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New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

    Wait, someone else from São Paulo who also plays VF?


    Sadly I don't know anyone who plays on XBL (I only know like, 10 or so people who plays on PSN), and there isn't an offline scene for VF here in São Paulo either, but we have a venue for f-game players here (on conceição) and we can use that to plan some gatherings.

    If you are interested, it will have an event on november 9th on this venue that both me and another VF player (Dior) will be attending, you can find more info about it here: http://www.portalversus.com.br/forum/topic/20132-the-madnesscorujao-newcomers-edition/
  2. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    Add me on XBLA. My GT: WiZzYx3DG
  3. YinCrescent

    YinCrescent New Member

    PSN: YinCrescent

    I'm from the DoA Community... well I originally showed up in Soul Calibur.
    I'm a little familiar with Akira, but I'm more interested in Learning Aoi at this point.

    I'm still adjusting to VF's system, stuns, counters. etc.

    But anyways you can thank Seikuken for getting me to sign up here :p

    Attached Files:

    Shinobi and Puno_de_Leyenda like this.
  4. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Glad to see you here bro!!! Welcome to VF and enjoy your stay! Don't forget to drop by the Akira and Aoi character forums-You'll find alot of great stuff there! Here's some other things to get you started-courtesy of our wiki:

    VF5FS System Portal: http://virtuafighter.com/wiki/index/
    Aoi: http://virtuafighter.com/wiki/aoi/

    Aoi Command List: http://virtuafighter.com/commands/index.php?ver=5fsa&chara=aoi

    Aoi Combos: http://virtuafighter.com/combos/index.php
    Akira: http://virtuafighter.com/wiki/akira/

    Akira Command List: http://virtuafighter.com/commands/index.php

    Akira Combos: http://virtuafighter.com/combos/

    See ya around! Lovin' the Akira image! ;)
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2013
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  5. Flantomas

    Flantomas Member

    Hi, new member here. Im from Argentina, Im a Shun Di. Ive had hardly any multiplayer experience. Looking forward to learn a lot and have fun fights.

    EDIT: I play it on Xbox.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2013
  6. Project Bokuho

    Project Bokuho Active Member

    Project Bokuho
    Hi, I'm also a new member here. I'm from Plano, Texas, and my main characters are Pai Chan and Aoi Umenokouji. If anyone wants to play some matches, please add me.

    XBL: Project Bokuho
  7. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Since you are in Texas and you want to learn to play VF. You have a decent VF scene down there. Shiny brentford hosts offline events in that area. If you have a car or you are close to the Dallas/ Fort Worth area you might want to look it up. There is a thread here for the VF scene in that area as well you should introduce yourself there too.

    I also main Pai officially and I love Pai mirror matches first and for most above all match ups. I am also very knowledgeable in the character as well. We should play on XBL sometime. Shoot me a FR if you want and we will see about setting up a match together and I hope you have a mic too so I can tell you a few good tips as a Pai player as well.
    Project Bokuho likes this.
  8. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Sending request now dude (to the Aoi/Pai player). Mine is the GPK tag. Let's mess with Texas! ;)
    Project Bokuho likes this.
  9. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Welcome to VFDC! Enjoy your stay! :D

    Hey, I recognize you from FreeStepDodge-Welcome to VF and VFDC Project [2][P][+][K]! ;)
    Project Bokuho and Flantomas like this.
  10. Project Bokuho

    Project Bokuho Active Member

    Project Bokuho
    Thanks man! :)
    Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.
  11. strat_manuk

    strat_manuk New Member

    New to this game, am I too late to the party?

