Discussion in 'Arcade' started by KiwE, May 21, 2004.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    It is sad that DOA4 stages SHIT on this.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dunno, from the point of view that VF4 stages require a large square volume occupying the centre they're actually not bad. If AM2 hadn't imposed this restriction they'd look mutch better.

    DOA4 stages looks nice but a little overly theatrical for my liking. The direction is more towards recreating a cinematic look. VF4 goes for a more serious "competition" look. Having said that VF4's beach stage is an absolute joke.

    But, yep, bring back VF3 style stages please...
  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    You know, its so funny...this is a graphics discussion thread...I discussed graphics...holy fucktard batman imagine that..when the hell did gameplay come into ANYTHING with graphics...
    Zero - Chan, go beat off to fighting vipers.
    GLC - again, try reading my posts instead of going to cock munching mode. This entire thread is to discuss the graphics...not gameplay or ANY OTHER FEATURE.
  3. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Saurian said:

    You people make this site one of the worst I have ever come across, the players make or break web communities - the discussions here are shallow and boring.

    After lurking for quite a while and posting very rarely, it's safe to say that there's absolutely nothing for me here as the voices of the decent players are drowned by the lesser skilled who only know how to bitch. This site is such a huge resource for VF info and yet all you lot can do is bitch about graphics - it's sad.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, for me, I find VFDC a pretty comprehensive resource then, and now still. The threads that are "shallow and boring" can be avoided just by reading the obviously stupid topic...


    What I also find odd are that there are really no DOA tourneys in Japan? Is this true?

    And for goodness sakes... whoever plays a fighting game for the 1 player gameplay needs to be bitch slapped. The true potential of a fighting game, or any versus game, ie: chess, poker, etc comes from playing against real opponents. It's the only way to get better... enough of my rant.
  4. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    That's one of the dumbest things i've ever heard. You even mention chess, as if Deep Blue never existed.

    Listen: the world does not exist in abosolutes. And even that is only true most of the time. Plenty of versus games can be enjoyed single-player, so bitch slap yourself for talking out of your ass on that one.

    In general, though, i agree with respect to DOA. DOA is a great fighting series, but i don't know that it's better than VF. It's more widely appealing, since some scrubs can pick it up an feel as though they're accomplishing something right away.
  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    It's true. You can learn a lot in single-player mode - like testing out concepts and ideas that you wouldn't want to risk in 2P play initially, until you get them to a state of perfection.

    So, Josh, are you out to make EVERYONE on the site hate you? Because it's going pretty well right now. The only person on your side was the village idiot, and I think he was more laughing AT you than with you.
  6. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    im going have to wait, till a /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif FULL-FUCKING-SIZED/versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif SCREENSHOT is released--to post my opinion. Not much can be seen on these tiny jpgs (character model wise). /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    You know, its so funny...this is a graphics discussion thread...I discussed graphics...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's where you're wrong. This wasn't a "graphics discussion thread". The post was to show some new screens of the updated stages from FT, and most people agree that they're an improvement over Evo.

    But then you come along with your trolling ass and post "It is sad that DOA4 stages SHIT on this....." Like anyone is surprised you'd say that.

    Just keep in mind that the "ring" in both games are vastly different. DOA's are massive so it's no surprise they'd dedicate a lot of resources, time, effort and design in building and polishing them. In VF, there's no requirement "in the ring" to snowboard down your opponent's body then kick him into an elephant, so why would the designers waste resources in building such an environment?

    The look, feel, and design of the stages for both games I feel is largely subjective anyway, but you can't just compare the two without taking the scope of the ring into context.
  8. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    Does anyone think that MS gave Tecmo a bunch of cash to make XBox games? I mean, they can't sell well enough to offset the amount of cash that would have to be spent on those production values, especially when you consider that the arcade revenue from DOA is negligible and nobody in Japan has an XBox.

    Also: One player fighting games are ok, but you do not get the full effect aginst the CPU. VF is fun enough kinetically that the 1 player modes are tolerable, that and there is a lot to practice. That guy sounded like an idiot when he wrote that VF is not as good as DOA and then mentions that he never played VF with another human. And what does Deep Blue have to do with it? Kasparov got so pissed that he stopped playing. That doesn't sound like a good example of single player fun, unless you're really masochistic.

    By the way Shadowdean, if you’re going to troll, do it artfully and with a light heart. And remember, DOA may look better than PS2 VF4, but the game is stupid and the Team Ninja members are Bill Gates' whores.

