Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO?

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Brisal73, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    Although the idea of FT at Evo sounds awesome, I'd think you guys would be best to focus your attention on a game that everyone has had the opportunity to play on a daily basis - and that game is Evo. (Unless people are willing to just see this as a mass gathering to try out FT for the first time with a lot of people)

    Just my two cents and I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but I do see a lot of risk in sending your setups to where a lot can potentially go wrong. You guys have worked hard, and personal sacrifices have been made to get FT in your neck of the woods. It would be devastating if something were to happen to either setup during transport or onsite. I praise you guys for trying, but think about this decision a little longer, eh? Good luck to either Evo or FT at this year's Evolution.
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    Jerky - I couldn't agree more, and I do understand the risks involved.

    Nonetheless, here's the issue. VF at EVO has always had an element of Japanese / Korean fame to it - Chibita, Ohsu, Itazan, etc. If EVO was to host a VF4:Evo tourney, there's no chance that there would be any foreign players. Hence the suggestion of FT.

    Now, it very well may be that not a single foreign player would attend EVO even if there was FT, who knows.

    I know I'm bias and one of the luckier VFers to have access to FT, but to have a VF4:Evo tourney at EVO, imo, would be 3 steps backwards for NAVF - especially when the resources can made available to have FT and move NAVF 1 step forward. I dunno, my 2 cents.

    And Ramrod - I'd be sorely disappointed in NA VFers chose not to attend because the game was FT and not Evo. The differences are there, sure, but if you're competitive at Evo, you'd be competitive at FT in no time flat. This much, I know, to be true. It's not like our precious little VF scene in NA is bubbling with competition - getting together, playing some great VF, all in Vegas, to have a blast is what VF at EVO should be - not whether or not your Lau can handle "rainbow" hit colours. <sigh>

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    Here's to you Llanfair, the die hard optimist. I certainly hope you guys can make it happen - I really do. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  4. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    Make it FT. Getting the Japanese there again should be our top priority despite the fact that next to none of us have access to the game. The amount of credibility VF gains as a result of having the Japanese at Evo is immeasurable. I know having a version that everyone plays would be better for the current community, but at this point we need to make sacrifices in order to gain new players, otherwise the scene will continue to degenerate due to apathy and lack of competition.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    I sent a PM to parties involved regarding the AI FT machine. I do have access to a vehicle that can transport the cabinets. I'll post when I have more info.
  6. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Link To Voting

    Las Vegas is awesome and it would be a real shame if VF wasn't there.
  7. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It's getting a few more replies now, but it's still low.

    Tell a friend!!
  8. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Evo at EVO

    I am aiming this at no one in particular.

    What credibility does NAVF gain by getting Japanese players to come? After last year's EVO, how many people played VF that wouldn't have otherwise? I don't understand what their presence really gets anyone. I have respect for the guys' VF playing skills, but you're talking about a tournament that everyone has to be dedicated enough to fly to in the first place. What does it matter if there are these guys there who speak little to no English but can beat you 100 times in a row? No one would say, "Ah man, I'd like to play VF, but Homestay didn't fly to Vegas for EVO2K5. Let's play Bloody Roar instead"

    I mean, if being Chibita's fluffer is your cup of tea, then by all means, pursue your dreams. I would just like to go and get some good VF playing in, and I'd like to face off against other NAVF players in a game that I have access to and thus feel I have some competence in.

    Maybe I am a grouch. Does anyone else feel this way?
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    I agree with mostly what Jerky said. I think that instead of having a FT tournament. It would be a nice gesture to forego VF as a tournament game this year. Simply because I highly doubt we'll have very good turnout from US VF'ers outside of CA, and on top of that, the fact that 95% of US players have not played much of FT.

    Instead, I think this is a better option.... while crazy, I think it's a very good opportunity.

    I can't be happy enough that there are people like Llanfair and Plague who are being so generous and working hard for VF. Here is what I think should be done. Instead of a tourney, use this opportunity to SHOWCASE FT as the hot new VF game. Try to get as many customized character cards as possible and let people see the possibilities that can provide to the arcade fighting game scene. If there are japanese players present, see if you can get the evo people to show them playing on the big screen so everyone can see.

