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New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Hi everybody! VF noob here. The people in my FG scene have taken up VF, so I've decided to join in too! I have experience with other 3D fighters such as DOA & SC and am looking to add VF to my arsenal of 3D fighters. I've been looking at Jacky, Vanessa and Jean (though I did mess around with Sarah in DOA5U), and they all seem like decent characters at least.

    I'm looking forward to increasing my understanding of VF5FS and am curious to what would be the best ways to go about getting my skills up to par?

    Anyways, have a good one guys!
    Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.
  2. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    I remember when I first came to FSD, you welcomed me there bro, now I'll welcome you here!

    For starters, check out the great vid Blackstar posted, as well as these things:

    VF5FS System/Character wiki:
    Everything about the system, combos, commands, frame data etc, can be found there.

    @Modelah 's awesome Starting Out With series translated from top-Japanese players:

    Checking out Japanese-match vids of your characters is good too!

    Aside from all that, be sure to go through the in-game tutorial too and just play as much as you can!

    I may be able to come back up to TO and play with you guys soon, but we also play VF offline down here at Buffalo Game Space on Saturdays if you wanna come down!

    Happy training and welcome to VF!

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Nice to see you man, glad you're interested and playing and even have a community of new VF'ers!

    First up, check out the good info of the posts above. But as far as figuring out the game from ground zero, the best way to start is to 1) pick ONE (YES, ONE) character, and 2) find some match videos of top Japanese players and x-copy their style. But DON'T just X-copy, ask questions of 'why did this player do this move at this time?' and try to understand the decision-making behind their actions. While you're doing that, continue to look at all of material you see here as well to help you understand even further. Most of all PLAY PEOPLE and rack up that experience when you can.

    Japanese VF match vids are notoriously difficult to find, but here are some good youtube pages for it to start from:
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
  4. hello everyone :) i'm a girl, from Italy , and i really love vf :) nice to meet u all ^.^
    G0d3L and BLACKSTAR like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    You'd probably like to meet @G0d3L and @Mister , two really good Italian players
    G0d3L and Mister like this.
  6. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Benvenuta rose :D
  7. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    Ciao Rose.
    Welcome to VFDC!
    Do you play online? XBL or PSN?
    For any question about the game (except about VF6 :p ) we are here to help
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  8. ciao :) yes i play online, on XBL :)
  9. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2014
    MarlyJay, G0d3L and Daydream like this.
  10. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    why do you lol my dear FREEend?!?
    MarlyJay, kingo and Daydream like this.
  11. Rome

    Rome Member

    First: Sry for eventually bad english.

    Hey everyone, i allready was reading in this forum awhile but now i've finally made my account here. So and now i just want to introduce myself.

    My maingames are actually Killer Instinct ( <3 ) and SoulCalibur V

    I play SCV since its release and i just need a break of it tbh.
    I also allways liked VF5:FS but i never could manage it to play it longer than a few days cos then i've just got back to SCV and i think its really hard to play more than one fighting game and beeing good in all of 'em, so VF was at most of time unplayed by me. ...allthough i think between SCV and VF5, VF5 is by far the better 3D FG... but thats just my opinion :)

    However, now i think i can bring on the time to improve myself in VF5 and i'm searching for good players in PSN. I'm from europe / germany and i play Brad Burns.

    Btw in VF5 are so many other cool chars which i would like to play. Goh, Jean, Sarah, Vanessa, Lion, Eileen, Kage... i like almost the whole roster. ...in SCV i do not even like the half of the characters, so i think its a good thing XD

    So, if u want to play, just add me ^^

    ID -> RndmCE_Rome

    And btw, if u want to play Killer Instinct with me, add me on xbox one :)

    GT -> RndmDP Rome
    oneida likes this.
  12. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Hi Rome, welcome to VFDC!

    I think we played some games together on PSN not long ago. I was impressed with your Brad considering your low rank at the time, I think I mostly played Jeffry against you.

    I'm a long time VF player and also have played a *lot* of the SC series, so I can appreciate the crossover (in fact, when I saw RndmCE in your name, I assumed that had to do with SCV). I've played both games a lot (I'm actually a mod over on 8WayRun), but I agree with your assessment that VF is the better title, though sadly seems to have fewer players.

