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New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. SCPartisan

    SCPartisan New Member

    Not sure if we "formally" met, but I definitely remember seeing you at NEC in 2011! :p

    Thanks for the kind words!
  2. s1lv3rw0lf

    s1lv3rw0lf New Member

    Hello all! Slightly new to Virtua Fighter (played VF4 a long time ago) and I love it so far! Picked up VF5:FS the other day to finally start working towards my goal of getting good with Akira (he's awesome). Although, I'm probably gonna start working with some other characters too (I suck with Akira, but I shall master him! And I only started playing the game the other day. Looking at maybe Jean or Vanessa, but I need to mess around with everybody before I make a decision). I would really enjoy having some people to play the game with/learn the game with. I need help getting the hang of the mechanics, and I have to use a regular old controller (the sticks are way too expensive). On XBL by the way.
  3. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone. I might not be new to VFDC but I have decided that I wanted to start playing Virtua Fighter again. Here's some information about myself.

    I'm 27 years old and from the Netherlands. I've played Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition for the past 2 years and feel that I need to play something fresh. In the past I've played VF5 with some of the people on this forum but never really started practicing and thoroughly investigating the game.

    Right now I'm planning on becoming a decent Virtua Fighter player that understands the basics of the game and see where that takes me. I will be documenting my progress with the game once in a while so you guys can give me some feedback on things I may be incorrect in.

    If anyone feels like playing with me, explaining things to me and giving me advice, please don't hesitate to do this. I need all the help I can get and am looking forward to becoming a part of this already awesome community (have been lurking in the shoutbox these past few days:)).
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Welcome new people!

    I don't know what else to say....
  5. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    WElcome buMf00d. :)
  6. Hey everyone!

    I downloaded this game when it released for free as a PSN+ member, then forgot to renew PSN+ and lost the game. Got to Hunter rank during the monthish I played last summer. Fast forward to now, just picked up the game again this week and have been getting my ass handed to me in ranked, since I never see room matches up.

    I'm a scrubby Sarah/Pai player just tryin' to get better. I am really bad at VF though, lol. PSN name is the same, so anyone feel free to shoot me some invites for some easy wins sometime! lulz.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    BLKxSEPTEMBER New Member

    What's poppin all...Xbox tag-BLKxSEPTEMBER, PSN tag- DeeThaGee. I've been a VF player since it came out in America. I stopped playing when VF 4 hit but got back into it seriously with VF5. Blaze is my main as some of you may know. I play mostly on Xbox so feel free to add me. If anyone is in Fresno ca, holla!
  8. HunterX57

    HunterX57 New Member

    I am HunterX57,

    I play fighting games.

    I don't play Virtua Fighter 5 since 2 months after I bought it way back when Ps3 came out, because everyone I know offline is a bunch of pansies who can only beat me in Street Fighter 4 and onwards (1 guy I know can take me in 3rd Strike, but that's about it for competitive SF action there), they all hated SFxT (granted it took awhile for a decent patch on the hp recovery) and they just love marvel vs 900 hit combo 3 because they can win if I make 1 mistake and they get a full combo off.

    However whenever VF5 hit the system, they quit playing games within 2 sets because it's actually challenging to guard and combo in VF compared to other modern fighters.

    Basically my list of Fighting Games I own and play online (all for PS3, except SF4AE2012 which I -also- have on PC windows games for live) are thus;
    Street Fighter X Tekken, Street Fighter IV: AE 2012, BlazBlue ContinuumShift Extend, Mortal Kombat 9, DoA5 (I don't actually play this one online though cause it's silly imho), Persona 4 Arena, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (waiting for paycheque this month to pick up 3, and possibly Injustice League pending player reviews), and I had the fun of using my roommates SF3rd Strike from PSN but don't own it myself yet.

    Obviously I own VF5 vanilla, and as my profile info has on it, I just recently tonight bought Final Showdown and got to play against some good players online after a quick arcade clear to unlock Dural.

