New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Sumo4life

    Sumo4life Member

    Hey guys! I'm a Taka player from Oklahoma looking forward to play and learn VF5! I'm not new to fighting, but very new to the virtua fighter series. Tekken player at heart, but this game reminds me a lot of Tekken and I happen to fall in love with Taka.. since I'm a ganryu player.

    One day I hope to be one of the best Taka players in the state. I play on xbox360 on my friend's account. Dancemonkey16! Hope to play and meet some of you guys in the future!
    tonyfamilia likes this.
  2. ShadowZiggy

    ShadowZiggy Member

    Hey everyone, I'm pretty new here.

    I've been playing VF5:FS for a while now and I've been trying to get better with Eileen everyday.
    tonyfamilia likes this.
  3. EastBayKage

    EastBayKage Well-Known Member

    Hi everybody. Just started learning about the VF community and FGC in general over the last several months via osmosis from following pro Starcraft 2. I played VF4/evo like crazy back in high school with my friends (though we were never that good), and FS has reignited our love for the game.
    tonyfamilia likes this.
  4. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

    Hellouuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Training must be hard, infinity, unlimited and for death! Hands fast like a comets and legs so long, strong and not stinky! Belly not hurt, stomach, liver and back bone muscle are so healthy! Attack!
  5. MLGCarlos

    MLGCarlos Member

    Im Carlos, and I'm the community manager for MLG. I just wanted to come by and introduce myself to everyone and let everyone know if there are any questions you might have I can definitely help. Thanks again and stay tuned for more info from us. :)
  6. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Welcome to everyone who comes here and actually want to be part of the community [​IMG]

    Hi Carlos, if you are from MLG - there are most likely questions or concerns about MLG in this thread about MLG Rayleigh
  7. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Hello everbody im new to the VF community. Been playing since VF4.
  8. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    Hello, welcome to the site!
  9. Blas

    Blas New Member

    Ummm Hi everyone ^_^ My name is Eric,I'm 15yrs. old, and i go by the name blasianpersuasi (I'm not 1/2...more like 1/4) but yea hehe anyways I'm a DOA player. I've always been a fan of VF since VF4:evolution and my main is sarah! I'm currently a defender rank in VF5fs,but I dont think my sarah is that good, so I hope you guys can help me [​IMG] oooh and My PSN id is: blasianpersuasi [​IMG]
    tonyfamilia likes this.
  10. cmdr_nippon

    cmdr_nippon New Member

    Hey guys,

    I've been brought here by a couple of members (MarlyJay and Jide) here after a couple of weeks fighting them at a small tournament in Walthamstow, England.

    I've played VF before but until quite recently I've never taken it to a competitive level. Now I'm enjoying the game very much I've decided to take it to a more competitive level. So I've decided to pop on here and get help and ask for advice in trying to level up my Jean play.

    So hey and glad to be on board. [​IMG]

  11. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    Hey Guys

    I'm a new VF player from the Netherlands who hopes to improve his game. I originally come from a Tekken background so it's hard to get into the VF mechanics sometimes. I hope I can learn a lot on this forum [​IMG]

    I main Jean, but I'd like to master Vanessa as well, since she's the closest to my Tekken main: Dragunov.
  12. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Hello, wellecome here bananas [​IMG] (i love bananas so i had to greets you).

    Actually vanessa should be more similar do marduk since she's a vale tudo praticioner.

    Imho the guy who's more similar to dragunov in vf5 is Goh. But nothing stops you to practice with who you like most [​IMG]

    have fun and think about playing in the vf circuit.
  13. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    Hmm, haven't really tried Goh yet because I have trouble with inputting rapid opposing cardinal directions like [4][6] or [4][3]. so I'm having lots of trouble inputting [P][+][K][+][G][4][3][P][+][K][4][P]/[6][P]

    and I can't hit [4][6][P][+][K][P][6][P] consistently either.
    I do like his style though so maybe it's just extra practice
  14. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    well, depends from the pad/stick maybe. You have only a psn id so i assume you are using a ps3 pad, which should be pretty good. Keep practicing and remember there's no hurry while entering an input, just keep the right timing and you will be ok.
  15. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    Hey guys. I'm new to VF and I'm from the Netherlands. I played some VF5 but never got into it. Now that VF5FS is out I started taking the game more seriously. I'm actually a DOA player, but I thought I'd try VF5FS and I'm really liking it so far. I'm mainly a Pai player, and can already hold my own against quite a few people online. Still, there's a lot of room for improvement, so I hope this place will help me out :D
    Feck likes this.
  16. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    We've played quite a bit in ranked, hit me up for some player matches sometime :D
    NightAntilli likes this.
  17. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    Sure. You just need to tell me your GT so I can recognize you =P
  18. Hyper P

    Hyper P New Member

    Thanks to Blossy for reminding me to sign up. I've always enjoyed the VF series from afar and am currently enjoying the online competition, despite my relative lack of VF skill. Hope I can improve my game over the next few months!
  19. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to VFDC Hyper P and GGs last night!
  20. NFlamezV

    NFlamezV Member

    Ola, (no I'm not Spainish). I'm from London. I'm somewhat new to VF but I love Final Showdown. I hope this game has the long life its deserves. I believe I'm somewhat decent at this game but always looking to improve. Accepting challenges on XBL anytime!
    tonyfamilia likes this.

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