North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: 7th Febuary: Manchester meet of doom

    Ade :

    well considering you have almost had EVERY char on file at some point or another no I'm afraid you can't have WJs lau seen as though he only plays 2 chars and lets face it you'd end up using kage and sarah all the time anyway.

    rayne i'll text you.
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: 7th Febuary: Manchester meet of doom


    Ok I spoke to Dan last night and it looks like he really wants to come to this meet. I've also drawn up the matches, IF, we do have everyone show up. I've tried to match up everyone to play someone they are unfamilar with in the first round. Here are the groups and matches:


    LM_Akira vs Robin
    Elite vs Faded

    Darius vs Stroppa
    Rick vs pinking


    WackyJacky vs Will
    Shaun vs MrDark

    LiMeng vs slimadey
    pinkings mate vs nakura/rayne ???

    The fights are grouped so that winner plays winner of match below / above him. So for example I play Robin and beat him and Elite plays Faded and beats him, then me and Elite play one another to get through to the next round etc.

    I reckon we'll play first to 3 wins with a win being the best 3 of 5 rounds with 45 secs on the clock and usual health bars. Its a straight knock out too, only one character. So...if you lose your first match thats it I'm afraid. The overall winner will be the "winner of A" vs "winner of B". If you want we can have runner up matches for 3rd and 4th places if people really want to.

    Tourney matches will probably kick off about 1 ish as we'll all be there by then (or should). Dunno if time will permit for team battles or what, we'll just short that out on the day. If peeps want, I'd prefer players to have a good few games with as many players as possible rather than try to rush a team battle near the end of the day.

    I've 2 pads and a hori stick but if you use your own stick please bring it with you.
  3. Robin

    Robin Active Member

    Re: 7th Febuary: Manchester meet of doom

    First fight should be fun /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I suppose I'd better start working on some antiAkira techniques...
  4. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: 7th Febuary: Manchester meet of doom

    Looking good. Personally I'd also suggest random stage select (retry if it's the palace of course) and tossing a coin for choice of player one or two.

    Other than that let's hope everyone shows up so the tourny structure doesn't fall apart.
  5. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: 7th Febuary: Manchester meet of doom

    And nearly forgot, maybe we can save all the tourny matches and I'll post them up a few at a time over the course of a week or two.

    (we tried this once last time we did a tourny here, nobody ever remembered to save.)

    Anyone who isn't comfortable with their play beng put online just mention it by the way.
  6. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 7th Febuary: Manchester meet of doom

    Finally, our matches on the net!

    Default Lau it is then. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    And I'll probably be using Lau (OH THE IRONY!).
  7. pinking

    pinking Well-Known Member

    Re: 7th Febuary: Manchester meet of doom

    hey guys!
    Sorry for not being in contact the last few days got loads of work on! Hey elite2, I got your number and I will give you a call soon. I've booked Saturday off from work (with great trouble!) so me and ma mate (MAZ) will be there!
    OK, I have a confession, when this meet up was in its prime I was very optimistic about my chances, but I havn't played for about 1and 1/2 months now due to the decimation of my HORI stick /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif! I ordered a new one and it will be here on Saturday lol! So me thinks I might have to change my tactics lol! So be ready!
    Hey Chris, who is Rick and who does he use?
    Look forward to seeing you guys!
  8. Robin

    Robin Active Member

    Re: 7th Febuary: Manchester meet of doom

    Rick's one of mine and Will's mates. He use to use Goh until Will took him up and I started getting annoyed at only having Gohs to play. Now he uses Brad.
  9. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: 7th Febuary: Manchester meet of doom

    [ QUOTE ]
    pinking said:

    OK, I have a confession, when this meet up was in its prime I was very optimistic about my chances, but I havn't played for about 1and 1/2 months now due to the decimation of my HORI stick /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif! I ordered a new one and it will be here on Saturday lol! So me thinks I might have to change my tactics lol! So be ready!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I feel your pain. My tv blew up the other week so I've been unable to practice either.
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Northern Apocalypse: 7th feb, Manchester

    Ok guys further update:

    As suggested by Faded random stage select and coin toss will be in play for tourney matches. For warm ups its up to the players themselves as to what they want to do. Also we always make sure to save good matches so yes, hopefully we could start a media thread for ourselves. We already have a load of matches as it is. When we DO save a match it'll be in the format:

    LMA v SA

    ...etc and this would stand for LM_Akira vs slimadey etc...well this is what we were doinf last time. If there is a really good match put a * at the end of the file as a marker. I think when it gets to about 4.30 ish we'll switch to a single ps2 set up and get as many good replay files copied onto fadeds card as possible.

    Rayne is definately coming this time as well. I've spoken to him a few times and he'll be making it to to manchester about the same time as the edinburgh crew albeit at a different station.

    Heres a quick run down of what the hells going on:

    9 - 9.30 ish:

    Will and mates get to my place, we hijack the communal tv room and set up both tvs and ps2s. Thats 4 of us.

    10 - 10.30 ish:

    People start meeting around the gamestation/blockbuster/defunct jag garage. This SHOULD include WackyJacky, slimadey, darius, Elite, Elitev2, pinking and pinkings friend. This brings us up to 11 peeps.

