New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. DPS__

    DPS__ New Member

    Hey y'all, my name's Daniel. I use to play VF4 when I was a younger and now I've been getting back into the series. I got the arcade version of VF5 working on my PC so I've been playing that but hopefully I can get some sort of console situation sorted out.

    Anyone in the Orlando area? It'd be cool to get some locals going (can't make it to CEO unfortunately)
    MadeManG74 likes this.
  2. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

  3. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Welcome aboard! Don't know anyone personally, but the thread Tim posted should help, and try some match-making online too :)
  4. SeDiciSei

    SeDiciSei New Member

    Hi, there!

    I’m a new Virtua Fighter player, in any sense; VF5 FS is my first VF ever. I come from Tekken (even if i stopped playing it seriously many and many years ago; Tekken 6 is the last one i used to “master” ), so it wasn’t easy dealing with this new game, at first. I’ve been practicing hardly since the first day -ONLY DOJO MODE, never had a match yet- ‘cuz it’s a brand new system to me, and ‘cuz i don’t wanna get into the battle without reaching, at least, a basic knowledge. I’ve studied the basic system, indeed.

    I play with Lion.

    I play on PS3. I hope someone will be so kind to teach me something, maybe as a sparring partner, learning and having some fun at the same time. I wanna learn as much as I can, at first. Not wanna fight just to win, without understanding my mistakes.

    Here my PS id: SeDiciSei

    IcKY99, Ares-olimpico, -nero- and 3 others like this.
  5. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    @SeDiciSei and others Lion players add me, we can learn together.
    Me usually play in nights since 21:30h (EU hour ) Tuesdays, Wednesday and Weekend.
  6. SeDiciSei

    SeDiciSei New Member

    Yes, I’m italian. I accepted your req;)

    Ok, I’ll add u soon. Thank you:)
    MadeManG74 and Ares-olimpico like this.
  7. SCC|DinoBoy

    SCC|DinoBoy New Member

    Hello, new player kinda.
    I am from the UK based in South Yorkshire. I have had VF5FS on PS3 since it came out but never really dabbled properly due to playing other fighting games. I play Lion, I don't play online but I do play offline, thankfully there are other players at my locals.
    Ares-olimpico and jimi Claymore like this.
  8. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

    Welcome! Is it Steel City Clash you go to?
    Ares-olimpico and jimi Claymore like this.
  9. SCC|DinoBoy

    SCC|DinoBoy New Member

    Yes I'm with Steel City Clash, we don't have a local atm so I head to people's houses right now but from the looks of things hopefully something gets set up. You attended some of our events/locals in the past?
  10. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

    Nah I've never been, just know of it. I didn't know there were any VF players though, that's cool!
  11. SCC|DinoBoy

    SCC|DinoBoy New Member

    Yeah I just got into it recently and then asked around for anyone else who plays it and that's kinda how things got going. Obviously we're not all super into it but having a lot of fun with it.
    Dreamboat likes this.
  12. segasaturn96

    segasaturn96 Well-Known Member

    Hi, i'm french, 32 years old...i played lot of on VF,vf2 and fighter megamix on Sega saturn in 1996,1997,1998...i also play on vf4 and 4 evo 2000's...i have played on 2008 ,2009 on vf5...10 Years without...and since one month FS...even if i have played often on VF...i stay a beginner because i always played without tactic,at hasard...i am a big fan of Vanessa Lewis since vf4 !!! Total love with the character and her fight style! Regards
    jimi Claymore likes this.
  13. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    Wow I fall in love with VF in saturn days too (and never play again till VF5)
    Me and a few friends play some nights in a week. Add me if you want.
    See you
  14. kevindg86

    kevindg86 New Member

    the gau
    Figure I probably should sign up here, I got a saturn in 96, a dreamcast in 99, grew up with Sega and the VF series. Now I collect arcade machines and boards for the most part. Have a European VF3 upright, in the US somehow, VF3tb boardset, Naomi 2 with a netdimm, so VF4:FT is up most of the time on it, and just picked up a Lindbergh multi so now I have VF5:FS up all the time.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
    WolfKing, jimi Claymore and Dreamboat like this.
  15. The_Nth_Degree

    The_Nth_Degree Active Member

    Good shit, Kevin. You and I are brothers from another Mother! I have a similar story, except mine started with the Sega Master System in 1987. I pick up a Naomi 2 two months ago, and I just snagged a Lindbergh Yellow from our friends in Italy for 400 euros ($550 bucks). So happy my VF quest is complete! I'm playing VF5R exclusively on Lindbergh though, screw FS.
  16. PsychoFingers

    PsychoFingers Member

    I'm from SoCal I went to Electric Cancel and placed 5th out of 16 (I'm the guy in the green hoodie in the group photo).

    I played casually since FS came out but I didn't _really_ learn how to play until I met Icky at Super Arcade (the second one, in Azusa, which is sadly closed now). I play on PSN and am still learning.
    Ares-olimpico and jimi Claymore like this.
  17. Bustawolf

    Bustawolf New Member

    Hey guys! I'm new to VF but I've been casually playing them since VF3. I'm located in the middle of nowhere in Canada and don't have a local fighting game scene anymore. I plan to practice and make it out to some events like Frosty Faustings or Combo Breaker in the new year. Hopefully I can play some sets and learn with everyone on PSN once I hook my PS3 up again haha.
  18. TheGoldenMeme

    TheGoldenMeme Member

    What's up? I'm a greenhorn when it comes to playing Virtua Fighter, since I only ever owned VF5 Online back when I was still in late-elementary school on my Xbox 360. I never thought much of the series at the time: I thought this game was some cheesy rip-off of Street Fighter that somehow managed to catch on for five iterations, and I legit thought that Lei-Fei's name was derived from Fei-Long. :LOL:

    Ever since then, I was curious about the history of Virtua Fighter, so I did my research on the games before 5, and to keep a long story short, I was hooked. Despite never playing the older games (unless you count emulators), I became a fan of this series, from the lore of the characters tucked away in the games' instruction manuals (Remember those?), the Virtua Fighter anime, the legacy of Virtua Fighter 2, it's bitching soundtracks, and more.

    Sadly, I don't have access to an older generation console or even an Xbox One to even consider buying Final Showdown any time soon, but I would love to get the chance to get a backwards compatible PS3 one of these days. I hear that VF4 Evo was pretty excellent when it comes to single player content, so I'd like to try and see what I missed.
  19. Emptyeyes

    Emptyeyes Well-Known Member

    Hey. I've been a long time fan of the series and returning to it by rebuying a PS3 again or just rebuy a Dreamcast, because VF3 is my favorite. Current generation fighters are disappointing, so it makes me appreciate the series more and hope another one surfaces in the future.
  20. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Welcome on VFDC, we also have a discord where you can find people to play with
    Emptyeyes and MadeManG74 like this.

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