New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here!

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Myke, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. SuperDave

    SuperDave Active Member

    Dude. Wrong game. You're getting your characters confused with Chun-Li and E. Honda.
  2. Warriornan

    Warriornan New Member

    Hello I'm pretty new to VF since I only played it once for the Saturn. I love to play with Shun in VF5fs and the performance that Fuudo put on in EVO2012 was amazing. Looking to get just as good as him. If anyone wanna little competitive play online I'm on the Ps3 GT is my name used here. I know there are some people who play on the East Coast so maybe I get a chance to get Drunk on you lolz.
  3. ashstampede

    ashstampede Member

    hold up, preston england!!!!! have you ever been to Street fighter preston in the cafe on tuesday nights? at any rate I am online <--- see tags but i am trying to get the guys to play it on tuesdays and to get 3d games in the mix so you should head over to our FB group 'street fighter preston' to check if its on for the given week or not as the numbers are low but i want every fighting game to have a presence.

    Bailzebub , i feel you are already on my psn.
  4. MegaMaN85

    MegaMaN85 Well-Known Member

    sounds like bait to me! shame my online connection with the states on FS is so poor otherwise I would've accepted XD
  5. SouzenEX

    SouzenEX New Member

    Figured I should introduce myself here...I've been lurking since VF5 vanilla but I've never really made an account and posted til now! I've never really gotten into VF until VF4 Evolution for the PS2, and even then I was mostly a 2D fighting game player until I picked up VF5FS when it released. I dunno what it is about this game, but I really want to grind it out and get good!

    I mostly play Sarah online, but I have a somewhat decent Wolf also. My screen name (SouzenEX) is my XBL name so if you see me in ranked matches take it easy on me! <3
  6. OMG_its_a_duck

    OMG_its_a_duck New Member

    Hey, 2D fighter player here, went online, and promptly got my shit pushed in. Yay [​IMG]

    Holy crap this game is hard to me, but that's an awesome thing! Just means I have to work that much more to not get bodied so badly (and maybe eventually get a winning record online).

    Trying Shun right now after some character hopping, and I like him so far. And it doesn't hurt that (I heard) he's quite a good character [​IMG]

    Gamertag is OMG its a duck, I'll be the Shun mashing random stuff from a disadvantage and getting CH over and over.
  7. Taim_Meich

    Taim_Meich Member

    I've just realized that I've been posting around without presenting myself: No more!

    Spaniard 2D fighter mainly, I love love SF, but also like KOF, GG, BB, Skullgirls and Marvel (I suck badly on those two, though). My 3D experience comes primarily from SC and SCII, which I loved (then SCIII was totally meh, and SCIV ugly as hell, so I ignored SCV), but I've also played some Tekken.

    My first experience with VF was with the awesome VF4Evo on PS2. There, I got introduced to all the VF nuances thanks to the awesome tutorial, and played Quest mode a lot. My only vs human experiences consisted on getting bodied by my brother spamming commands with Lei-Fei, not knowing what was he doing.

    With VF5FS, and after adapting as best as I could to the changes from VF4Evo, I started playing online. 250 matches later, I'm much better than what I was at first, but I don't think I have more than a 40% win rate, probably a bit less.

    My main (and only, so far) character is Goh, because I used to practice Judo and thus was a natural selection. After picking him because of judo, I realized that, luckily for me, his style of not many strings, simple combos suited my poor execution, decent yomi very well. I like the style of several other characters, namely Akira, Vanessa, and Jean, but they seem too complicated to use for me >_<

    BTW, I'm glad to see some familiar names from XBL around here: Hi ashstampede!

    Gamertag is Taim Meich, and I play on central europe time.
  8. Z3R0fun

    Z3R0fun Member

    Hello all fellow Virtua Fighters!!! I pretty much new to playing VF5/FS. Back in the sega saturn days some friends and myself use to play VF2 some what regularly but very casual "no one learned move sets". I loved fighting games but eventual went to the other game genres due to the fact no one locally played fighters anymore. Well after playing some new fighters both 2d and 3d I got back into it. But when I picked up normal VF5(6 years too late) I realize heres the series I want to play almost exclusively. Right now I am really enjoying VF5FS though getting spanked quite often online but I keep coming back for more. Hopefully you guys can help me improve my skill so hopefully I can support the VF scene at local tournaments and perhasp EVO 2013. I not looking to be the best however I don't want to look like a fool either. Well regardless of my rant you guys (and girls) have fun and play well!!!
  9. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

  10. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Come say "HEY!" at the PNW thread in Match Making. There's a tournament this Saturday at Dante's down in the U-District. You should show up, if not to play, at least (again) to say "HEY!". I myself can't make it to this tourney but we have touney's on Thursday with casuals before and after the tourney!
  11. JohnnyScogz

    JohnnyScogz New Member

    Hey all,

    Brand new to Virtua Fighter with FS and I'm looking to learn it, mostly for casual play.
    I'm an experienced fighting game player, but almost entirely in the 2D realm, having played Super SF2 Turbo for nearly 15 years, Capcom vs. SNK 2 for about 7, and Marvel vs Capcom 2 for about 9.

