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New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

    Hi! I'm borned in 1981! My best ages was in Neo Geo times! I like Shun Di!
  2. daRockReaper

    daRockReaper Shadow Hammer MADNESS Bronze Supporter

    I'm a El Blaze player Been playing FS for a few days I'm kinda decent but I would like to get a lot better. Hopefully I'll see you all on PSN or if I'm lucky, at a tournament. Until then..

    GGs and HDs,

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    This video's a GREAT place to start. :)

  4. jb3777

    jb3777 Member

    Hello Everyone.
    Im here to find good opponents to play against. I like to make a big lobby full of good players similar to SF4's endless battle. Send me a PSN friend request and mention you are from VFDC.
  5. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    EvenPit here new to this site. Love vf like everyone else!

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Enjoy your stay and don't ever be afraid to ask questions when you need
  7. Greetings Everyone. Names Richard aka Emperor Paine coming out of Las Vegas, NV. I'm an Aoi player and looking forward to playing as many of you guys as possible. On 360 gamertag Emperor Paine (psh real original). Feel free to add me up and put me on blast for ll i want to do is play as many different players as possible and hit up some events.
  8. AfroPrime

    AfroPrime New Member

    New to VF! I own VF4: Evo, VF5:O, and just recently grabbed FS. Despite owning three of them, I've only now started to actually try and learn this game properly. By that I mean I haven't really played my copy of VF4, and I wasn't going online much in 5 due to not having much time to game in general.

    Anyways, I've always liked Akira, though after checking out Jean I liked what I saw. Plus Lei Fei because monks.

    I've been playing FS for about a week now and while I certainly wasn't expecting to be pro in just a few days, I am a little disheartened at my experience online so far.
    VF's system is mostly foreign to me, but I have a lot of experience with fighters in general (Soul Calibur, DOA, SF, Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, MvC, Jojos, Bloody Roar, etc).

    Though typically an online match begins with me planning out my first move, and 9/10 my opponent will hit me before I can even guard it seems. Here and there I've been able to get a sabaki or other counter move, but just as I'm starting to think I'm getting the hang of this game I'm suddenly getting PPPP'd out by Jacky and all other sorts of jab silliness. One particular fight against Vanessa confused me greatly; she went down into her prone stance with her legs facing me, and continuously using some groin kick that I simply couldn't figure out how to low crush or avoid.
    It seems like no other fighting game I've played has prepared me for how maneuvering works in this one- I constantly feel like I'm wearing cement shoes.
    I've never had to start back at square one so much while learning a new game.

    Anyways that being said I'm gonna keep it goin.
  9. TheMeth90

    TheMeth90 Member

    Hi everyone, i'm from France, i'm 21, i play VF5FS since its release, i'm still learning basics of the game so i came here to pick some tricks and find some players to play with.

    By the way, very nice website and forum!
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


    Glad to see more new players :D. Welcome!

    Sorry to hear about your bad online experiences man, but at the same time, we all go through it at some point, quite honestly. VF's very different from every other fighter, 2D or 3D, so while many strategies from other fighters still apply, they almost always work differently in VF.

    Take spacing for example. Spacing is very important in VF. You say you feel like you are in cement shoes - in my experience, it's common to feel like that, when coming into VF! The walk-speed of characters is very slow for mostly everybody, and I believe that Akira and Jean probably have some of the slowest walk-speeds.

    So this makes dashing important (which I'm sure you might have figured), and more importantly: dash cancelling! When you dash, you cover space quickly, but there is some recovery, particularly for backdashing. This might be annoying when you are trying to backdash away from stuff like Vanessa's Stomach Break from her Intercept stance (the annoying kick she does from that laying down position of hers). It's pretty slow to merely use two backdashes in a row (because of the recovery in between the dashes).

    This is where dash cancelling comes in. While dashing, you can use other movements, or sometimes the guard button, to cancel out of the recovery animation of your dash.

    Continuing the example of backdashing -- you cannot really backdash into another backdash, but you can backdash and cancel the recovery into sidestep. In other words, press Back,Back to backdash, and then immediately press Up or Down to cancel into sidestep. The great thing is that you can also cancel your sidestep into another backdash. That means you can cover alot of ground by stringing these together (try it : Back,Back,Up-->Back,Back,Up-->Back,Back,Down-->Back,Back,Up-->.....etc). Congratulations - you have learned dash cancelling! Learning this opens up a new level of mobility for every character in the game!

    You can try this great link for more info: http://gohnotes.wordpress.com/2008/08/16/stepping-guide/ . It's pretty old, and based on Vers.C VF5 (the old VF5), but the tech still applies even now.

    But also, you can use lows or low-hitting mids (Down P,Down K,Down-forward K,etc...) to hit Vanessa out that stance.

    Now as far as the PPPP'ing issue -- again, everybody goes through that, so you're not alone. P/Down P is very annoying, but there is a reason it is used so often. P/Down P is the fastest move in the game across the board (with a few very specific exceptions), so in close range, P/Down P will reliably beat out other moves, which are slower. It is (of course) low damage, but its important, because it limits the amount of moves your opponent can use against you. In other words, P/Down P is used to cut your opponents movelist he can use against you in half or an even greater percentage.

