news on VF4

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, Dec 2, 1999.

  1. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    .Missions, Art Cards, Commands, you said it yourself it is a deep game


    Umm...I think these parts of a game make it fun to play around with but IMO they contribute nothing to what is considered to 'depth' of a game. Depth is a term, I think, reserved for the gameplay, not the bells and whistles. I could care less about the pics and sketches of Mitsurugi - this doesn't change the fact that Soul Calibur offers players numerous options for excellent and deep gameplay.

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    but the future is in the consoles


    Well, sure, from a financial viewpoint. I dunno, no matter what, the arcade rules for competition, fun, etc. There's an atmosphere to the arcade scene that will never be reproduced at home. I think the arcades could win over the consoles if they were managed correctly and geared towards multiplayer gaming. Who wouldn't go to an arcade that would consistently hold tournaments and/or driving leagues, etc? This is likely why the Japanese arcade scene thrives. Furthermore, walk into an arcade and what do you see? Masses of driving games. No console will ever be able to compete with driving games in the arcade.

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    You've been critized before about how tight your community is and not allowing other new players to come in and be a part of it...


    Why are you being so hard on Ice-9? If anything, it's people like myself and some other old-schoolers who were being snobbish and not accepting the 'next generation' of VFers into a community the we created. Ice-9's just trying to get everyone together. Take it easy.


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I realize what you are saying about depth...And I'm saying and others I'm sure that SC is deep in it's fighting engine, added to that it has all the added features. Which clearly out does VF3tb, and though VF3 might be deeper in its' fighting engine (even this could be debate). The arcade/console debate is about money not competition...But you are right. Maybe I should stop being so hard on Ice like you say...Is just I've feel the way I do 'cause of certain things that have happened, but regardless of the facts...I just need to go on and try to learn from my mistakes...And if I offened anyone including Ice, then I apologize.

    --M. Wong--
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    You are funny Ice...And yes (High on crack) is an expression. SC is not the best game just because of the graphics, but what it has in the package...Missions, Art Cards, Commands, you said it yourself it is a deep game...Should I go on...They may not be much to you, but it sure does have more to offer than VF3tb, Oh!, but wait it's about the Yomi, you're right, Sorry!. Hum!

    I think I understand what sort of a fighting fan you are now.

    ...Maybe you really are biased towards SEGA's VF series.

    I most definitely am. Daily Radar articulates upon this issue fairly well...let me quote it here.

    Regarding Q3A vs UT (both awesome games BTW!), at

    <ul>2. You guys are so bias!
    Ok, this one is a toughie. Bias -- the noun -- is an inclination or attitude; so we would have a bias. Biased -- the adjective -- is a description of one's inclinations or attitudes; so we would be biased. We believe that the people who have attempted to accuse us of some form of bias are actually confused by our opinions differing from theirs.

    3. Whatever. You guys are so biased!
    This one's a little harder to figure out. Biased against Unreal Tournament? We did give both UT and Q3A a "direct hit" in our reviews. And most of the editors just seem to prefer Q3A; so if being biased means essentially preferring one over the other, then I guess we are -- just as our critics prefer UT. The crazy thing about polling editors for their opinion is that they will, occasionally, have one. It just may not be yours."[/list]Further more you want to ban me, ban me...

    I don't want to ban anyone; it's usually people asking me to ban them.

    You have a certain arrogance about yourself and how good you are...Such as when I ask for help with Shun...But hey you are the so called expert and you needs to put in my place for generalizing about help that I need...What a crock! . . . Hear no evil, see no evil...Again an expression, but taking it to another level...I knew this would open a can of worms...How dare I even speaketh a word to the ALL KNOWING ICE-9. Be sarcastic all you want, and warn me all you want...I tell it like it is, and you tell it like it might be...You've been critized before about how tight your community is and not allowing other new players to come in and be a part of it...Take all this how you want. Being that said PEACE!

    Master Wong, anyone can attend a Gathering if they so wish. All they need to do is ask. In fact, at the recent NYG, there were quite a few players who were beginners in VF but wanted to participate to see what VF gatherings were like. If you are so adamant on proving your worthiness and my unworthiness, feel free to join the upcoming Toronto 2K (which I will hopefully be attending) to display your abilities.

    I've stated this before, but I couldn't care less what others think of my "skills". I have enough confidence in myself that I don't let what others say about the way I play bother me, and I definitely have enough confidence to not bother bragging about something I may or may not have, which few people will bother to see for themselves anyway.

    Hmmm, perhaps its attitudes like the one that M. Wong is displaying that made Joji stop contributing? Or is this what KBCat means by a lack of gratitude? I think I am beginning to understand.

