New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    Wellcome. in psn there are fighters too.
    Add me if you want.
  2. Chohny592

    Chohny592 New Member

    Is there a list of people who play on PSN? And which game is played more, VF5 or VF5FS?
  3. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    Hello iirc only Vf5fs have online in ps3. I host all Tuesdays 21.00h GMT +1. Add me if you want
    WolfKing likes this.
  4. Shirakoshi Kyoshi

    Shirakoshi Kyoshi New Member

    Hello I've been playing vf since the release of vf4 but just got vf5 final showdown for the PS3 just 2 months ago. My main is Akira and my PSN is shirakoshi1 feel free to add me
  5. Aze_ITA

    Aze_ITA Member

    Hello everyone, I'm an Italian player, addicted to fighting games, who tries to enjoy a bit 'of VF (which is far from be dead as i can see). I hope to learn the ropes from you, and to see some good events in the future. Sincere congrats for your site and your community. Your patience and constancy should be rewarded by Sega!
  6. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Hey Aze, welcome on vfdc. It's good to see a fellow Italian in this community. Feel free to hit me up if you need any advice in italian.
    Ares-olimpico and Aze_ITA like this.
  7. Aze_ITA

    Aze_ITA Member

    I just want to use this space to say something.. this community is INCREDIBLE.. I'm new to the game, I'm a Tekken player, and i'm seeing right now at this site to learn some VF, and.. i'm astonished. You made a great work. I'm surprised by the deepness of the game itself but mostly by the careness of your tutorials and tips. I really wanted to spend a minute to say this.
    Of course, I will ask a lot of things as soon as I will start dedicating myself to the game properly (which I hope it will be very soon) Grazie ;)
  8. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    Hi and wellcome @Aze_ITA i always say the same a nobody do it but... once again add me if you want and/or play play with us in MARTES (day of Romulo and Remo's Father ) FIGHTS, on PSN Tuesdays 21.00h spanish hour.
  9. Aze_ITA

    Aze_ITA Member

    I'm on xbox live :(
  10. Songs of Change

    Songs of Change New Member

    I'm unfortunately WAAAAY new to the party, but I'd like to run games with people sometime on Xbox. The gamertag is Songs of Change. Please message me anytime on Xbox for matches. I'm a Goh player, and I'm really wanting to learn this game up and down. I mostly play MK, and play every other fighter pretty casually, but I'm not that great at 3D fighters. This one has always stuck out more to me, so it's about time I get to learning.
    MadeManG74 likes this.
  11. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Where are you located? If you check out the match-making threads you'll be able to find local players to play online and offline with.

    Also worth noting that @Blitzball Champ does weekly XBL games and streams so you can always find games there!
    Songs of Change likes this.
  12. Songs of Change

    Songs of Change New Member

    I'm from Alabama. There is no local play But I'm always looking for online games. Seems I have to do worldwide searches, but typically come across the same five people. None really with anything important to say as far as tips. Just wanting to bop people online. :LOL: It's a hard grind learning when you stay getting pummeled, but it has helped a bit
  13. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Alabama? Are you near Georgia? I believe you've got the legendary @BLACKSTAR nearby? Unless I'm mistaken to his general location.

    And yeah, don't rely on random search for online games, use the Virtua Revival Discord
    , set up your tags for console and region and make matches there. On a daily basis people are looking for games. You'll find a lot of room matches and player matches you won't find otherwise :)
    Also try the Shoutbox on this site, or the online/regional match-making threads.
    Songs of Change likes this.
  14. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Where in Alabama are you from?
  15. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Im from Mobile.
  16. ShakiiWarriior

    ShakiiWarriior New Member

    Hey everyone, been wanting to get into the VF scene for a while, such a chill FGC and even cooler game! I've been binging gameplay for to long I can't wait anymore lol, getting a ps3 next month. Is playing VF on Yakuza 6 worth renting in the meantime?
  17. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Hey, welcome!

    Y6 VF depends on what you want from it. It's purely the arcade mode, so you won't have good online, training mode or anything resembling single player beyond the 'beat arcade mode' thing.

    If you want to play offline multiplayer, you can but there are no options for things like changing round settings or stage selections etc. Personally I'd just wait for the PS3 to arrive, unless you want to play Yakuza 6 anyway.
  18. ShakiiWarriior

    ShakiiWarriior New Member

    I can't even practice on training mode... yeah. I'll just wait then. Cheers!
  19. GustavoHeisenberg

    GustavoHeisenberg Well-Known Member

    I main akira folks, been playing since 2009, only got VF because I heard it was hard and had so much depth. Seems like I'm still learning
  20. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Welcome! I wouldn't say VF is hard, but it's certainly very deep! Hope you're still enjoying the game!
    GustavoHeisenberg likes this.

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