    Essentially this is getting into the essence, the real meat and potatoes of VF, but I'm going to write a super-short explanation. If you are in neutral or in disadvantage (you do a move, and it's blocked or it whiffs), using block, or using your quick,basic moves (P, elbow, Down P, akira's Forward Forward P, etc) are the way to go. But if you are in advantage (you block your opponent's move, or he/she whiffs), or you have a spacing advantage, you can use alot more of your moves without worrying about getting hit. Now exactly WHAT you can use and WHEN, well, that's what this website is for. :) BTW, if you don't know how frames work, and you want to get high-lvl in VF, now is a very good time to learn
    Chanchai likes this.
  11. SilverForte

    SilverForte New Member

    Hey everyone. I recently obtained FS, and thought it would be nice to sign up here, as I'm pretty new to the series. I play pretty much every other fighter out there, so I'm hoping I can use what I learned from them and apply it here. I enjoy playing Aoi and Leon.
  12. AfroPrime

    AfroPrime New Member

    Thanks, bud, all very helpful info!

    Right after I made my post I noticed the video you posted earlier up the page and after a brief laugh at the length of it I watched anyways.

    My eyes have now been completely opened. That video is just what I needed.

    Everyone else who's new and reading this, I urge you all to watch that video. Yes, it's long, but it really needs to be watched.

    Honestly, I feel like I've reached enlightenment after having seen it. You're very right, BLACKSTAR, this game has its own rules, and I'm so very relieved now that I know what I was doing wrong.

    Absolutely mind blowing game.
    Chanchai and BLACKSTAR like this.
  13. Brad K

    Brad K Member

    Hi, sudden reinterest in fighters brought me back to VF. I had 4 and 5 but never really played online, or got very good at them. I've always loved martial arts, growing up on Bruce Lee flicks and Karate Champ arcade. Things sure have changed! Battle arena toshinden, tekken and doa, soul calibur were fascinating, VF s
    seemed the most solid,but i didnt play much in the arcade.

    I never really got good at any of these games but had fun for a while, eventually getting bored and moving on...until 4 and 5 came out which i dabbled in a little and moved on again.
    The release of doa 5 got me excited again and i went out and grabbed the recent Soul Calibur 4, Tekken 6 and Virtua Fighter FS. I even invested in a new Hori fight stick which should arrive this week.

    They are all fun in their own respects but something about VFs gameplay has made me want to play online and become a better player. I don't mind losing, and playing high ranked players, sometimes thats all thats around, but if your "new" like me, or have patience, or want to teach a thing or two(are there any sensei around? :) )feel free to add me.

    Xbox gt:Brad Klaas
    California but play worldwide with rare lag.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    hi, welcome to VFDC. If you want, you can try and add me later on today, but I just have to get rid of some people on my list first (list stays full :/)
    Brad K likes this.
  15. Setsuna XY

    Setsuna XY New Member

    Greetings to all of you.
    I'm also new to VF5FS.
    The last VF I played was VF3tb. So its been a long time.

    I'm 27, from Germany and on XBOX Live. Hope to see some of you guys online...
  16. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    glad to see more european players. I'm sure you will find more german player as you setsuna. But when you feel like expanding your territory hit me up on xbox live :D i'm from italy and usually i have a good connection with german players. There will be also a tournament in amsterdam for every european player of vf, think about it.
  17. CodyHunter07

    CodyHunter07 Well-Known Member

    Hey, players.

    New to the site, NOT new to VF...been playing it on and off since the original at the arcade.
    Started to get back into it again with the new Final Showdown version.

    I am an actual martial arts practitioner, and the reason I like VF more than other fighters is it is as close to actual martial arts as you can get without getting round kicked in the head for real...haha.

    I am looking forward to the day when a REAL martial arts simulator is made (they have race sims, life sims, sports sims...why not martial art sims!!??).
    Though I say VF comes close (all styles are based on real martial arts), I gotta say not ONCE in all my 20 years of martial arts have I EVER seen bodies held up in the air while someone continually landed punches and kicks on them...:D

    Aaanyways...nice to be here, and am looking forward to learning, helping, and chatting.:)
    Chanchai and BLACKSTAR like this.
  18. Akire

    Akire Member

    Hi every one !

    I'm Akire, from France and I play Akira. I've began Fighting Game with SoulCalibur. Now, I only play Virtua Fighter and I'm searching for player. I'm on PSN and XBL. GT: AkireSWGA, PSN : shosho-kun.

    See you soon ! ;)
    Chibiaya likes this.
  19. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Welcome to VF, Akire!

    I have to admit I am excited to see the growing number of VF players in Paris (though it seems sadly at the expense, or result of, Soul Calibur V).

    Hope VF treats you well!
    JacobEvo and Akire like this.
  20. Welledge

    Welledge New Member

    Hey Everyone!!!

    VF5FS is my very first VF game! My name is Wayne and I'm from Washington State, I became interested in Virtua Fighter after seeing the great number of people I saw in the arcades in Okinawa last summer.

    I'm originally a street fighter player who wants to broaden my horizons by learning a game like Virtua Fighter and want to get to a competitive level at it! I just bought VF and picked up Kage and am having a blast even though i'm currently only playing training mode, hopefully i see some of you online soon :)
    Chanchai likes this.

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