New to Akira

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Tails1210, May 2, 2004.

  1. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    You're welcome to make any silly posts you wish to make. Just stop saying "Poland" in each and every one of them. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  2. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    ACK!!! i been busy with girl issues. and to top it off my ex totally erased my VF4 Evo file. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif but i still got your number, i'll try to give you a call this weekend. i must punish your Akira. sorry for going off topic. and solidsnake, GLC is just bustin your chops, he didn't mean anything personal by it. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif notice his non-threataning smiley face. we're all friends here.
  3. solidsnake

    solidsnake Member

    yeah /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I really respect all you veterans here:)
  4. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Nice avatar... isn't that Tenchu ? ?

    Oh, and good luck with Akira... =P That guy scares me.
  5. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    hehe I kinda liked the heads up from poland in all the post . Its his trademark! His catch phrase!

    Akira Owns hardcore btw.
  6. solidsnake

    solidsnake Member

    KTallguy: it is tenchu:) (this game is massive). Having good fun guys? Maybe you know any jokes about polish people? Show your mad skiLLz /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif damn forgot to put "headz up from Poland" at the beginning
  7. BiakkoSoShoda

    BiakkoSoShoda Well-Known Member

    Hi guys, long time no see, Excuse me but i think we are going off topic. So I want to ask you one question. The real spirit of Akira is offense or defense? That is a good akira player is a bulldozer using Spod, elbow, Shoulder ram and double kick and so on, or wait the right moment to defense, hit, grapple ond, first of all COUNTER? dON`T forget that this guy counters almost everything... Maybe, playing this way is more difficult....
    Someone could think this is a stupid question... Well, maybe it is. Besides all, each player has a different fighting style. But it depends , obviously, to the character u choose. Zangief doesn`t throw hadoukens... (this is only an example).
    Thank you for your attention.
  8. Valdimiar

    Valdimiar Well-Known Member

    I think that you need to be able to do powerfull combos like yoho-punch-shoulder ram-byakko when you see a chance for a yoho or shouler ram combo, But you also need a rock hard defensive using akiras deflection like [4][P]+[K]+[G] [6][P] and then make a combo from that.
    the [4][2][P]+[G] throw is usefull for when the opponent does garanteed throw moves because then you can do rising single palm then byakko
  9. Mysterio

    Mysterio Well-Known Member

    I play akira very offensive and I kindda suck at the defensive part. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    But it works, when you can play the game at your own pace, it works more than fine. I often use the SDE
    ([6][6][6][P]) or a throw when people QR or TR, kindda nice yomi.
    The [P][K] is nice, you can use it as a setup move. [P][K]>SDE , [P][K]>[1][1][6][P]+[K] and so on..
    It will come to you, just play it, young padawan! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  10. Valdimiar

    Valdimiar Well-Known Member

    I've finally got the hang of the DLC now, if you roll the stick from df,K+G to f,P you than have alot of time for the bodycheck
  11. BiakkoSoShoda

    BiakkoSoShoda Well-Known Member

    Compliments for your new avatar Valdimiar! ThAnks for your advice guys... Another question: I have some problems with Sarah and her flamingo. How to counter? At short distance She's a daredevil!
  12. Wonderful

    Wonderful Active Member

    Seems to be a popular problem countering Sarahs Flamingo. Now I´m quite a n00b but I´ve played Sarah quite a bit (though I play Shun as my main these days), and I´ve also hit a brick wall trying to counter her Flamingo, wether I´m playing her or not. The thing is that when she enters her flamingo she´s almost always at an advantage, even on block. So she can keep pressing the offensive. Also her plain single [K] form flamingo has "unfair" properties as it counters anything you can throw out. Without going into too much jargon, which I´m not good at anyways. I´ve been most successful with blocking to begin with, if she throws out a single [K] and you block low i.e. it whiffs you can punish her with anything, pref a [2][P] or a low kick to get her out of the FL. If she goes for [K][K][K] or [K][K][2][K] you can easily throw out any series you like to punish her, as long as it doesn´t hit you as a counter you are in advantage ( at least seems to).

