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No VF for xbox?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Shadowdean, May 27, 2002.

  1. Mojopin

    Mojopin Member

    Re: Shenmue and PS2; VF4E and Xbox

    " Well, the PS2 simply cannot handle the large environments and massive textures of Shenmue 2. Porting it to PS2 would require to redesign the game" -3of19

    If the Dreamcast can handle it then the PS2 can. Have you even seen Jack and Daxter, not to say that it's of higher graphic quality but, you can see VERY far off into the distance. Same for Ratchet and Clank. Gather information and THINK before you make such posts please...
  2. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    Re: Shenmue and PS2; VF4E and Xbox

    <font color="lightblue">Highking, Almaci likes spice and flavor, stop agreeing with him... [/sarcasm]</font color>
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Shenmue and PS2; VF4E and Xbox

    This is actually not true. The PS2 & DC have completely different architecture, and the PS2 does not have the video RAM capabilities that the DC does. I remember when the PS2 first came out, and developers bitching b/c they always had to re-use textures, do to lack of video RAM.

    Also, AM2 said it themselves -- porting to the PS2 would be a pain in the ass b/c of the aforementioned problem. So, saying that it would take a "redesign of the game" is pretty much hitting the nail on the head.
  4. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    <font color="white">"As a gamer you shouldnt give a flying fuck how much a game sold or how much more it COULD HAVE sold on another platform, what you should care about is the actual game experience and if Evo goin to XBox would mean we get an arcade exact looking or even graphically improved version im all for it ."</font color>

    <font color="lightblue">Oh, so now we're telling each other what we should do now... LOL

    Some people don't have all the money in the world and they can only afford to own one system. In which case, it DOES matter to those people what the sales figures are. They want to know if their console purchase is going to last long enough and they want to know which selection of games will be on the system they will invest in. They don't want to end up with a Dreamcast or Nintendo64 or Neo-Geo or 3-DO or Saturn. They want something that will take them about 5+ years into the future. Is anyone guaranteeing that for them? Doesn't look like it...

    Then again if any of you rich folks want to buy us poor folks the other two consoles we don't have, we'll all be waiting with open arms. We'd love to experience the joy you've been able to afford all this time. While you're at it, why don't you buy us the arcade machines and the console software, too. Our appreciation will abound. I promise! Thanks...</font color>
  5. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    The Ps2 has better texture capabilities than the dreamcast because the V-ram bandwith on the PS2 is 48-GB per second which is fast enough for double buffering and the PS2 uses RD Ram which is a lot faster and more efficient then the dreamcast's RAM.

    This embedded RAM makes the GS incredibly quick at both polygon setup and fill rate operations. The GS supports points (dots), triangles, strips, fans, lines and poly-line and decals (sprites). Fast DMA also allows for textures to be reloaded several times within a frame.

    Getting a balace between the CPU and the GS is the main thing developers are trying to do.
  6. Clumsy_Mohel

    Clumsy_Mohel Member

  7. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey Guys! It VF4:E IS coming out for XBOX!

    Nope, that's old news already, it says nothing about VF:evolution going to the Xbox. I guess that was an editors mistake. It's not coming to the Xbox, no conformation from sega.

    If you hear it directly from sega then believe it, but that was false and it's not Xbox bound. There is a chance it could go to the Xbox but I highly doubt it.
  8. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    Re: Hey Guys! It VF4:E IS coming out for XBOX!

    But if it is true, I'm gonna freak out!!!!!!!^%*^%($ /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif /versus/images/icons/mad.gif /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif /versus/images/icons/frown.gif /versus/images/icons/confused.gif /versus/images/icons/mad.gif /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif
  9. Godzilla

    Godzilla Active Member

    Re: Hey Guys! It VF4:E IS coming out for XBOX!

    My 2 cents:
    Sega wants to make money.
    XBox is not selling very well, PS2 is.

    I think it will come out on XBox first and on PS2 a few weeks/months later.

  10. Clumsy_Mohel

    Clumsy_Mohel Member


    Well I hope you guys are right and that this post is wrong. I tend to think that GameSpyDaily has very accurate reporting, but maybe this is like the time that GameSpot said it was sure about GTA 3 coming out for the XBOX, and then it got cancelled due to an exclusive deal Rockstar made with Sony.
  11. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    Well, if the PS2 has so great texture qualities, where are the games that use them? /versus/images/icons/confused.gif
    As soon as a game is bigger than a ring of the size of VF4, all I see on the PS2 are reused, bland, lo-res, lo-color textures (prime example being the of-so-great- MGS2). And even VF4 has some lo-res textures, just look at the floor in Akira's stage for example. And once a game has respectable textures, it usually takes a huge dive in image quality. Nowhere do you see textures the qualiity of for example Sonic Adventure 2, Ecco, or Headhunter.