    Just have this game in a shiny cool looking set up and let people play for free. Put up a big banner so everyone who goes into the room can see it, and make it known that this game is the newest VF in Japan. This brings me to my next point.

    If possible, someone should contact Sega of A and let them know that we are going to show this game at the biggest fighting game tournament. Not for any purpose, but just to see people's reactions. I'm sure this would be something they are curious about too. Have people new to the franchise make comments after they tried the game, comment about their interest in seeing this game in the US, and more importantly, their comments about a system like If possible, someone should video tape people's reactions. This would be a great tape to send to Sega of A or even Sega of japan. (which i'm sure people on VFDC have more than enough connections to accomplish both.) We want to show people that VF: FT looks good, has cool customizations, have the potential technology, swappable moves, comes in nice cabinets, etc... and most importantly, it's a game that they might like if only we can convince Sega to release them here.

    Anyways, if the VS City cabinets make it there, and it's on freeplay, we'll have a ton of people trying it out. US VFDC players present should be more than able to lay the smack down on the noobs to wow them with gameplay. I hesitate to recommend holding a tourney since I don't feel secure enough for US players to wow the viewer in the finals when everyone is paying attention to the game. If there turns out to be a good amount of JP players at site, by all means try to see if we can get a tourney going, even if it's only non official tourney. In my opinion, having a tourney is not as important as showcasing this unreleased game to the american public. We are trying to play it off as Sega's marketing and showing it off to the American public like what T5 did last year.

    If this is a go and people would like some art content, etc.. I'd be more than willing to design posters/banners/fliers, etc. We want people to want FT in the US, and not just the VFDC people, and it's important to shove this fact right into Sega's face. This is just wishful thinking, but it seems that the pieces are close to being in place to pull something like this off. Let see if this is a go, I'll try my best to make it there if this does happen.
  10. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    Great idea Srider. You've clearly given this a lot of thought. Let's do it!

    Now all we need is a console release of FT...
  11. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Evo at EVO

    Ramrod - Yeah, I feel the same way, for the most part. The problem is at this rate no one is going to be left for that sort of thing. We need to do something at the very least, y'know?
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    I agree with some things and disagree with others...

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think that instead of having a FT tournament. It would be a nice gesture to forego VF as a tournament game this year. Simply because I highly doubt we'll have very good turnout from US VF'ers outside of CA, and on top of that, the fact that 95% of US players have not played much of FT.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My view is biased because I have FT. I view Evo2k(#) as an excuse to cross the country and meet up. Why not have a real tournament? I don't see how that would be a detriment. Why wouldn't people come specifically to try out FT? For the Evo players, many SoCal players probably still have Evo and may bring their consoles to Vegas. I know I will. There'll be lots of Evo to go around and we'll all be in one place to play it.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I can't be happy enough that there are people like Llanfair and Plague who are being so generous and working hard for VF.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very cool of you to say that. Thank you.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Instead of a tourney, use this opportunity to SHOWCASE FT as the hot new VF game... Just have this game in a shiny cool looking set up and let people play for free. Put up a big banner so everyone who goes into the room can see it, and make it known that this game is the newest VF in Japan.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This can all still happen with FT as an official tournament game.

    [ QUOTE ]
    If possible, someone should contact Sega of A and let them know that we are going to show this game at the biggest fighting game tournament. Not for any purpose, but just to see people's reactions. I'm sure this would be something they are curious about too. Have people new to the franchise make comments after they tried the game, comment about their interest in seeing this game in the US, and more importantly, their comments about a system like If possible, someone should video tape people's reactions. This would be a great tape to send to Sega of A or even Sega of japan. (which i'm sure people on VFDC have more than enough connections to accomplish both.) We want to show people that VF: FT looks good, has cool customizations, have the potential technology, swappable moves, comes in nice cabinets, etc... and most importantly, it's a game that they might like if only we can convince Sega to release them here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This can also all still happen with FT as an official tournament game.

