New North West UK VF Thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Sounds cool, I think my stuff is all too old and shitty to support it though.
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Thread resurrection!!!

    Dan I'm calling you out, there's a VF5 tourney going on down in Harrow at the end of May:

    Can you make it?

    I'll be going down with Ade and Scott, plus other guys (Kane, True-Phase, Smraedis and pawndriver tho these guys are mainly GG heads that you won't know from neoempire). Bumped into Darius for the first time in about 2 years or something the other day in Virgin when Scott and me were playing VF5 lol (on pads of course /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif ).

    Anyway, I'm literally days away from getting my US PS3 so if nothing else me and Mike will be gearing up for this. Will you be able to make it down? We'll almost definitely being staying in a hotel over night so you may need the monday off or something (if you want to stay with us that is).

    Anyway let me know here or PM me or something if you're interested.
  3. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Sounds good, count me in, I may take you up on staying with you lot in a hotel. I played a guy from Activision a couple of days ago, the matches are gonna be on a PSM dvd in the future, which is cool. Its got me feeling confident about vf5, its a shame 1 player is pretty arse, as well as no training mode /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif Should be a good turn out at Harrow, are there any prizes for vf? Manchester guys, come here and play damnit!
  4. kaworu

    kaworu Member

    just thought i would check out this place once again as chris is spreading the word, Dan, you may remember me (Scott another Lion player...but not very good ;_; ) I once met you at chris' VF meet. I'm entering the tourney too.

    I don't use Lion anymore (b,d/f+p no more!) I just use Goh but not having a PS3 is just torture.
  5. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Hi Scott, would be good to play you again. Like I said, if any of you guys wanna come play ps3 here then you're very welcome.
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure there will be at least some cash prizes for top 3 on VF5 but you'll need to check back to NE to find out all details as they are put up.

    Last time we stayed in a hotel which was just round the corner from the event, it's not like a 5 star thing but it's nice enough and the breakfasts good in the morning!
  7. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    For the record, Rayne beat me 10-0.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yo, ElectricLeo are you going to be at the VF5 ReBirth 2 event in Harrow?

    There should be about 4 or so of us coming down to play VF now, there are more of us traveling down but the majority will just be playing GG.

    I've got my set up sorted here now so sessions/small tournies to get the ball rolling will be happening soon. I'm ordering some sanwa parts today to mod the HFS3s, tho I'm also thinking of doing a full PS3-DC stick conversion instead.

    Long shot but Darius if by any chance you're reading this please post and get back in touch, forgot to get your number the other day.
  9. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Is the date in the picture? I can't get the picture to load.

    I can maybe make it, but I'm travelling a lot April/May with work, so it depends on the date. I'm up for it in principle, though! I'm trying to make myself commit to at least one significant journey to an event/player each month (as well as more local casuals). It's hard finding the time, though.
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know how it can be.

    The rebirth event is on 27th may which is a sunday. There are 4 tournies planned (GG, VF5, HnK and CvS2) and a team battle (GG north v south). I'm not sure when the team battle is but the outline of the event is:

    GGXX/ (early afternoon)
    VF5 / HnK (mid afternoon, note you can't enter both)
    CvS2 (early evening)

    But if you can't make it to this, there is also Summer Showdown 07 looming, that's on the weekend of 14th and 15th July featuring VF5, T5:DR, 3S, GGXXAC and HSF2.

    Later on there is the massive BoD (Battle of Destiny) which I think is planned for Nov but that's quite a while off.
  11. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Ah right. I can make it after class, so I'll probably get there around 4/5pm. Too late for the tournament but as long as I get to play everyone then I'll be happy.
  12. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Ah right. I can make it after class, so I'll probably get there around 4/5pm. Too late for the tournament but as long as I get to play everyone then I'll be happy.
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Cool, I'll probably see you down there anyways, 6 of us are booked up to come but it'll be me, Mike, Ade and Scott playing VF, the other guys coming don't.

    So, to put the VF flag back on the north west map I'm having a small casual session tonight. Depending on how the matches go I'll cap some and stick them on youtube. They won't be on as I don't have the stuff I need in order to do that they'll proba just be capped directly from my PS3.

    Fingers crossed, Neo Empire RBs up here will be starting shortly too.
  14. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member


    When you say North West can you be more specific?
  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Specific in what sense? I mean north west UK:

    For historical reasons the "north west" title was added to this thread as "north" was just too big and general. In the past we actually had players (Elite, Ev2 and fishandonechip) travel down from Leeds to meets as well as players like Rayne traveling from other areas.

    I myself am located in Manchester, along with around 4-5 other VF players currently.

    If you check out the you'll see plans for the future of UK RBs. The idea is to break the UK down into regions and run RBs for games within different regions. At the end of a season, a large event will be held featuring the top players from the regional RB leagues.

    At least that's the current idea floating around NE.
  16. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't mind popping down to Manchester, it's not too far away by train. It's like 1hrs trip.

    I've been recently trying to find some players for popular fighting games so I can get some competition and learn some more games too.

    I'll keep an eye out for any links, matches n possibly events to go to. Thanks for the explanation.
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    If you want to find some serious fighting game players in the UK, check out neoempire, it's a great site for hooking up with people to play games. They usually run events down in harrow tho (there is a VF5 tourney on 27th may actually) so often you'll be making a trip down south for major events.

    As far as I can tell, the UK VF community is slowly waking up again after the hiatus of Evo...> FT appearing in casino arcade...> VF5 but the best UK VF players are still almost exclusively based in the south. If you can make it to any NE events I'm sure you'll get to meet and play them.

    Guilty Gear is pretty popular in Manchester right now and the local arcade (Jenny's) has almost any fighter in that you'd want to play (all the SF2 series, SF alpha series, KoF series, 3S and so on...).
  18. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    What does it cost to play at Jenny's?
  19. DammyG

    DammyG Well-Known Member

    Hi, what's the scene like for VF5 in the UK, I am really getting into the game now but have no one to fight.
    Is there any ranking battles for VF5?

    There will be VF5 at my tournament at the anime expo the day before rebirth if anyone is interested. I just want to see VF5 grow it's the only fighting game I am really interested in but I can't find anyone to play:(

    Oh and I am new to using arcade sticks, I've only played VF5 for 3 days and my shoulder is hurting, is this normal to start with?
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    The cabs in Jenny's vary depending on what you want to play.

    The 3S cab is on 50p 1 credit, 3 or £1 currently. The T5.0 cab is 50p 1 credit, 2 credits for £1 and IC cards £1. There are 2 gamebox cabs which contain hundreds of games on them (SF2 series, KoF series, SF alpha series and so on) that's 50p 1 credit or 3 for £1.

    Part of your question is answered here:

    If you know about rebirth, have you been to previous NE events? If you went to fighter's day 3 then you will have seen a lot of the south based players there no doubt.

    If you can't find anyone to play, how are you holding a VF5 tournament?

    Your shoulder should never hurt if you're using an arcade stick controller and playing fighting games, you're doing something seriously wrong if it does. The motion should only really be in the forearm (slightly) and wrist, not your shoulder.

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