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NYGX post mortem: your feedback is needed!

Discussion in 'News' started by oneida, Aug 17, 2015.

By oneida on Aug 17, 2015 at 12:14 PM
  1. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    This past weekend was a significant one for the VF community, and before the dust settles on NYGX I'd like to get a discussion going about everyone's experience with the event. this won't be the last NYG, and your feedback can help us improve future events and the scene as a whole.


    Firstly I feel like we need to get an idea of how NYGX appeared to viewers. @Jerky raised some concerns about professionalism and respect that I think are worth discussing; I'd love to get a consensus of the event from the perspective of those of you who watched the stream.

    But that by no means should drown out the experience of those who attended. If you are an NYG vet or if this was your first time, please offer your thoughts on the experience.

    With NYGX behind us, let's appreciate all we were able to accomplish in a year of on and off planning, while still understanding that there is always room for improvement.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2015


Discussion in 'News' started by oneida, Aug 17, 2015.

    1. shadowmaster
      I would have said this earlier but I why not say it now. I went to get to see more of the other people I missed the last few times. The one defining moment to me was when I asked rodney what I do next oddly enough he told me something I was actually beginning to do but didn't follow through with entirely. You helped to show me that I did figure things out before I just got distracted from it recently before I went to NYG.

      OG23- That van is something special it isn't the best Van I saw offline I was impressed by it though. I caught on to your game quickly and It reminded me of why Van will always be one my favorite match up when it is played properly. You told me of the other Pai player in Canada I might have to go Canada Cup to see this person if I decide to go.

      Harpooner- I always enjoy our sets especially how you fell for my reversals as much as you did is pai that different to you compared to the other characters.

      Kadaj- You surprised me there ggs with the patience you showed I still won more games overall that weekend against you. It just didn't show on stream for the rest of you to see to bad for the rest of you guys that you couldn't see it.

      Mold Monkey- I did better against you compared to before it was a great set we had too. I look forward for more next time.

      Myke -To see kage play like that left me speechless I thought matches with Jami before would help me against your Kage it was something completely different

      The other matches were awesome too but there isn't enough time to play all the people I want it can't be helped with only 3 days. I was there more for the casuals so the tournament play didn't matter much to me even though I do feel I could have done better if I focused more on the tourney but that isn't the kind of guy I am oh well.
      Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
      Craigbot and Kruza like this.
    2. Kamais_Ookin
      There's a Pai player in Toronto that I didn't know about? @og23
    3. shadowmaster
      He said he was a new Pai player I think. Then again I think Mademan said that when I asked him about it I don't know I am not thinking straight right now

      My memory is failing me at this point in my life so it isn't always easy for me to put names to a face all the time. It sucking being an old man
      Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
    4. og23
      Uh yeah, @SaltMachine started picking her up recently after messing around with quite a few characters with little results. He found his girl, and he's doing pretty good with her now
      Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    5. Myke
      To anyone posting "shout outs", if you don't mind (re)posting it in the NYGX Results and Shout Outs thread and leave this thread purely for feedback on NYGX in the hopes of improving the next event.

    6. Myke
      I think it's been mentioned a number of times, but not sure if has been captured in this thread. The issues with the USB hubs need to be looked at more closely for an event like this. I know that tournament nerves can manifest into input errors, but I don't ever recall struggling as much as I did with inputs, particularly with the setup against the far wall.

      Case in point, I re-watched my matches against Terracrush just to confirm what I had been feeling at the time. For the record, we were using the black (square shaped) USB hub, and not the round purple one.

      Game 1: https://youtu.be/6w6F5qzrPFY?t=1h56m36s
      Instead of K+G I got... K~G!? Not sure how this eventuates with a buffered command, but nevertheless, finishing the standard TFT against the wall would have resulted in the round win, taking it to 2-1 in my favour.

      Game 2: https://youtu.be/6w6F5qzrPFY?t=1h59m15s
      This time, instead of K+G I get ... nothing! Again, another standard TFT combo and would have resulted in a Ring Out, taking it to 2-1 in my favour.

      These two occasions with the messed up K+G were turning points, costing me the round. Now, I'm not saying I would have gone on to win either match, but momentum is huge in a pressure situation and what I experienced felt like running full speed into an invisible brick wall. Unfortunately (for me), it felt like I was fighting more than one opponent that match.

      Anyway, my preference would be to plug directly into the console itself. Why add another potential point-of-failure in between?
      Kruza likes this.
    7. cruzlink2
      Reason for a hub is that next level consoles are modified and have been known to red ring of death when plugging in directly to onboard USB. Happened plenty during our Tuesdays that's what prompted us to start using hubs. Dual modded sticks draw extra current cause of the extra printed circuit board.
      Kruza likes this.
    8. KADAJ757
      @BLACKSTAR yeah, likewise, good sir. The games we got in at Next Level and the conversations we had were dope. Everyone else that I met and played, it was an honor. Just being around you guys and enjoying a game we all love is always a good thing. Until we all meet again whether online or the next NYG, be easy.
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
      I would like to say that overall the event was good but it can be better for next time. One of the major things that can make it better is that the tournaments start when they are supposed to start. The team and singles tournaments started way later then what was posted and that is the reason I was not there when the sign ups for the team tournament started and also the reason I had to leave early from the singles tournament. Both tournaments were posted to start at 2 pm and I was there before 2 pm for both. For the team tournament I left at around 4 pm to go get some food because I did not know when the event will start and I waited enough already. Even though I made it just in time to be in the team tournament in the future this needs to be addressed about when an event is to start. I know you don't want to start a tournament with only half the people there but if they are late then it should not hold up an event. Also you might lose viewers because of this too. The viewers might not want to seat around and wait for the tournament to start and lose interest and leave. I understand if a tournament gets delayed for half hour but 2 to 3 hours is a lot. For next time maybe an announcement can be made on the day of the casuals on when the tournament is going to start on what day and even maybe do a sign up sheet that day to make sure those people know. I did like the on deck set ups and every match should be streamed especially that people travel to be there and its a good tool for someone who wants to review their matches after. This are just some of the things that can make the schedule run better. Overall it was a good event.
      Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
      Tricky, Kruza and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    10. TheWorstPlayer
      @Chefboy_OB Lies! I spoke to a big dude who asked me if I played VF, the guy I played a bunch with Jeffry and Shag who eventually recognized me. Shag surprised me since I see him around alot but when I say something to him it's like I'm invisible Lol!

      Seriously though I was there to practice Marvel after some crazy life ish went down. I didn't even know the event was happening. I can't NOT play a little VF although I'm not a FS fan so it was cool.

      It dawned on me that it's been so long since I was active in the community that I didn't recognize anyone. So sorry about just popping up and ghosting. I've never been very patient.
      Kruza likes this.
    11. shadowmaster
      you were the guy playing marvel during the first day with that female. i talked to that guy and if that guy was you then ...
    12. Kurt
      VFHayato chill bro, you were just trying to do you best, Jerky wasn't trying to be mean to you. Don't get so bent out of shape bro.

      Its great you stepped up, alot of these people are getting old now, like Jerky and Shang are what 50? We need new guys like you to step up. Jerky does have a valid point, I know you did this for free, you aren't a professional commentator, but maybe try and practice and maybe next year your commentating can blow everyone away and Jerky will have to then complement you for bein a better commentator than he ever was ;)
    13. Kurt
      sorry, didn't realize this was an old thread. Sorry just came back like 2 days ago.

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