    The PS2 IS a piece of REALLY badly put together technology always was and always will be. The only thing that gave it success at the start was the media's bias towards the system and the brand. How come NO-ONE asked questions at the unveiling back in March '99? They were ALL prerendered on SGI workstations. Sure a box for $300 would be able to render that in realtime, my ass. The system got a headstart and now Sony is reaping the benefits of their lies, thanks to the media.
    The Dreamcast demoes were all realtime demoes, running on a prototype of the actual hardware, that was impressing, you didn't see Sega lie about the specs of the system the way Sony did. Sega played fair and square, but unfortunately that just didn't cut it.

    With Sega out of the game (for now at least), I just don't care anymore who wins. Sony and MS are just megacorps in it for the money, and Nintendo, while making ace games, always was satiesfied with the status quo ond only reacted and never innovated after the Gameboy.
    I just hope for Sega finally making a ton of money just as they deserve. In Sega's place I would put VF4 Evo on Xbox... exclusively. This game could sell Xboxes in Japan, which in turn would increase the sales of Sega's other Xbox games. They need to look at the long term gains instead of making a quick buck. VF4 sold some PS2s VF4E won't sell more PS2s, but it could sell Xboxes. I honestly believe that it could sell at least 200,000 machines in Japan.
  12. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Well, if the PS2 has so great texture qualities, where are the games that use them?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    IMO Tekken 4 has got pretty good texture

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    In Sega's place I would put VF4 Evo on Xbox... exclusively. This game could sell Xboxes in Japan, which in turn would increase the sales of Sega's other Xbox games.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I don't think any game beside Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest can really sell X-Box
  13. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    Shit, I think I posted the reason a long time ago somewhere in VFDC. Well, maybe it's because the ps2's hardware is difficult to program for, developers say it's a powerful piece of hardware but extracting it's full potential is difficult and may take years to see the PS2's full power. Like I said before balacing the CPU and the GS is hard to do.

    The PS2 is not really bad technology. If it's really bad then why is the CPU in the PS2 more powerful and faster than the Xbox's. The PS2 CPU's floating point performance is 6 G-Flops while the Xbox's CPU is under 3 G-Flops, twice as fast as the Xbox's and if your wondering the 700mhz vs. the PS2's 300mhz doesn't mean a thing. G-flops measure the speed and performance of the CPU. The PS2's hardware is far more complicated than the Xbox.

    Did you even play games such as Jak and daxter, baldurs gate? the textures are better than anything ever seen on the dreamcast. Silent hill 3 will use multi-texturing which will have texures on top of textures on top of textures. It takes truly skilled developers to make good games on the PS2, not just a lazy bunch of fuckers that think they can make money just by putting a below average game on the PS2 because they know it'll sell. Silent hill 3 is already looking as good as RE: gamecube which uses prerendered backgrounds. The textures in Silent hill 3 are amazing even if it is still unfinished.

    By the way Ecco looks just as good on the PS2 than it did on the dreamcast. I've played both versions so trust me on that.
  14. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    Please avoid this subject, I'm tired of discussing this shit already. C'mon Almaci don't reply.

    Ok, alright, uh huh, mmmhmm, yup, yes, I'll stop. By the way what country do you live in? Me? I don't know.

    C'mon TomDC85 don't reply.
  15. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    Then why do you keep on bringing it up and demanding time nd time again that we TRUST you ?
  16. TomDC85

    TomDC85 Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you *DELETED*

    Post deleted by TomDC85
  17. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    It's bad technology because it's hard to use. All that power means absolutely NOTHING if you cannot harness it.
  18. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    Please, PS2 is a poorly designed, rushed system. It has shit memory for textures, a sub-par cpu, average sound processor and out put. You need to drop 200 more bucks to even give it half the potential (hard drive and broadband adapter) of Xbox.
  19. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    lol... /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif the ps2 is not that bad,and its not as good as people claim it to be.
  20. mAxximo

    mAxximo Member

    Re: Let me put it in perspective for you

    I tend to agree on the lack of quality of the textures. Just for kicks I turned on my Dreamcast and put Soul Calibur and DOA2 to find that everything looks better than in VF4. These are 2/3 years old games.

    OTOH, Gran Turismo 3 looks awesome in the same PS2 box that renders crappy textures in VF4.

    So I don't really know to what extent is the system to blame or AM2 for lousy programming.

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