New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. poiccard

    poiccard New Member

    Hey guys I just got VF5 last week and it's awesome, I'm impressed with its dept and I'm really looking forward to improve my fighting skills, that's why I'm here for actually, anyway if you guys want to spend some time kicking me just look for me over XBL, my gamertag is :Michel Poiccard and well that's it. oh! by the way I play with Pai
    See ya around.
  2. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    hey whats up VFDC peeps.

    just wanted to give a shout out to everyone here!
  3. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Dude ! youre from Brazile? Women down there are HOT!!!!
  4. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    new 2 the forum and new 2 vf5 i use shun my record in ranked matches is 41-106 it's pretty bad any advice is greatly appreciated
  5. soupydreck

    soupydreck New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I'm so glad I found this site. I'm new to VF5, but I've played a lot of fighting games casually, and the VF series has amazed me from the first. I finally picked up an Xbox 360 and VF5, and now that I'm really getting into the quest mode, I'm realizing how much there is to this game. Online play is punishing to say the least, but I'm learning. Hope to see some of you online!

  6. Daggertoface

    Daggertoface Member

    I'm Armor, aka Daggertoface(my gamertag) from San Antonio Texas.

    Don't know if I've played any xbox live games from anyone on here, and haven't definitely irl, but I'm a big vf5 fan so I'd like to be apart of a good community like this, nice to meet you all.
  7. Smang

    Smang Member

    Hi guys, Smang here!

    big old vf fan, not the greatest player but i put up a decent fight i think!

    feel free to hit me up for a player match on xbl if anyone wants to, my name is "smang".
  8. Apple_Pai

    Apple_Pai New Member

    I'm new to the forums and wanted to say hi and introduce myself.

    I'm purely a Pai player; I'm not very good with anyone else on the roster. I like Pai because of her quick attacks, reversals, and tenacious never-give-up attitude. :p

    I've been playing since the original was released in the arcades but I haven't entered any tournaments. I honestly don't know how I would do. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    The only thing I enjoy about Tekken is it's great fighting music. The Dead or Alive series is all style over substance although admittedly the (first) volleyball game was a fun diversion. I occasionally play Cervantes & Astaroth in the Soul Calibur series. I'm a (huge) Street Fighter II fan (Chun Li, Ryu & Ken). Super Turbo was a *far* superior game than III. I have mixed feelings with SFIV although the art direction in the teaser trailer was simply incredible. I admit that I did go through a Mortal Kombat phase but luckily that passed quickly. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    I really liked how SEGA experimented with the stages in Virtua Fighter 3 and missed them dearly when VF4 & VF5 were released. Some of the stages now (VF5) are visually stunning but (imo) lack the personality they achieved in VF3. (I really liked that game - I even have my own arcade machine!) I admit I wasn't a huge fan of the Evade button - Punch, Kick, and Guard are all I need. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I really, really like the home port of Virtua Fighter 5 and I spend the majority of my time in Quest Mode (no online support /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif ). My in-game name is 'Apple Pai'. Maybe we'll be able to fight against each other one day if SEGA patches or re-releases the game..
  9. echino

    echino Member


    Been a lurker of these forums for a few weeks now, so I've finally decided to register and introduce myself.

    Got VF5 when it first came out on the 360 and have hardly put it down since. It is my first VF and the first real fighting game I've gotten into since Soul Calibur 2.

    Started playing as Kage and really enjoyed using him to learn the mechanics of the VF system. About 2 weeks ago I purchased myself a Hori Ex 2 Stick, so I've basically been learning how to play all over again. Because I was starting over, I decided to pick up Shun Di and try him out and quickly have grown to enjoy his quirky style.

    I often play in both, ranked, and unranked matches, so I'm sure I will see many of you around.


    P.S.: My GT is also "echino"
  10. tikgnat

    tikgnat Well-Known Member

    Hey, long time VF player, but new to these boards.

    I've been using Sarah since VF2/VF Remix on Sega Saturn, which means I've had a longer relationship with a video game character than my wife...

