New starter lobbies.

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by spiron, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. gns168

    gns168 Member


    Hopefully you dont get bored and come back thats all.

    Just gotta get used to recognizing Lion's attacks. I get confused looking at it. Shouldve recorded the matches so replicate the moves to practice in the dojo.

    So thanks for the tip on the "elbow->lunge punch" move
  2. cjcastan

    cjcastan New Member

    tried to find the room last night.

    searched world wide and 8. None of the PSNs I saw in the thread came up so I went to try ranked matches.

    I got a lot worse than I thought I was since the VF2 arcade days or I wasn't very good to begin with LOL.

    definitely looking forward to getting better and getting some good matches in.

    who hosts the VFDC room generally? Is it mostly Spiron?
  3. SolidSonicTH

    SolidSonicTH Member

    I fought a lot of low-level players last night in Player Matches but since I'm both trying to learn my character and master arcade stick use, I looked like a chump (and these were fairly easy opponents, I could see right through their offense a lot of the time but my poor stick skills meant I couldn't react as fast or precise as I wanted to).
  4. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    Hey man at least for here i suppose i mostly host for now, but i hope more of us host more for sure. my PSN is sneakwars add me if ya want and i will invite every time i start room or see you on.

    also i mean to post about this but it seems the room can be hard to find. i know i said just try looking for 8, but now i think it needs even more info, so look for 8, 3 rounds, 45 second timer and world wide. hopfully that will always cause it to pop up, and of course remember if its my room you will see the name sneakwars.

    still i am sorry you could not find us and i hope you will try again, would love to have you around we are getting a nice handful of people
  5. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    is this your first time earning a stick? it can be rough at first no doubt, you end up feeling so slow, like you are walking in jello. however it will pay off and become second nature in no time, its just building that memory in your hands and fingers.

    come on in to the lobby sometime man, would love to have ya out!
  6. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    [LOBBY FOR 6/8/2012]
    TIME 8 pm EST till whenever

    Hey all, so yeah 8 tonight be there and be ready for some more grinding it out and mind games. i've gotten some reports about people having a hard time finding the lobby. its seems not all lobbies are shown when you do a search just for 8 players or just for world wide.

    best advice i can give to find it now after doing some testing is this. look for 8 players, 3 rounds, 45 second timer, and worldwide. hopefully doing that you will see sneakwars name pop up. if not then feel free to add me and i will invite.

    any updates and info on the lobby today will be posted in updates on this post, i don't want to spam this topic with my msgs =0. also feel free everyone to host your own lobbies just get a lot up at all different times. I think we all are learning something and i hope we all keep trying.
  7. RzaRectah

    RzaRectah Member

    I didn't get a room started yesterday as I was practicing with my bro. I'm just going to add everyone on this thread when I get home so if you get a friend request from lazybird123 you know who it is.
  8. hurtfulthings

    hurtfulthings Member

    ggs, had fun.

    So yeah, after my elbow -> lunge punch gets blocked, I press and hold guard, and then press punch and a direction (usually back, out of habit from 2d games). That covers both strike attacks slower than 13 frames and one throw tech. So if it gets blocked, it's better to just input a throw than to try and punish with normals (about the only thing that'll work for most characters is standing punch, I believe).

    Also saw some people block both hits of Lion's crouching double sweep (2KK). The second hit is really bad on block (-18). Lion can punish it with both his mule kick (1K) and his elbow (6P). The rest of the cast should have good options as well.

    Some people lost to my scrubby 2P spam. Any elbow class attack will beat a 2P. I'm usually really predictable about when I'll use it (towards the end of a round for example), so be ready to punish it.

    Again, this is my first VF, so feel free to blow me up if I say anything stupid or inaccurate.
  9. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    [LOBBY DAY 3]

    tonight was no doubt our longest stretch. i think our most salty stretch at times also. over 5 hours of playing, winning, losing getting bodied and hopefully learning something. my thought i took away tonight is don't be afraid of trying something. just do it. record it to memory and move on.

    shout outs too


    i'll be up again sometime tomorrow so check in. i know felt a lil mash happy today, however i am loving the game and enjoying people.
  10. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    thanks for the insight again hurtful and don't worry about what you say indeed. you might be new to VF but i can tell you take time to learn some stuff, and know your frames. speaking for myself i know next to nothing about frames right now. i just know i was masking far to much last night. shall try my best to remember this however and give ya some better matches.

    thank you however for giving up tips, not many would go out of their way like that after beating us down so hard. good stuff sir, we need to step our games up!
  11. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    [SNEAKWARS lobby for 6/9/2012]
    start time 5 PM EST
    end time, when ever!

