New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Hey smince, I played with you ages ago. Welcome to the site.
  2. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    i remember you aswell who you going as now?
  3. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Hey Smince, nice to see you here!
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    AnimalStaccato, changed mah gamertag.
  5. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Hi smince82 your bound to find a number of familiar faces here. Welcome. Nice Kage and Lau you got.
  6. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    thanx for the welcomes everyone. just got back online after being cut off because i had to cancil my direct debits but finally back who ho. i look forward to some fights later ive been having withdrawal symptons 5 days of no vf lol. ultra lewis thanx for compliment, do u play akira?
  7. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    I do. [​IMG]
  8. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    yea i thought, u are preety good. gonna go and play vf :~)
  9. Aikinage

    Aikinage Member

    Hi all, Aikinage checking in.

    I wanted to join to give some formal backing to the site, as I've been using the movelists and system pages for a long time.

    My setup is a sad tale of Sega woe- I've got VF5 for my PS3 and that's it! No online/Ver.C for me, but I'm enjoying the practice regardless.

    I guess you could say I've been playing VF since 1, dropping occasional credits in the (those days) expensive cab in Trocadero. When 2 came out I was doing Preying Mantis impressions round my house! Only realised that each character had more than the 4 moves listed on the cabinet once I got a copy of 4Evolution at home [​IMG] So you can see how long I've been playing it properly i.e. not long and always vs AI.

    I'm a Pai player trying to learn Jackie as a new main.

    I'm here to join the community, and to add another voice to the call for a full FS port with proper online play.

    Keep the faith,


    Hoping to come down to SVB and get to meet/play some of you and pick up tips.
  10. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

    Hello i got 30 years and I'm from Centarl Europe. Waiting for Virtua Fighter with online mode on PS3!
  11. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site you two [​IMG]
  12. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    Hello.. Im 26 years old, been playing VF since 93.. I remember when I was 8, I first played VF at an arcade, I was so amazed with the 3d and gameplay..Then the 32x came out and VF was on it, I wanted it so bad but never got a 32x(that was for the best lol), but I did play VF remix and VF2 on my sega saturn all the time back in the day.. Anyway I haven't play VF since the late 90s and I just picked up a copy of VF5 for the PS3.. Its ver B and no online but Im still excited about learning this game..

    My mains are Jacky and Pai atm...

    See you guys around.
  13. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    welcome to the site pal im preety new myself very freindly bunch
  14. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Welcome Eternal. Looking forward to some games. Always good to see new VF players.
  15. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    thanks for the welcome!
  16. Jinzer0

    Jinzer0 Active Member

    Hello my name is Julian and I am 25(26 later this year).
    I am new to the site I also LOVE Fighters VF is my Fav 3D Fighter I see me and Eternal have a lot in common I first played VF in 93 at a Las Vegas Casino/Arcade Place. I haven't played VF(competitively) in years and I hope to play some of you on XBL I am not a great player but I think I am decent?(Hopefully)

    Main Kage but plays with all characters.

    Thanks and Good Gaming!!! (^_-)/)
  17. Makakama

    Makakama New Member

    I'm not good with introductions... but I'm Makakama. You can call me Sean (my real name) or Makakama, doesn't really matter to me. I'm new to VF and was kinda wondering if people still play this game at all? (VF5 that is.)
  18. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    ya there are alot of people who still play this.
    if ur looking for ppl to play with perhaps check Good games thread to find active players
  19. Makakama

    Makakama New Member

    Ahh, mmkk thanks [​IMG]
  20. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    welcome to the site makakama im on almost on every night just invite me if u wanna a game :)

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