    Anyhow, I hope you stick around, and maybe even convert a few players you know to start trying to play VF as well! Even though you're in Germany and I'm in Canada, our connection seemed to be good, so I'd look forward to a chance to play you again in the future and see what you've been learning.

    Keep coming to A&C and you'll be leveling up in no time! :p

    On a serious note though, you need to understand that VF has a very different defence system from the way that SC functions (probably also DoA but I don't have as much experience with that series). I'd highly recommend reading the full wiki on this site. It is very good for building your system understanding, so read the system sections (yes, all of them). It is my opinion that good defence in VF is harder than good offence, so understanding your different defensive options (LTE, Fuzzy Guard, ETEG, EDC/ECDC) are going to go a long way to making you more comfortable in your gameplay.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
    Rome likes this.
  13. Rome

    Rome Member

    Hey, thx ^^ I remember you! I think in the second fight i tried to play keep away because i was afraid of being too close to Jeffry, haha!

    Well, a few of my SC friends are allready playing VF. Maybe u know 2nd Face, Shin Goh or DoubleSteakHouse from playing online?
    Btw i'm on 8WR, too! Maybe u saw some of my Hilde vids if u are a mod there :D

    I have to say, i love the whole fighting system in VF. Almost everything is safe, u have to bait and play mindgames a lot and its way more technically than SC , oh AND in VF there are no sick comeback tools like Critical Edge in SC for example. Thats good, too ^^

    Till now i still have some problems with fast movement. Wave- and Korean-dash is no problem but i have problems to do fast sidesteps between Wave and Korean... lol my left thumb was hurting a lot the first 2 days because of the movement :D Its way harder than in SC. Fuzzy guard also is difficult for me till now. But i will master that... anytime.

    Yo our conn really was'nt that bad. Just add me and we can play anytime ;)
    oneida likes this.
  14. Ive been here for awhile so i figured id make an official post lol. People call me Dink, I am one of Mortal Kombats more recognizable players, some tournament success in Injustice but Ive been playing VF5FS for about a year or so now...its super fun but im super casual and having issues. I started on Wolf because i used to play him in the arcades as a kid. I play him casually but ive shifted my focus to Shun who more seems to fit my style. But im still really green with him, finding out ways to get drunk and combo lol any help is appreciated. I travel to tournaments lots so ill always enter VF if only to go 0-2 and have a good time
    G0d3L, Riskbreak and BLACKSTAR like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I don't follow MK, personally, but hear your name alot from tournaments! Welcome to VFDC!

    There's some Wolf specialists on here that might be able to help you, especially if you check out the Wolf forums.

    Even better, as a new player, you NEED to check out the beginner's Wolf guide "Starting out with Wolf", which was created by Japanese players and translated by @Modelah. The Wolf wiki is also a great source of information, and if there are any terms that you don't understand, the glossary is here to help.

    And most importantly, the fastest and best way to learn VF is by playing people, espescially vets (who are usually more than happy to give tips)! Find people online or on VFDC, add them to your friends list, and play them as much as possible, and you will level up quickly (as shown by many players who just started VF in FS).

    EDIT: lol, apparently I can't read, since you clearly stated that you switched to Shun. Take all that info I gave and just look up Shun instead of Wolf, lol
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
    STBShujinkydink and G0d3L like this.
  16. lol thanks man! Ya i tried playing the ranked but i just get teabagged and taunted when i lose :( i need to read the forums first and get an understanding of the character and the game before i waste anyones time though lol

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    The VF community has always been well-known to be one of the nicest, when it comes to helping new players. If you ask a vet or at least a half decent player on VFDC to play you and ask for tips, we always help. That's how I was able to learn. Meanwhile, while ranked is a good place to run into random players at random times, its also a cesspool of the worst that mankind has to offer.
    leftylizard, Ellis and Modelah like this.
  18. Heikou

    Heikou New Member

    Hey everyone. I'm new to VF and was wondering if anyone on PSN wanted to play a few matches with me while I get the fundamentals figured out. This looks like the right place to ask, but I might be wrong.

    PSN ID is Onsen-no-Osen
    DestructionBomb likes this.

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