    HEllllllllllllllllllllooooooo ok so going to run a lobby at 5 today and go at least till 8 and prob longer. lots of ECT amd MLG are going on today and i am sure i am not the only one wanting to kick his feet up to watch some crazy stuff go down late tonight. still that VF crack i can't get out of my mind! so hope to see some peeps in lobby. ADD me on PSN if you have not, id is sneakwars. if you see me on ask if i got the lobby open and i will invite if i do. thanks all!

    [UPDATE 6:45 PM EST]

    closed up early today haha i knew it was kind of silly to try a lobby on a big tourney weekend, its stream monstering time indeed =0. i'll be on later tonight if anyone wants to start a room and i will keep updated on rooms to come! peace!

    and shout outs too cloudstrife and frozen for coming out. GG
  12. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    [SNEAKWARS lobby for 6/10/2012]
    start time. Midnight

    will be a late night lobby for me, remember any one who does not know this is a PSN lobby for us new guys and my id is sneakwars. add me if wish and i will invite you in.

    hope everyone has been having a good weekend. been a crazy weekend for streams. i know i been monstering it up, but hey back to that VF grind stone see ya all there!
  13. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    a fun small lobby with me karn and GNS. about 2 hours for me and karn, and a good hour for GNS lots of close even matches peppered with some beat down and some cheese. [ mostly me geting lame ring outs] i even kept track of our records tonight. they go like this.

    karn 15-11
    gns 3-4
    me 11-13

    good work karn! it gives me an idea of wanting to run a first to 20 win lobby with at least 4-5 of us new players some night. would be a lot of fun. what do you all think?

    oh and hey! listen! [looks around] i know we got a lot of us new players. come on out to the lobby =0 hit me up on psn, or start your own and post about it here! lets all get in there and grind some skill out!
  14. gns168

    gns168 Member

    tx for hosting again. as for cheese, i tried it on karn a few times as well :p ... didnt work out though.

    faired better against pai as she is a sub for me...just too embarassed to bring it out. got to learn the top pokes/moves for all the char soon to be better at reading and the game overall
  15. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    [SNEAKWARS lobby for 6/12/2012]
    Start time. Midnight.

    a couple hours of midnight fun for me tonight, sadly on work days this will mostly be the time i run my lobby, still should be fun and i hope all us who show up show off some better understanding of our game =0. see ya there!
  16. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    [SNEAKWARS lobby for 6/16/2012]
    start time noon.

    Well been far to busy of a week for me, and while i can lurk the boards at work sadly i can not play while working. still i want us all to get more matches in.

    of course CEO is still weekend also so yeah....... i know where i will be most of hat day lol, still i hope some of my fellow new peeps will show up on Saturday and we ca get in some sets. my PSN is sneakwars if you would like to friend me. feel free to msg me for lobby invite or just for a few matches. See you all online =)
  17. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    I'll be there. Been a strange week for me, with NBA Finals, and just been busy. Some good games with GNS however.
  18. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    so yesterday was a bit of a no go =0 will try to get something hopping later this week. really feel like i need to get in games with you guys. the amount of silly habits i am picking up from playing the normal pool of players is really stacking up.

    not to bust on those players. i feel they are just playing the game to play it. hitting buttons and not really trying to learn. good for them if they are having fun. i just know that playing them is not going to help my goal out in the long run. the goal of not being a fraud in this game lol. of being able to show up at a tourney and not going 0-2. i'm never going to be tip top. never going to be a guy that people say "damnnnnnnnnn" about. i do want to be solid however. i am far from solid at the moment.
  19. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    I was really busy yesterday and when I was free I didn't want to play VF. My connection has been spotty this weekend anyways, haven't gotten much in.
    Ranked has been terrible for me the past week. A few good matches here and there. Most players are more concerned about their record than playing the game. So most players scrub it out it seems. Good for learning how to evade, but that's about it. I've got some stuff with Sarah I've been wanting to test out too.
    There is only so much I can do against scrubs. I've been getting better fights with the computer lol. However even then, only so much I can do when implementing what I've learned in the dojo into a game. Hope my connection gets better during the week so we can get some games in.
  20. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    yeah man i feel ya about ranked. i feel like i play either dudes really ahead of me, and while i enjoy that i feel like just one game with them does not do much for me other then being a measuring stick. or i play guys were i don't have too think at all to get in a win. i just know i can run up launcher or poke out and they will never block or adjust to it.

    i feel like its all leading to a big set up, i only play maybe 10 ranked matches a day and i feel once i get above hunter i will just be eating it for a while. i am gaining too many bad habits i feel

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