    My favourite thing about VF5 FS, is that to me, VF has always been a game that it is near pointless to learn multiple characters. 2 or 3 is usually the most someone will ever truly know because of the difference in fighting styles affecting how they play. So when I saw some DLC all inclusive package for 29.99 on the psn, I laughed, I scoffed, I picked up a 20$ psn card and bought the regular version with all customizable action for my lei fei, and now I have a super cool looking Lei Fei to screw around with and I don't have a dozen characters worth of customizable items I would never bother to even look at.

    Also as this is my first post, let me just say, Sega Dreamcast was awesome, and it sucks that they had no disc security and bombed out of the Console wars forcing sega to become a game producing company. Although it's cool that I get to play all my sega collections and fighters on ps3 now, I really would have liked to see how far they could have taken that system if they were making money for all the games that everyone loved on that system. (Capcom vs SNK ?! Marvel vs Capcom? Dreamcast was rocking the N64 into the ground IMO for gameplay)

    This is my super long intro post, I hope many people gave up on reading it all.

    Oh also for anyone who might care about this stuff, a PSN user named daRockReaper told me this site existed after I commented on how amazing it was to see someone actually hit me with Blaze's backflip head kick, and so thanks to him, I know this website exists, and signed up.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member


    BLK: If you have any El Blaze questions, hit us up in that thread.

    Hopefully you two guys can hit Match Making to see about offline gatherings in your area, before the online stuff.
  10. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member


    I'm from London, hope we could have some good matches together.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  11. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Don't think I've done the whole intro thing yet. I'm a big fighting game fan playing 2D games back in the day then moved on to Tekken. Was faithful to Tekken but dabbled in VF over the years. Now fully on board for VF:FS. But I've tried most of the 3D fighting games (even Bloody Roar and Rival Schools etc). Also interested in martial arts in general and train in kung fu.

    I'm maining Pai, she's my girl. Second in line are Lau, Aoi and (hopefully) Shun Di. You can find me online on PSN most weekends. I win some, I lose some, I have my good days and my bad days but I never refuse a match if the connection is decent so hit me up.

    Also London by the way!
  12. RORY

    RORY Well-Known Member

    Whoa London players....nice!

    Since you guys are in London you should check out The Heart of Gaming

    Its a new gaming center opening on the 13th April in west London, would be good if you two could make it down once its open and meet the London VF scene.
  13. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Yeah my mate (not the above poster) and I would be more than happy to get involved in some offline play if it's going. Not sure about playing with sticks though... we're both Dualshock only at the moment.
  14. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I played your Akira last night!!! I didn't stand a chance. Hahaha

    Interesting, thank you for the info.
  15. KageRulesALL

    KageRulesALL Guest

    USA, central time zone. I play between times of 4pm-11pm. I'm Pepsolman. I've played all VF games except VF3. I'm not great at combos... I'm working on that... sort of. I like the old school way more.
  16. Goldfish

    Goldfish Member

    Hi! I'm something of a newbie :) I used to play Virtua Fighter a long time ago and am interested in coming back to it. I played everything they made on the old Sega consoles; Virtua Fighter Kids, VF vs Fighting Vipers, lol and so on. But I always played with my father and when I lost him I just stopped.

    But anyway, after several years, I've finally started playing games again - and even competing offline. :) I go by Goldfish or STB Goldfish and play mostly Mortal Kombat at the moment. I also cosplay the female ninjas - it would be fun to see if I make a good Sarah! I'm something of a character loyalist lol

    So, I'm happy to be here! I'll also be at Final Round this weekend for MK9 and would love to meet the VF community. <3
    Nalaztre, ExzetyXat1, Tocuh and 3 others like this.
  17. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Welcome! Always nice to see another Sarah player join!

    Glad to hear you are getting back into VF as well. I believe a good number of people, myself included, are going to be at FR16 this weekend. Either way, enjoy the site/game and have fun!
    Goldfish likes this.
  18. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Welcome : )
    Goldfish likes this.
  19. Goldfish

    Goldfish Member

    I get into Atlanta late tonight, but I hope I can find some VF players for casuals tomorrow :) I'm hard to miss at these things lol, so if you see a smiley chick dressed as Jade definitely come say hi! I'm pretty friendly :)
    ToyDingo likes this.
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So how did you do at the event? Not sure which person was you on the tournament list. . . or did you miss it?

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