new game modes

Discussion in 'General' started by Xt0rTi0N, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:

    I don't think online versus play will happen -- but I do hope there will be online functionality. Some ideas:

    - Version/item updates. C'mon. This is a minimum.

    - Leaderboards.

    - AI/Ghost. Remember the AI mode from PS2's VF4? I think it would perfect for VF5. Train an AI, send the AI to someone to fight and/or do battle with another person's AI. Here lag won't be an issue because the CPU is the one controlling the AI character.

    - Lag won't be an issue if you're just spectating.

    - Some sort of an official Jamboree section maybe? Where players can look up other players to meet and play offline.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Version/Item Updates would be the most preferable thing to have for online functionality as version updates can encompass quite a bit of improvements/additions to a game. New balance tweaks, just plug your PS3/360 online and items, go online, bam.

    AI mode should be obliterated. I'd rather have Sega and AM2 work on more realistic, humanlike AI for Quest/Kumite than waste their time on creating another AI mode.

    A leaderboard is pointless unless there is online play, I don't really care how my kumite character stacks up against some random other kumite player...does anyone? That being said a leaderboard with gameplay data would kick ass. If anyone's ever played the Unreal Tournament series the game keeps track of everything, how many kills you have, how often you use certain guns, your gun use ratio, accuracy, dodging and jumping stats, everyone is ranked on everything online. Imagine if you could log onto some sort of PS3/360 VF.Net and find out character usage for console play, move usage etc.

    VF.Net streaming would probably be a no go, but a download section online that could host VF replays for VF5 would be pretty cool. Even then Sega could just put VF5 videos online and PS3/360 owners could just stream mpeg data from Sega that contain like VF tournament footage/combo videos, etc.

    I know online is out of the question for VF5 basically so all I hope now is that Kumite/Quest is significantly more revamped and improved because most of the matches people from the outside Japan play of VF5, including myself will be in Quest Mode.
  2. Xt0rTi0N

    Xt0rTi0N Member

    I know we've been through this on other threads also but... I just can't believe that VF5 won't have any online functions... They will fall for it sooner or later, in such short time we've seen PS3's exclusivity fall down, untill late summer for the 360 version they just might do it right, hopefully, or at least add it later, make online play available through and update or just isn't right.
  3. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    *nods his head* very cool idea you guys.

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