Off-topic stuff from FS trademark thread...

Discussion in 'Console' started by tex, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    I remember all these old magazines wich featured interviews with game designers and producers, giving advice about how to create a game and everything. They were from game companies that don't exist now.

    Fucking magazines.
  2. mahmood1982

    mahmood1982 Well-Known Member

    people here having alot of problem with tex
  3. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    tex x E10
  4. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    what is tex... [​IMG]
  5. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

    tex mix imo.
  6. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Ah, leave the poor guy alone. When FS gets released on consoles, there will be 1,000 more texes in here. Might as well leave them be. I want to see what Master Po has to post about this latest development. He will finally have something to play besides version B. He must be ecstatic , his ramblings will be 6 kinds of wacko!! It should be entertaining.
  7. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    I'm not so sure guillotine, he may be gone for good [​IMG]
  8. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Ya haven't seen po in awhile..
    kinda sux [​IMG]

    PS: still don't know wtf a tex is
  9. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Isn't tex just a vfdc user?
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    No people who are a detriment to the community serve as a good warning to the rest of the new comers to come correct or we will fuck with you.

    We're a kind group, we forget past foul play, but just expect to get shit whenever it's well due.

    That's how I've always noticed people handled things around here anyway. I think it's a pretty good way about going.
  11. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!


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