    [ QUOTE ]
    ... We are trying to play it off as Sega's marketing and showing it off to the American public like what T5 did last year.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Speaking only for myself, I had no interest in trying T5. I did watch the Tekken Finals, though. That's what made the Tekken experience really interesting for me. Had I not gone to the finals, I wouldn't have even SEEN Tekken (any incarnation).

    [ QUOTE ]
    If this is a go and people would like some art content, etc.. I'd be more than willing to design posters/banners/fliers, etc. We want people to want FT in the US, and not just the VFDC people, and it's important to shove this fact right into Sega's face. This is just wishful thinking, but it seems that the pieces are close to being in place to pull something like this off. Let see if this is a go, I'll try my best to make it there if this does happen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very cool of you to offer your work.

    Here's my reason for wanting a real tournament. It's more likely to attract international stars. I don't see players flying over the ocean to help showcase a display stand in the USA. Not much in it for them. I think a free FT showcase will be surrounded day and night by US VFers wanting to play FT. Good luck seeing a ton of nonplayers fight their way through that. For me, watching the Japanese play live and playing against them in freeplay, practice, and then fighting them in tournament is where it's at. Japanese, Europeans, FT, Tournament - that's the real draw as far as I'm concerned. I don't go to events to watch good people just play around. To me, no tourney = playing around. No reason to push. No one out for blood. I don't think Shou would've trained his ass off all last year to play around in an non-official tournament match held in a non big ass room not full of heavy international competition, rabid fans and serious detractors. Will this year's competitors be proud to say "I came in second at the shiny cool free unofficial FT exhbition that no one really watched!"

    Finally, why would the Evo2k5 organizers devote ANY space or time to a non-income generating event? No tourney = no income from entry fees. I think the Tekken 5 exhibition was available only during registration last year. I imagine people buy the DVD to see the finals plus other footage. A DVD with just "other footage" probably wouldn't do much. Gotta have finals.

    VFers not fortunate enough to have FT will be at a disadvantage in an FT tournament in the final rounds or at least against someone with equal skills. Below that, I know that if a better VFer who's only played Evo faces me at FT, it's unlikely my FT experience will do THAT much good for me.

    I vote for an FT tourney at Evo 2k5.
  13. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    Well... I didn't say we shouldn't have a tournament. I'm merely pointing out the fact that as of now, VF is not on the list. It's also up to the organizers to decide whether or not they want to put in a game even though it's not available in the US (FT). It could just be an assumption but to me it also doesn't seem like most people would travel to COMPETE in VF as opposed to just going to play. This part, I guess, it's up to the people with the machines to talk to the Evo2k5 organizers if they are willing to locate space for it even if VF tourney is a no go. I'm only stating that aside from a tourney (which can or can not happen), we should look into the other opportunities made possible by Evo2k5.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well... I didn't say we shouldn't have a tournament.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I read that you did...

    [ QUOTE ]
    I agree with mostly what Jerky said. I think that instead of having a FT tournament. It would be a nice gesture to forego VF as a tournament game this year. Simply because I highly doubt we'll have very good turnout from US VF'ers outside of CA, and on top of that, the fact that 95% of US players have not played much of FT.

    Instead, I think this is a better option....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    It could just be an assumption but to me it also doesn't seem like most people would travel to COMPETE in VF as opposed to just going to play.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is possible.

    I think that people who are already paying for travel and hotel might also give up $30 to enter a tournament - the dollar amount would be a small percentage of the overall trip.

    I don't think the following will happen: "I got time off and I'm gonna fly to Vegas to see all my VFDC friends and play FT. Oh, shit, it's an actual tournament. Well, fuck that, I'm staying home."

    The thing is, if anyone just wants to play FT, I say to just take a trip to SoCal. If you plan ahead, you can probably stay at my house.

    My push will be for a tournament...

