dipshit simpleton.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  3. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    That's not a reason for why you won't register in the first place. C'mon, asshole, if not for me, then answer all the other people who are just totally dumbfounded at your resistance (or apparent inability) to register.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    And at the end of VF3 in some places it was just machi [fuzzy block] -> counter. That's not deep, that's degradation of the game into utter boring worthlessness.

    It can be pretty exciting though, after one gets used to it...it's like triple and quadruple guessing the defender. By this I mean, "Ha, he's crouching so he thinks I'm going to do an elbow. So I'll throw instead. No wait, he knows that. OK, I'll go for the obvious and do a middle instead. But then again...ah fuck it, I'll go for the low attack that'll hopefully surprise him." Etc. Or you can you look at the pattern in which he is fuzzy guarding...standing, crouching, standing, crouching..."If I time my middle just as he stands, by the time it hits he'll be crouching..." Etc. Aggravating but fun stuff.

    This is the kind of thing that runs through my mind when I play against Adam, and it's the only way to deal with his Jeffry effectively. Now I just need to get used to his Akira...
  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > Aggravating but fun

    Uhh...ohhkayyeee. Righty-o. That makes perfect sense.

    Ugh. Call it..."aggravating but fun" [/me shakes his head in disgust] if you want, but keep that shit away from me.

    Near hopeless uphill battles of frustration! AWWWYEEAHH!! NOW THAT'S FUN!

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  6. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    You need to get some help...really, you're full of this little boy rage....Why is it you rant against everything I say, Ice says, or actually just anyone who seems to piss you off, which is almost everyone says...

    I mean really...

    Whats you're deal..

    You answered your own question about me not registering, since day one I never registered on any of the forums, and since Myke, yourself, and everyone else's attempt at getting me to register I never did. My personal preference.


  7. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Well, little boy or not, there are several people, who, in their flaming, unrepentant stupidity and ignorance, just bring out the absolute worst in me. You're one of them, and unless I get too fed up or bored with at least trying to cork up the flow of crap that spews out of you, the worst will continue to be brought out.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  8. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    at least trying to cork up the flow of crap that spews out of you

    see thats exactly your problem, who the heck ever deemed you the person to do this? I prefer that you simply ignore my threads. You realize the crap spewed between the two of us does more damage than good compared to any post you or I write.


  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > who the heck ever deemed you the person to do this

    No one has to give me the right to do it...I do it because I can, and because I want to.

    > prefer that you simply ignore my threads

    I'll bet you would. I could just say why don't you just ignore mine? Or, even better, try and use your brain? But like your wish, both are weak and unrealistic expectations.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  10. E-Dog

    E-Dog Member

    This is fucking hilarious!! You guys need to start you own Andy vs. Rich thread. Better yet, maybe Myke can give you two your own froum space, that would be hot!

    Now can you dig it...SUCKAS!!!!!!!!!
  11. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Haha...believe it or not, stats don't tell you everything
    about a game, you obviously haven't seen or fought a Lau
    who can bring out the lethality of that move.

    "Potential bullshit"? Bwahaha...Sorry to burst your bubble
    but I PERSONALLY KNOW 3 players(from Singapore, of course)
    who can senbon punch flawlessly, I'm sure there are others
    who are capable of doing that but my VF2 social circle is
    small, hope you understand. Heh...
    Anyway, one of them(Colin Leong) actually entered a
    tournament in Canada during his vacation a couple of years
    back. Guess what? He won, in fact, it was a rout.
    Kiat(go read the other thread about a guy being trashed by
    him at AMK funland) can do it very well too.
    So, what is "goddamn hard" for you doesn't mean a crap,
    there are many others who find it a breeze. Maybe you
    should go play MK or something, its easier.

    3D movement = greater flexibility, you can't dispute that,
    VF2 plays more like a linear 2D fighter. Its always
    push/pull, not a trace of 3D in it.
    What "fuzzy block"? If you are referring to the 10 plus 10
    frame crouch-stand thing, I don't get where you're coming
    from. This aspect of the game was brought over from VF2, so
    you can fuzzy block in VF2 too. And what's wrong with fuzzy
    blocking? Now, I can deal with it no problem, in fact, one
    player I frequently fought fuzzy blocks like crazy.
    He'd just crouch there and WAIT for me to attack right from
    the beginning of the match. Yes, its very frustrating if
    your movement is linear(thus predictable), but once I'd
    mastered and blended box/triangle steps into my game, this
    guy was longer a threat to me. It took me only 1 attempt to
    halt his 30+ winning streak at the arcade amusement show,
    and boy was it easy.

    So, you complain about something thats not a bug/cheap
    move, and you tell others to stop whinning about senbon
    punches? Heh...heh...nevermind Mr.FatEgo, you win this
    argument alright?
  12. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Generally speaking, senbon in VF2 is considered cheap by some people (not me BTW - i think its beautiful), but you defend it because it is fairly hard to do. I appreciate it for that reason among others. But in VF3tb, "fuzzy guarding" itself is fairly hard to do consistently. See, many people think of it as just quickly moving the joystick from down to neutral (and vice versa) rapidly as possible. If a person does just that, they will get ass-fukked. One also must have good yomi and a great understanding of the moves of the character you are fighting against. You must anticipate correctly which level to block. Obviously to do this with any consistency takes nerves of steel! In tight situations when it comes down to a stick of energy left and almost no time remaining - the person with nerves of steel (and hence good fuzzy blocking ability) will prevail more often than not. So, fuzzy blocking is more about remaining calm, having good knowledge of other characters' moves, and decent yomi than it is about how quickly one can move the joystick from down to neutral and vice versa. As such, it requires a LOT of practice to perform it consistently - just like the senbon, and the satisfaction (to me anyway) is just as sweet.

    Also, OS in VF3tb is the same thing. To do it with any consistency requires mucho practice. Motor skillz required to perform various OS is not quite as difficult as senbon combos in VF2, but applying it in correct situations ALL the time _is_very_difficult. Once gotten the hang of, it saves lives!

    So, VF3tb has its own things that are fairly difficult to perform consistently, but the results are just as satisfying as certain nuances in VF2 IMO. Too bad, many people stopped playing VF3tb and didn't get to eventually implement stuff like OS and "fuzzy blocking" into their game at a significant level. Had they continued to play and practice over the past couple of years, I think they would see why some people ended up liking VF3tb better than VF2 overall.

  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    >Had they continued to play and practice over the past couple of years, I think they would see why some people ended up liking VF3tb better than VF2 overall.

    Well, it swings both ways. I mean for some, and I'm one of the vocal ones, it's that exact sort of stuff which makes VF3 the less likable game.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  14. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Zzzzz. Not worth the effort anymore. I'll just say that this ang moh knows more about VF (and probably plays better) than you ever will, you whiny little bitch.

    "I know I say the word 'fuck' a lot, and I'd apologize, but; I don't give a shit." - Lewis Black
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    game over

    Thread locked!

    Sorry to ruin all the fun here, but this thread has seriously gone OT. However, the main reason is that there's a bug where new posts weren't showing up in threaded view. It's the first time this has happened, so I'm hoping it's just a freak occurrence.

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