New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    just want to say sup to my fellow new starters and wish you all well. we should all band together as much as we can and learn from each other. lets bounce things off each other, lets spar each other when we can.Lets not be afraid to ask questions.

    on that note check out the new starter lobbies topic, we will have rooms posted there most everyday. i can't say i will have a room going myself every day, things might happen, but almost everyday i will be posting about a PSN room that is open. i am sure more lobbies will pop up as well. keep those eyes open!
  2. cjcastan

    cjcastan New Member

    back in the VF scene.

    VF2 was my favorite game on my Saturn and I had FMM and even Last Bronx. In the next gen I went PS and missed VF3TB.

    On PS2 I got VF4 and Evo but didn't play as much as I didn't have any local buddies who were into VF at the time.

    Now that VF is on PSN i'm really looking forward to getting back into the scene.

    PSN - pinoygamer1

    I always played Jacky in VF2 and 4 as my best character but I would like to get more into other characters for fun.

    Looking forward to getting some matches in.
  3. SegaTriforce

    SegaTriforce New Member

    What up dudes!?

    Uber noob here, been a Tekken player since Tekken 1 days. Always had respect for VF but just no one to play it with so never really got into it.
    Thought id try it out this time round.

    Il be on Xbox so if anyone wants to add me :-

  4. Badonkadonk

    Badonkadonk New Member

    I've been looking forward to trying VF5:FS for a while now. I'm a Tekken player (but not an expert by any stretch of the imagination) so I'm eager to try the new 3D fighters coming out this year (VF5:FS, DoA5 and above all TTT2).

    I've been able to play VF5:FS for around two hours so far. Certain habits from Tekken are bringing me down right now (dashing too often, forgetting to hold a button to block) but I'm having a good time learning to play the game. My turtle-style from Tekken doesn't translate very well, it seems.

    I'm using Sarah at the moment because I tend to start every new game by picking the woman with the best-looking portrait and the reach of her limbs seems like an advantage. I may give Aoi a try tonight because I love parries or Brad because he has the same fighting style (kickboxing) as Bryan, my main from Tekken 6.

    I guess that I don't have much else to say about the game right now since I haven't been able to spend very much time with it. When I get home from work I'll be watching UltraChen TV's episode about it and reading through this site. If any beginners want to spar some time or if any Tekken players want to trade notes, please add me on PSN: SkeetTron5000.
  5. RzaRectah

    RzaRectah Member

    Another uber n00b here, anyone want to add me on PSN my tag is: lazybird123
  6. hurtfulthings

    hurtfulthings Member


    FS is the first 3d fighter that I'm trying to learn (really, kof xiii is the only other game that I've tried to be competent in). I'm having a lot of fun though. Only using Lion right now (need to learn actual combos that can't be techrolled :\ ).

    Looking forward to getting games in (and getting wrecked).

    <- PSN ID. Not playing on live right now.
  7. Wingman

    Wingman Well-Known Member

    Hey guys. I've been playing fighting games for about 20 years, my focus has always been Tekken, but I've played a lot of Virtua Fighter over the years.

    With the release of Final Showdown, I thought I'd swing by here and attempt to improve my VF game. I keep hearing great things about the VF community so I look forward to learning and growing with you guys.
  8. Chestnut_Bowl

    Chestnut_Bowl Member

    I've been casually playing the VF series since it first appeared in arcades, but there was rarely anyone to play against. VF5: Final Showdown is probably the first time I get to play against other people and I'm loving it.

    The VF community has always seem the most mature of the various fighting game communities, so I'm looking forward to posting here.
  9. UKD

    UKD Member

    Hey. Thought I'd sign up here with the advent of VF5:FS.

    I'm a longtime FG player, though recently competitive-wise. My main game is Tekken, though Soul Calibur and Virtua Fighter would be my next two favorite series, for sure. First ever encounter with VF would be through VF4, though VF5 was the one I played the most. El Blaze would be my main, and I'm aiming to improve my game with him.

    I see myself playing VF5:FS a lot in the near and far future, so I might as well get involved with the people who play it. I've heard a lot of good things about the community, too, so I know I'll have a good time here.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  10. TheDictator

    TheDictator Member

    Hi there! VF is kind of new territory for me. I tried VF4 but did not get into the system, it felt more complicated then the Streetfighter II and Tekken 3 games that I was used to playing.
    Now years and years later my view of fighting-games has completely changed and I have played a lot more of them.

    I have played VF5:FS on my ps3 since it came out and I love it. No char feels broken or OP in any way. The system feels complex and simple at the same time and the punch-kick-block set up works really well.