    To get FT from SoCal to Vegas will require effort, expense, and risk of greater expense. If I get clearance to hand truck two FT cabs across a shopping center, down an elevator, load them into a van that I borrow 'cause my van's too small, pay to rent the machines from AI to reimburse them for income losses, pay the gas to haul them hundreds of miles, go through the effort to raise cash from SoCal players to help with the expense, convince AI that I won't destroy their property or let someone else destroy it, and haul it all the way back... it's going to be a bargaining chip with the Evo2k5 organizers to make sure FT is official and to make sure the international players come and to make sure that NAVFers have a reason to drive and fly across the country.

    I won't go through that for an exhibition.
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    Srider - I'm sure they'd be glad to have us in the "bring your own console room", if they decide to do that again.

    Plague - Worst case scenario is that we'll have to run the tournament ourselves. You need to be willing to compromise to make this shit happen. Places without FT are in dire straits.

    Also, I'm willing to help in any way I can to get FT to Evo2k5, save spending a lot of money. Just let me know, guys.
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    Yeah, after reading what you've said, I guess my idea is a bit out there. Just for the record, I guess I sounded like I didn't want a tourney, but that's not exactly what I mean. I mean that it would be nice for a tournament, I'm just getting the feeling that Evo organizers won't allow it, or that the turnout for a FT tourney will be small, or a combination of both. That's why I gave the suggestion for the other option. I would support a tourney as well if it goes through.

    Like I've said, I completely respect all the trouble you're planning to go through to get FT to Evo, and I'm in no way trying to downplay that effort. This decision is ultimately in the hands of those with the resources, which is both you (plague) and llanfair, and the Evo2k5 organizers. It's probably best to simply ask them if they'll let us have a tourney if the machines get there. If they said no then we explore other options.

    In any case, this matter is up to you Cali and Canadian people to see what you guys want to accomplish with your stuff. I'll lend my miniscule amount of skills to whatever cause you guys choose to take up.
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague - Worst case scenario is that we'll have to run the tournament ourselves. You need to be willing to compromise to make this shit happen. Places without FT are in dire straits.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This actually gives me another idea - I'm still researching the idea of getting the SoCal machines to Vegas - there may be a way to give people a reason to come to SoCal just for FT. This idea came to me while reading your post so it has no real details other than holding an FT tourney in SoCal. Making it interesting would involve things that make Evo2k(x) interesting without the benefit of their inherent promotional machine.

    A hard road, indeed. Not impossible, though. More details much later on. I mean much later on. Let's hope FT comes to console.

    From Srider:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Like I've said, I completely respect all the trouble you're planning to go through to get FT to Evo, and I'm in no way trying to downplay that effort.... It's probably best to simply ask them if they'll let us have a tourney if the machines get there. If they said no then we explore other options.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for staying on board with the tournament push. I totally agree about just asking the organizers. Just got to make sure I have a machine to offer them first.
  18. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    Well, here's the deal. We have 2 obstacles and we have to approach them one at a time.

    First and foremost, we need people to go and vote for VF in general. That's the most important step.

    If we get VF on the lineup, then we can push to allow for FT instead of Evo.

    So, let's make a push to get VF voted for. Myke, can we banner this at VFDC front page? We can call out to all VFDCers to help out, really.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  19. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Re: Next VF FT Tourney in America...EVO2k5!

    [ QUOTE ]

    So, let's make a push to get VF voted for. Myke, can we banner this at VFDC front page? We can call out to all VFDCers to help out, really.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you guys need any help with artistic promotion just say the word and I will do my utmost to make some awsome ad or banner for VF be it Evo or FT. I also believe that Plauge can help in this since he is I believe quite skilled at computer art. But again, just tell me if you want something in the graphics department and I will whip it up. I would even consider this as fun and not just for advertisement since I like making art in the first place /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
  20. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member


    I have heard from SRK staff that FT will be taken out of the wildcard and added to the lineup if 3 setups can be confimed for EVO2K5 in a relatively short amount of time. There are certainly 3 setups in the NAVF community and I have the technical know how to run it on Superguns (Yes, it is possible, I have done it multiple times.). The people we know here in Tokyo will assist as much as possible in bringing players, parts, discs and whatever etc. So, it is up to the community now to put forth the effort in getting VF there. If you guys really want it, find a way.

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