    Nice to "meet" all of you.
  12. kyokujean

    kyokujean New Member

    Hi all,

    I am a player residing in Tokyo.
    Nice to meet you all.

    I am just an average player.

    Since VF4Evolution I have been sticking to VF as my 3D fighting game but even after all these years I don't know who to master.
    Now maining Jean as he fights like kyokushin karate.

  13. Demonstormlord

    Demonstormlord Active Member

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Eliot, I'm originally French, but live in Umeå, Sweden.
    Recently rediscovered VF since, well, it was cheap (15 dollars, you guys! :p).

    Mainly play grapplers/brawlers (Abel from SSFIV AE is my man, what with being a French grappler/brawler and all).

    Mostly been playing Goh in VF so far. Having a lot of fun.
    Thanks all!
  14. Dieeeeee

    Dieeeeee New Member


    Been lurking for a while, so figured I'd join now that I can play online. Played the original VF5 into the ground with Kage, but decided to switch over to Aoi for FS. The style change is a little jarring, but still having fun. Hopefully I'll get to fight some of you and hopefully when that time comes I'll be able to put up something resembling a fight.
  15. GoldUnit1001

    GoldUnit1001 New Member


    I've always liked the VF series since 2, but never could find anyone in my area that wanted to play with me. I'm happy that I can finally play VF online and have met a lot of great players since I've started. Hopefully, the online community won't die like it did with so many other games that I like. Feel free to add me on PSN for some friendly player matches.

    Thanks for reading!
  16. MashPotatoTower

    MashPotatoTower New Member

    hi... im MashPotato ... im a talking dog
    I had vf5 vanilla but I thought it was bad at the time but I was young and didn't know better.
    But that was then this is now! I,m looking at entering tournies in the northern / north western North American cities for bodieing pros, pillaging and rapeing all over the united states spilling blood like an ill mannered beast from hell!
    before that though I gotta get these BnBs down =s
  17. charleypk222

    charleypk222 Well-Known Member

    hello everyone my mane is charley , i play a long time ago vf3tb , i just buy a ps3 ,10 day ago for vf5fs, i play wolf btw sry for my bad english im french [​IMG]
  18. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    Hello guys!
    Im George from Greece! 32 Years old, married with one little girl. I currently work as an Electrical Engineer and my hobbies
    include Video games, Guitar and Tae Kwon-Do.
    I love Fighting games, all of them and i juggle between them:
    SSF4AE: VEGA 5200 BP
    UMvC3: Devil May Cry Team 5th Lord
    SCV: A5 Ranked
    Tekken 6: Cant remember but i did good with Law and Kazuya
    MK9: Sub-Zero but due to awful online gave it up.
    DOA4: Did good there too. I have learned the whole cast but the online was poor. So i gave it up.
    and FINALY:
    VF5FS: I finally settled up with this fantastic game!
    I havent any prior experience with the VF Series since VF1-2 on my PC. I Passed on VF5 and i still wonder why?
    This game is awesome and i will keep playing it and improve
    on a dailly basis. My main is Goh and my secondary Aoi.
    Currently im ranked as Defender.
    Here is a small example of my gameplay:;feature=plcp

    Feel free to add me on XBOX for some VF Goodness.
    I hope to see you online all of you cool cats and help improve each others! [​IMG]
  19. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Recognised your Goh from the vid, I think we played a mirror match a few days back, I really hate mirrors but it was a good match, probably the most aggresive Goh that I've ever played against, the total opposite of my turtle style Goh [​IMG]
    gg mate.
  20. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    Me too... Mirrors are not my forte.
    I think i remember your Goh's playstyle (since i havent met any Goh for a couple of days). Infact is one of my favorite replays. You almost made a comeback and your juggles were badass! I wouldnt say turtle my friend. Calculative is a more precise word for your playstyle!

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