    As far as VF3 making more money in the arcades...Well since consoles are selling like hot pancakes where does the money lie. Yes they did get more money out of the arcades back then, but the future is in the consoles...Kids, grownups they are more willing to play at home than to go to the arcade...

    I agree and disagree to parts of the above. However, you have made a common mistake by neglecting the Japanese market. In Japan (and to a certain degree, most other large Asian cities), the major fighting game franchises are usually more dominant in the arcades than consoles. "Hardcore" arcade fighting fans go to the arcade because that is where they can get most of their competition.

    Sure, if you like stuff like "what it has in the package...Missions, Art Cards, Commands", you will enjoy playing at home, by yourself. However--and I think I speak for the vast majority of serious players--most people play to get better or have fun, and usually, the best way to do that is to play living and breathing opponents. But maybe that's not your thing, and I can understand that.

    The only scenario where I can imagine fighting games becoming dominant on console (vs arcade) is if network play is implemented, as Imashroom suggested. I do think, however, that future is still a long way away, and we probably won't see it until the issue of lag can be fully resolved in a game that requires as much precision as VF.

    So if SEGA and you don't see this...Well ENTER SONY...The end as we know it! [And if you think this is just an opinion...Well how does 60+ million of PS sold world wide...Does that sound like arcades can make more money?]

    I love Sega and I fully support the Dreamcast, but sadly, it seems that the Dreamcast will not be as successful as the PSX due to its disappointing performance in Japan. In light of that, is it all that beneficial for Sega to pare VF4 down for a format (Dreamcast in Japan) that doesn't even have that large of a base?

    Sure, the American market seems to have great promise, but it doesn't seem as though the VF franchise is appreciated here. Hmmm...maybe they should add more "features" like Missions and Art Cards to make the game "deeper", then maybe consumers such as yourself would enjoy the game more.

    And finally, you also forget that even though the PSX has over 60 million units sold through, the biggest fighting games rarely sell over a million copies. VF3tb on the Dreamcast, world wide, has barely sold over half a million copies (if even).

    ice-9 | Sennin
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Ice you choose to look at some words, but not others. Now SC is a little bit more than missions, etc., etc...As I and you have said, yomi wise or fighting wise it is almost if not as deep as VF3...Consumers like myself like to get their moneys worth...You can think what you like about my skills [you stated it yourself-apply your words here], or what I like. SC is for people who choose to stay at home and compete against their friends, and for those who love the arcades, unlike VF3tb. Since you read the Daily Radar check their review for SC and VF3tb and who do they pick as ther better game...SC! I ain't the only one, you read other mags, what do they say...In fact please let me know which magazine has choosen VF3tb over SC. In fact I believe it is at, has an aticle on DOA for the Saturn which states that Team Ninja did a better job on its' fighting game...beating out SEGA! Seems like that is the case with SC and VF3tb. But don't get me wrong VF3tb is a great game...Just the facts are pointing to SC to be a better game.

    No I don't forget about Japan and its' arcades, but seems like Sony gets the picture better than anyone...Involve everybody regardless of what they like...So 60 million plus out does anything that Japans arcades have to offer, because it has taken a hold worldwide...Arcades may remain, but certainly not make as much money as the console.

    Regardless of the facts...Thank you for the Website[with all seriousness] Later!

    --M. Wong--
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Mr. Wong:
    A game isn't necessarily better just because it's more popular. More games of Monopoly have been sold than SC and VF3tb
    combined, but that doesn't make it a better game. Popular TV programs and movies aren't usually the best. As far as a review goes,
    it is only as good as the reviewer. My group thinks VF3 is better not because it looks the best, but because it holds our interest the
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Mr. Wong:
    I should add, that you are too hard on ice-9. Why are you so angry with him? You should be grateful like we are that he provides
    us with this message board. He deserves more polite treatment.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I've already apologize to the man...What else would you like me to do? If you guys don't want to give SC it's props it is on you not me. Regardless, a lot of competitive gamers will disagree with you all...If you don't get what I'm saying well I'll just leave it at that. Further more I've thanked Ice for the VF.COM--->No comments afterwards so what-else I'm I to do? And well the beef was due to the fact that when I needed some help with Shun Ice got on my grill...About Step 2 of Lau etc...You and Ice are going to have to keep in mind that you will probably get new people in here asking dumb questions, just like I did...You just don't open a can of Wup Ass and let them have it!, just 'cause it is your Site...I mean you can if you want to, don't mean you ain't getting some heat back! I realize that Ice has done a lot of work putting up the Steps and explenations to some characters...And well props to him! I just hope the next time people say something stupid...You all will take it easy. I also give props to everyone that has contibuted to my questions...Anyways peace!

    --M. Wong--

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