    My only issue is that as I'm coming from Tekken, I find it odd that I can't really see whether I've been hit or whether I've blocked, same with the opposition, it just isn't anywhere near as visual as with Tekken.
    Shinobi likes this.
  12. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Wellcome to the party manuk. It's never too late to start having fun with vf :D You'll find all the info you need about the game here and a nice community. Just remember throws don't beat attacks here.
  13. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    It's less obvious, but as you gain experience you'll learn to tell the difference :)

    Have fun!
  14. Kukurjek

    Kukurjek New Member

    Lurked this site for some time. VF since 4Evo., but with FS jumped into more serious. Like this franchise, it seems you've got nice community here, for VF6 we need more people, 20th anniversary around the corner, promoted to warrior few days ago, I think it's the right time for me to step in ;)


    P.S. Pardon my English, second language.
  15. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Welcome to the forums! Your English is fine. Our community is pretty diverse. You will find some people you will get along with and others you don't. If you take part in the stuff you like and stay away from the stuff you don't care for, your time on the forums should be a pleasant one...I think!
    MarlyJay and Tocuh like this.
  16. Neo-Tokyo Chris

    Neo-Tokyo Chris New Member

    I am just your average fighting gamer from Birmingham, AL starting his VF journey (with VF5:FS). I primarily play Street Fighter, and I used to play Tekken from around 2005-2009 (primarily Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection and dabbled into Tekken 6). I have an offline fighting game scene, but the games primarily played are SF4, UMvC3, TTT2, and Guilty Gear (nothing wrong with those).

    I am starting with Jacky Bryant, but there is alot that I am still learning. As of this writing, I only have an XBOX360 (but will purchase a PS3 as time and finances permit). I usually play in the late afternoon times. I am looking forward to having fun, one fight at a time.
  17. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    welcome chris, you re lucky to play jacky coz the jacky content manager put a lot of informations for this character in jacky's thread. take a look and don t be shy to ask any question about the game on the shoutbox. =)
  18. mof0nzo

    mof0nzo New Member

    greetings from North Carolina, VFDC community.

    i'm a Super Smash Bros: Melee player who loves fighting games in general and has been looking for the finer games to dedicate some of my time to. for 2-D, i've come to really enjoy Guilty Gear and Vampire Savior.

    in the 3-D realm, i've tried to play TTT2, but find the movement unnecessarily restrictive, and the general gameplay isn't as "3-D" as i'd prefer. VF seems to have more fluid and common sense movement. additionally, Shun Di is one of the most interesting characters i've found in any fighting game.

    unfortunately, your game is extremely under appreciated for how legitimate it is. which makes me wonder if there are any players in my area that play, even online. anyone close to my region that plays on XBL?
    leftylizard likes this.
  19. Star Outlaw

    Star Outlaw Active Member

    Star Outlaw
    Hi, I live in Tennessee, which is kind of close, and I have FS on Xbox but I don't currently have XBL. I might get it again sometime soon.

    Anyway, time for my own intro. I was first introduced to Virtua Fighter when I bought VF4 back when it first came out. I really enjoyed it and got Evo, 5 Online, and FS after that. I can definitely say that VF is probably my top 3D fighter along with SoulCalibur. I had played Tekken before, but there's just something about VF's characters and gameplay that appeals to me more. My favorite characters are Jacky, Vanessa, and to a lesser extent Lion.

    Even though VF is one of my favorites, I'm not really much of a competitive player, and I haven't really been a part of the VF community or played it a whole lot online. I'm kind of hoping that can change if VF6 is ever made. In the meantime, I'm thinking of possibly getting FS for PS3.

    On a side note, I've been editing Virtua Fighter's page on tvtropes.org (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/VirtuaFighter). This game really is under appreciated, and its trope pages could use some more work, so feel free to lend a hand. If there's one thing I would like from this series, it would be to develop its story and show us more to the characters, even just a little with endings.
    nou likes this.
  20. billdapart

    billdapart New Member

    Hello all, new here. Just picked up FS for ps3. Haven't played VF since 2. Almost think I'm too old for this but started training martial arts IRL, so fighting game bug got me. Having trouble with dpad, any suggestions for arcade style controller? Gonna try and train myself a bit offline before trying to find people to challenge.

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