    I used to think I was very good at VF, but LIVE online play has kind of thrown a bucket of water in my face. Right now with Sarah I'm floating around the 50% win/lose percentage.

    Gamertag, p33king DUCK, look me up!
  11. Smang

    Smang Member

    hi tik /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  12. Dody

    Dody New Member

    hi im a newbie for playing VF seriously, but i already play this game since VF arcade. but only 4 fun..
    im from Indonesia

    actually i dont have a fav chara from 1st VF but in last VF5 i falling in love with eileen so much, i dont know why. She fast, tricky n funny.

    So i hope u guys help me mastering eileen =)

    oh anyway please add my gamertag Dody R
  13. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    Welcome. Im new as well but it's always nice to be greeted by someone ^^

    My turn i spose. Started off with Goh, cause i loved the idea of playing as a throw based char. Liked playing as him but in truth i was terrible with him had the basic idea of high, mid, low, reversals, blocking etc. But in the start i never blocked.

    Played against wolf in arcade mode and as soon as he did giant swing (Fastest input) on me and took 100 health off i swapped to him straight away. Went into dojo and i've been practiceing with him ever since. Got to 1st dan online then stopped playing ranked.

    I feel that im a pretty average wolf player but i can execute mostly all moves, just need to get the timeing of shining wizard down and im there >.<

    I know i should stick to 1 char but i like change and i can play as Brad, jacky, goh, and jeffrey. Im trying to get good with Aoi but it's hard when the computer doesn't really respond to your mind games and most players online don't even noticed :p

    anyway. Hi
  14. stormdragon72

    stormdragon72 Member

    Hi all Stormdragon72 here just thought id say hi I play lau used to play Jeff but decided to change up Jeffs low game is pretty horrible .Anyway wish i could find a hori stick down here in Texas but i cant find one anywhere so im stuck with the controller ,for now that is, always on the look out for one.anyway just thought id say hi ive played encino
    he kiks tail . hope i spelled yr name right. Anyway later heres 2 hopefully fightin u guys in the future and
  15. McGaveson

    McGaveson New Member

    Hi all, my name is McGaveson and I'm ready to play some VF5.
    Played VF4 casually but now I've got VF5 for the 360 with a Hori EX2 stick.
    I've had a little lurk around this site the past few days and I have to say it's really impressive. Somethings look very daunting but we'll see how it goes!
  16. V1LLA1N16

    V1LLA1N16 New Member

    Hello all, I am V1LLA1N16, I am just new to VFDC, not to the VF5, I am an average player. My friend told me about this site, and said I should join, and I did. I use Akira, and Lei Fei.
  17. SolalFR

    SolalFR New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I'm from France.
    I've discovered VF for the first time on Arcade in 1994.
    After that I played a lot on the 32X conversion.
    Later, I played VF4 and VF4Evo on PS2. My characters were Lei Fei and Aoi.
    Now I'm playing VF5 on XBOX360 since it's release.
    My character is Lei Fei ; I wish I had more time to play and build a good Aoi.

    My XBL Gamertag is SolalFR.

    See you online /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  18. 2plus2equalsfist

    2plus2equalsfist New Member

    hello. I'm new to this site, I just picked up a couple virtua sticks for my ps3 so I figured I'd start taking the game more "seriously." I'm decent at VF5 for ps3, but my friend J consistently beats me, as Akira. My fighter of choice is Jeffry McWild, has been since VF4, I'm hopin to learn some tricks and master the controls so that I can beat Akira down with my Mariners Power! Anybody suggestions?
  19. shaka_zulu

    shaka_zulu Well-Known Member

    Sup new to this site been playing vf5 for a while now decent brad player gametag shaka zulu 1 hit me up if you want to run

    IRON_SKORPIQN New Member

    Hi I'm IRON SKORPIQN, new to the site & VF5. I like using throw based characters rather than strikers... i feel strikers are too easy to use and prefer slower characters for a challenge. I've played wolf alot and have started using Goh but GOD DAMN he's hard to use. I cant get the timing right for his counters & combo throws and when you're fighting fast characters like lion, jacky & brad its so hard to use throws when they keep comming at ya. VF5 ROCKS

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