    I play a lot as Wolf right now, really like that char but its to early to say what char im gonna play as in the future.
    I hope I can convince most of my fightingfan-friends to pick this one up, cause its worth every penny.

    I can play with anyone but I live in sweden so I rather play with EU-peeps.
  11. Reinhart_x

    Reinhart_x New Member

    Hello everyone! I am new to competitive VF but probably 80% of video games I play are fighters. I am a top 30 Dhalsim on xbox live (if that even means anything lol) so it probably comes as no surprise that I like to play keepaway. I was pretty good at DOA as well, and I mained Brad Wong cause I liked his fluid movements and Leon because I also like grapplers. In the arcades I would always use Wolf when playing VF3 but I never took it seriously and that was ages ago. I play Goh for the moment as he seems like a huge jerk and I kinda like jerks in fighting games. Hope to play some of you soon!
  12. ETG_Fyeah

    ETG_Fyeah New Member

    Hello. I was looking for a VF site to get info from; and found this one. I am new to competitive VF; and looking to work on my game. I mainly played Tekken and also some KOF a bit. I am maining Goh right now.
  13. Magnussenstein

    Magnussenstein New Member

    Hello. I'm fairly new to VF. I messed around with VF4 Evo, but stopped due to lack of willing comp. I'm mostly a SF and Tekken player(and some Yomi), but when I saw FS was coming out budget priced with nice features, I had to jump in. I'm on PSN as VanDamnation. I will help you, or you will help me.
  14. Deps

    Deps New Member

    Hello everyone. Getting into VF and was looking for info. I play basically everything, but until now haven't really had the motivation to learn VF due to lack of players. With VF5FS a lot of people are picking it up in my area and from the little I've played the game is amazing. I'll be playing Akira/Jean/Sarah/Vanessa till I can figure out who I really want to play. Hope to see everyone online.
  15. Pikocat

    Pikocat New Member

    Hey everyone. I just started playing VF, it's awesome ^_^ I played a lot of Tekken and Soul Calibur early on and started playing more seriously around 2 years ago. I've played nearly every recent fighting game and I've been improving slowly, learning new things in every new game I learn. I'm playing Aoi right now, but a lot of the characters look interesting, I'll try a few others soon.
  16. biZArre_Logic

    biZArre_Logic Active Member

    Hey everybody! Name is biZArre Logic on XBL. I'm a Goh player that wants to eventually become a tournament level player. I haven't played VF since VF4:Evo seriously, despite the fact that I purchased VF5:Online. I'm basically starting from ground zero, always willing to soak up any knowledge players are welcome to give.

    I had my ass handed to me by GodEater earlier, so if anyone knows him, tell him I said "hello" lol. Looking forward to talking to y'all.
  17. biZArre_Logic

    biZArre_Logic Active Member

    Also, if anyone is in Maryland or surrounding areas, hit me up. Always looking for playing partners.
  18. Generalkills

    Generalkills New Member

    Hey the name's Generalkills Ive been playing fighters ever since I was 5 [​IMG]

    First VF I played was VF4 evo but I was playin it as a 13 yr old casual.
    This is my first VF in which Im taking seriously. I'm having a blast with it. The costumes, the large amount of stages, the way the game plays, the cool animations, the netcode...THIS game is 15 dollars?? loolz. But ya I hope to play some of u guys and learn this game to its full extent.

    My GT is brook01 on xbl. I use Wolf(WWE FAN :p) and I sub Brad.
    Hit me up for some games if u want [​IMG]

    Also if im not using Brad or Wolf its probably my lil bro playing
  19. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    /takes a deep breath Hello! TheDictator, UKD, Chestnut_Bowl, Wingman, RzaRectah, Badonkadonk, SegaTriforce, Reinhart_x, ETG_Fyeah, Magnussenstein, Deps, Pikocat, biZArre_Logic and Generalkills!

    i'm a fellow new to VF as well some welcome welcome, i just wanted to say i've started and been hosting some new player lobbies this week and i am just some random bum. we all can do it and i think we should =0.

    like i am on PSN so unable to start one on live. i've started a lobby thread so feel free to come in and see about my lobby. [ i post about one when ever i can!] or go all out and host one your self and post about it. i know we are in need for our 360 new guys to have a place to train with each other.

    speaking from personal experience from this week its been very reward to host and learn with people on my level. i like playing others higher up also but its nice to have fights with others who's level of understanding is around my own also.

    any how welcome welcome and lets all help and learn together!
  20. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    Hi, I am a new VF player as well.
    I am french and I play SoulCalibur5 at competitive level.
    I'll probably alternate between Taka and Aoi.

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