    11.40 ish :

    The edinburgh crew pull in at picadilly and Rayne gets to Oxford road station. The 11 guys present will be back at my place VFing and I'll go meet Rayne just opposite the train station and then we'll both walk down together to meet the scots who should be getting to the meet point (gamestation/blockbuster/defunct jag garage) at about 12 ish with any luck. Then the 6 of us walk back to mine (5 mins) to form an elite brand of 16 hardcore northern UK vfers....grrrrrr... COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Those players who come at later times are given preference in a quick warm up session and we'll try and get the ball rolling by 1.30 ish I hope.

    Group A matches are on one tv and Group B are on the other. The system file will be split between the two tvs...which will mess up win ratios etc. I've noted down everyones % already so what I'll do when we're finished is just added up the differences on both files and print the results here. This will include warm up games as well as tourney games. Then one of the files will just be deleted since it will serve no purpose and I'll have all true records anyway.

    So, I think everyones got my mobile number who needs it. If in doubt give me a ring to check things. We may also have DeLune and Nakura show up but I've no idea when/ if etc atm.

    Phew think thats it. Keep checking the thread and your PMs fir the next few days in case anything changes (which I doubt very much it will).

    Good luck to all those coming

  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Northern Apocalypse: 7th feb, Manchester

    ok, we (Elite, EliteV2, and the others meeting us at leeds) should be getting on the 8:52 train, so we should get to manchester pic. at 9:48. from there we will just get in a taxi to the meeting point. i dont remember how long it takes the taxi to get to the meeting point, but if we are early we will just wait for you in the blockbuster/gamestation. does that sound ok?
  12. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Re: Northern Apocalypse: 7th feb, Manchester

    Northern Apocalypse?


    I will be there, presumably, whenever I wake up. Tis only down the road anyway.
  13. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Northern Apocalypse: 7th feb, Manchester

    hell yeah, i go for the new name, ULTRA MEGA SUPER DEATH TOURNAMENT 2004, sounds much more.......Don King.
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Ultra Mega Super Death Tournament 2004: 7th feb, Manchester

    Ok is this new name good with everyone?

    Just so peeps know, the following players aren't on the system file;

    pinkings mate

    So I'm afraid you guys will have to play as default characters and mark down win ratios on paper or something.
  15. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Ultra Mega Super Death Tournament 2004: 7th feb, Manchester

    i want to ask a favour of you chris.can you initialise my jacky data coz i seem to remember that other jacky user (wacky jacky) using my file a few times and it brings my ratio down coz i think he was fighting me with default jacky because i didnt know thaqt ratios were being saved. if you dont want to or people dont think it's fair then it doesn't matter, i would just prefer to have a clean file, thats all.
    btw, if there are any SERIOUS jeff users that want a file of their own then they coan have mine, if not then i will keep it because i am slowly improving my technique with him.
  16. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Ultra Mega Super Death Tournament 2004: 7th feb, Manchester

    p.s. my spelling is shit
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Ultra Mega Super Death Tournament 2004: 7th feb, Manchester

    Errm I don't think he did use it that much at all you know. He has his own file and theres a fair few fights on it too. Besides it took ages getting all the items and shit. Anyway your win ratio isn't that bad either.

    Actually the files were fine cos we had repalys of you to. That was when i called your file Leeds JA. I think every things ok the way it is now.
  18. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Ultra Mega Super Death Tournament 2004: 7th feb, Manchester

    Chris: I think I should be the first to say thanks for going to the trouble of organising the tournament, it must of took a lot of work. Looking forward to playing Limeng's Shun (a new experience!) and all the other haggis muncher's who are coming.

    IronMike: I take it your not coming, post QUICKLY on here IF U ARE!

    Das: Good first to ten on Sunday, your Lion will dominate (watch out for Low kick's, LOL!).

    Now, will it be Lau, Kage or Sarah, only fate will decide!

    Can't wait to see our matches on the net!

    Grudge Matches

    Faded Vs Elite. The clear match that has to be watched, who will win? Kage v Goh, hmm should be interesting.

    Predicted final (assuming the knowledge of the people who I have actually PLAYED).
    Obviously, Elite v EV2, with EV2 winning. Goh v Jeff (or Jacky). Should be fun.

    Self prediction: Second round (If I'm lucky!).

    My opponent's probably know who I'm gonna use, but I might surprise people.

    I want a mirror match with Faded.

    Also, does anyone fancy a first to ten for ten quid, (we probably won't have time, but I like to make a challenge). Let me know.


    /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  19. Robin

    Robin Active Member

    Re: Ultra Mega Super Death Tournament 2004: 7th feb, Manchester

    Name looks good. Btw, if there's a spare Wolf on your card I'll nab it, otherwise standard will do.
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Ultra Mega Super Death Tournament 2004: 7th feb, Manchester

    Its ok I've got you down as Robin on the file. I'll try and tart him up a bit for you (it already has 6-6 fights on it).

    Cheers for the words Ade, lets just hope everything goes well.

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