    This is just the basic that´s worked for me to counter FL, but thr truth is she´s got so many good options out of it, and while playing Sarah I´ve found 1001 ways to fuck with my opponents head from FL stance. The basic you need to know to begin countering it is that she´s in at least +4 frame advantage when she enters it (most of the time) which means that if you keep trying to attack her right away, she will keep countering you. There are other threads on this board that go into more detail on countering Sarahs FL. Best bet is to guard or evade, and make some of her attacks whiff, THEN counter.
  13. BiakkoSoShoda

    BiakkoSoShoda Well-Known Member

    I'll Try... Yoooooooahhhhhh
  14. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Duck first kick (don't [2][P]) and then shldrm MC. But ofc it's not that easy at the end of the day as there are lots of mixups. The "unfair property" spoken of is called specialhigh on her basic [K] meaning that although the attack is high, you can't [2][P] while she's doing it etc cause it will win against everything, you can still duck however (check out Jackys [P][P][8][P] for another specialhigh). If you can watch stance nicely you can evade to Sarahs front to avoid the kick aswell (and fuck her up hc - evade > yoho?) etc but then again there's the hookkick if you try that.
    Basicly; stfu and sit down and wait for the first k to miss if she does that (she can still fuck you up with kickflips / staggergames and what not) and then either 2p or do shldrm would be my tip. And yes; the flamingo is fucking powerful /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    Edit; And oh yeah - use the Mofo search. Sarah's flamingo is a topic that's had posts about it for sure. One was just recently I think. (You knew it would come right?)

  15. Valdimiar

    Valdimiar Well-Known Member

    I have a question, should I start to play as akira
    I can d SPoD AS3 Nearly every time and DLC about 1/4 times I try it. I can buffer byakko OK. The only thing is when I play the quest mode (done 15 matches) I can't fit it all together properly in to flowing gameplay /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I'm not the one to ask and I think you know the answer already if you search yourself (Fuck everybody who tries telling you who to play cause it's just opinions). Play with the char you have most fun with but if you get bored at a certainpoint with aki soon it's probably cause you'll have reached a toughwall to climb - adapting hard technique in the game in order for him to be played with more variation and hence more fun / continue to be fun. Change you character then to someone else for a bit (don't give up) and come back later - youll be pleasintly suprised to see that you'll even be playing aki better after the short break from him. Some advanced players can for example play Jeff just to shape up on their defence and then go back and play their "main" better.

    HF /KiwE

  17. Wonderful

    Wonderful Active Member

    Yeah, I agree with KiwE on this. I tried all the characters for a while and found I like Shun the best/have most fun with. But again, I´ve hit some rough patches because he´s so unusual, so I took a break, played someone else for a while, but not give up. Read his movelist, practice more and then I´ve gotten better and better, more fun/higher lvls.
  18. BiakkoSoShoda

    BiakkoSoShoda Well-Known Member

    DAMN RIGHT KiwE, I agree. I'll try someone else, Jack for example... or Kage... or Vanessa.... But I'll come back with Aki!
  19. Valdimiar

    Valdimiar Well-Known Member

    I'm playing an OK Kage at the moment, I will learn [1][P][K][G] properly enough to be able to do it in TFT combos eventually.
    My kage play is doing OK though and I love doing TFT combos /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
    I was trying Akira tatics advice
    I could do [6][6][6][P][2_][6][P][P] easy and [2_][6][P]+[K][P][6][6][K][K], the [K]+[G] release in 1 frame [P] [2_][6][P]+[K] [2_][4][6][P] was really hard and I only did it once
    [3][3][4][6] is hard for som reason in combos, I can do it from a stand position no problem but I can't in combos /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  20. Mysterio

    Mysterio Well-Known Member

    Ok dude, i know how you feel! I just completed akiras T&A and the key to make the [3][3][6][P]+[K]>[3][3][4][6][P] is to _delay_ the byakko for some time, dont rush it! Take it slow, baby! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
    Anyways, just delay it a little while, and you'll get it. Try pie, try! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

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