Discussion in 'Arcade' started by KiwE, May 21, 2004.

  1. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Wanker of VFDC:
    #1 Shang
  2. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Let's put it this way... VF4 would be a better game if sega took out VF4 stages and replace them with DoA3 stages, square by square, pixel by pixel.

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    That would not work because:

    a) There are more attacks in Doa that is catered for environmental interation..Ie Alot more wall throws, Wall attacks, Wall Jumps, Position switch, Knock back attacks, Wall Reversals..etc

    b) Free step is very important for getting around the stage. Vf4's Arm system is not suitable for a Doa-esque environment.

    c) The incorperation of slippery surface stuns to Vf will change the way the game is played completely. The environments make Doa....Um Doa. I know you guys dont want A Doa-fied Vf...I already have Doa, and I dont want to play a game that is like it.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    when you take out things like interactivity, multi levels, dynamic walls, the stages itself isn't so interesting anymore. Like the stage where they are fighting infront of this gate to a temple. What's so special about that?

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    I see your point, but even than, The plain stages in Doa have more pizaz than the square rings that are present now. I loved Vf3's the desert, The roof top, the train station(I want that in Doa /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif) It wouldn't hurt to have some variation(but nothing over the top).

    [ QUOTE ]
    So looking strictly at the graphical prowess, excluding all those things that makes DOA different than VF. To put it another way, when you constrict DOA stages down to VF style standards, the screens seen thus far of Final Tuned, they look much much much more photo realistic than DOA stages.

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    Not necessarily, It depends on what stage your fighting on:

    Tina Vs Bass

    Gen fu's temple

    Tina Vs. Leon

    [ QUOTE ]
    Real life locales are never as over the top as presented in DOA. VF stages does a much better job presenting itself as something realistic looking. That pretty much boils it down to your preference.

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    -Again, this depends, How realistic is it to be fighting on a square ring on top of a Sky scraper or on top of a temple. Doa's approach is more realistin in the aspect that the environment is not shaped by the ring. Vf is more realistic in the aspect that your ass is not falling off of that Sky scraper or temple and getting back up like nothing happened.

    [ QUOTE ]
    It's not a matter which one is "actually" better. It's like trying to determine whether a BMW looks better or a Mercedes. I prefer the gfx of FT after I compared the points that matter between the two games. If VF had gameplay like DOA, then of course, DOA stages are immensely more fun. That is not the case, however, because the two games are drastically different. So like myke said before, you really can not compare the two unless you deconstruct things into comparable points.

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    I totally agree. This is exactly why I like both Doa and Vf, they fill my needs in different ways /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  3. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member

  4. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    OH b.s, we all LOVED vf3 stages when we saw them...they are immersive..actualy places..not a fucking square with some pretty crap behind it that is not even ALL that impressive. ITs nice but will never win any technical awards.
  5. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    kungfusmurf said:

    Wanker of VFDC:
    #1 Shang

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    Quoted because he's our favorite wanker
  6. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    Hi, I know this is going to get me flamed but i think VF3 was a disgrace. I loved VF2 and I love VF4 and evo. When I first saw VF3's stages I was really excited but after playing it I found that I actually prefered 2. The dynamic stages screwed with the gameplay too much and you lose a lot of the precision that you have with 2 and 4/evo. It would be nice if you could incorporate more dynamic stages without making the game gimmicky but I agree with AM2s approach to return to the square ring because they didn't think they could. Who knows, maybe they will manage it in VF5

  7. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    That's exactly why they went back to the square stages.
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    because people are fucking tards
  9. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

  10. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Hmm, then I guess the vast majority of VF3 players were tards.

    Josh - get real. Every time anyone ever got together to play VF3 (arcade or otherwise), they would always pick stages like Akira's, Taka's, Jacky's, Sarah's from time to time. The more flat surface available, the better. This was a clear-cut trend. If you were the one who always liked to pick Pai or Lion's stage, you were in the vast minority.

    I am really surprised that the thread has turned to this. When I first saw the ring screenshots, my first impression was 'wow, what an improvement'. Not 'dayam, DOA is so much better looking'. It's not a pissing match between fighting games and their graphics anymore. That's an issue of the past, I'm afraid. Graphic nitpicking is a complete waste of time.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  11. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:


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    -Lets be real people, If you compare Vf4evo or Ft to any other fighter on Ps2 or aracade...Vf simply shits all over it graphically with better Animation, Better lighting, Better Texturing. Vf is not lagging behind at all..shit, it looks better than Tk5 that is being released(a game that is comming out 3 years after Vf4 first incarnation.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    You must be blind SC2 is the best looking arcade and PS2 3d fighting game hands down. And imo even the T4 stages were better than Evo but anyway this thread is getting nowhere fast. Somebody needs to drop a Stone Cold Steve Austin : ''And that's the bottom line'' post lol.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    You must be blind SC2 is the best looking arcade and PS2 3d fighting game hands down. And imo even the T4 stages were better than Evo but anyway this thread is getting nowhere fast. Somebody needs to drop a Stone Cold Steve Austin : ''And that's the bottom line'' post lol.

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    Whatever. I persoanlly dislike the art style in Soul Calibur II and wasn't really impressed by it visually. My first thought was how little it's changed over the DC version.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    I agree but is it or is it not the better looking PS2 and Arcade 3d fighting game ? I wasn't impressed either, especially after seeing DOA3's stages but for the PS2 and the arcades Evo's stages can't compare with SC2's and even T4's imo.
  15. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Yes i agree stompa but the advantage was that system 246 is basically a Ps2. I still don't believe Evo pushed ps2 to it's limits and Sega can still do a better job. But when you have timeline to port it things can't always go your way /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  16. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    You must be blind SC2 is the best looking arcade and PS2 3d fighting game hands down. And imo even the T4 stages were better than Evo but anyway this thread is getting nowhere fast. Somebody needs to drop a Stone Cold Steve Austin : ''And that's the bottom line'' post lol.

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    I find that Vf4 evo (Arcade) looks better than Sc2 arcade and Ps2/Xbox/GC installments. The textures and the lightsourcing in Sc2 just dont stand up to Vf4evo's. Vf4's (graphical)atmosphere seems to be better. Well this is Just my opinion....[2_][3_][6_][P]
  17. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    It's pretty much fact
  18. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    We´re not even talking about the stages in VF 3...

    (okay, that was maybe too much, but not much...)

  19. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member

  20. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Namu said:


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    PS2 and the arcades Evo's stages can't compare with SC2's and even T4's imo.

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    Are you serious? Tekken 4 graphics look like crap compared to VF 4EVO's. They may be more interactive but that’s it. I can't believe you really think Tekken 4's stages look better than VF4's.

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