    If anyone deserves to get mounted by an angry troll, it's Virtua Pai with that stupid signature. What "Revolution?" Is a mentally challenged army planning to takeover the world?

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    SgtRamrod said:
    If anyone deserves to get mounted by an angry troll, it's Virtua Pai with that stupid signature. What "Revolution?" Is a mentally challenged army planning to takeover the world?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Although I agree with what you posted, I don't think that was necessary, Virtua Pai isn't the one looking for drama here.
  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    You know zero, it would be amazing to see you make more contributions than the amount of japan cock you can ram down your throat...if you hate me, or really most of the people here - I could give a rats because I really don't hold most people here in high reguard. If they can't s eem to take any negative criticism of this game, or even bother to try and understand what i have written, thats fine too. A lot of crappy movies do really well cause of general opionion. I just don't hold the general compentency of the world very high, mostly because of people like you Zero.
  11. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    Well, this is half way do have to keep in mind what the stages will do...but from a technical standpoint, you can still compare to the does not make it false in any sense.
    How did this thread start "Ohh, look t these screen shots of the stages...they look so pretty" blah blah blah....geez..where in the living fuck was gameplay mentioned in the original post of this thread?
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    where does this insecurity come from? Again...good fucking lord - did i say doa is better than vf? No..I said its graphics are...thats it...I really think its so sad that we get our personal egos attached to a fighting game and feel the need to defend it from criticism so much.
  13. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    DRE said:
    The Kage move is [2_][3][P]. You can switch between the Evo uppercut and the old Ver C chop. The same thing applies to Wolf's new/old knee and Jeffry's new/old [4][P], etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well I knew that much -- just not the names of the moves. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    Kewl that they're doing that... wonder if they'll let you swap out moves that just changed properties. IE - Aoi's Ver. C double-stop versus her Evo double-stop. Most likely not, but I can dream.
  14. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    Really, I have no beef with with VP. I was just making a joke about his signature, which I do think is silly to put up on the VF website. It provoked me. It provokes us all.

    I only meant that he should be metaphorically mounted by an angry troll, uh, in this case, me. In reality, I am neither angry, nor a troll. Nor do I have plans to mount VirtuaPai (at the moment).

    Oh, and I was trying to show Shadowdean how to tastefully troll. (I know that I am employing an unusual definition of the word "tastefully" here.)


    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    You're right DOAU's graphics are superior to FT's but that's not the point. The point is that you've been negative about FT since day one and troll almost every FT related thread. I'm also skeptical about it but I don't come raining on everyones parade everytime the games mentioned. Will FT be the shit ? Who knows ? Will it suck ? Who knows ? I'll give it a shot but I'm really in VF5 mode to tell you the truth. Doesn't mean I have to ruin it for FT fans. Ppl are getting fed up with you and I don't blame them. Let it go, wait for VF5.
  16. IronFist

    IronFist New Member

    Uh shit my pants ......

    Of course Josh is my friend (I used to post under Cause but forgot my pw) but I can understand where he is coming from.

    He's not saying DOAU (Not 4) shits on FT cause he's trolling, he's exclaiming the loss he feels that VF is not sitting atop the hill of Gameplay AND Graphics it held from VF1-3. (Especilly 3)

    Take a step back, take out the VF crew from the above screenshots, and put any generic characters in there. The stage looks ... generic. It doesn't look bad at all, but is it a substantial leap above evo, no it's not a leap or a step, it's just a stage presented a different way.

    The DOAU stage you make fun of with the elephants, take those same DOA characters out of the screen. The game still screams DOA, you know it's a DOA stage. This "feeling" is something I think VF is starting to lack.... And this started with VF4 and the axing of the built in stages and the implimentation of the "ring." The ring being pretty much the same for every stage, a large square, some with walls some without.

    I'm with Josh in WISHING for a day when VF's graphics stand again above anything else out there. VF's gameplay has never been questioned, but don't you miss playing a game that played great, but also was a few generations ahead of anything else out there?

    I understand in VF3 most people played Akiras stage cause it was flat, but, why take out the undulating stages for those of us (I have to beleive it's more than me and Josh) who LOVED it, and the added challenge and degree of unknown to each fight.

    Can you remember the first time you saw VF3's graphics, and the first time you saw Pai's rooftop stage? Did you get that same feeling from any of VF4's stages? I remember Shun's VF2! raft stage. This was back when Tekken was at iteration 1 and even 2. There's no comparing T1 and 2 to VF2 graphically. When VF3 was released NOTHING could come close to matching it for YEARS.

    I understand Sega's need to get outta the red and into the black, to do that they had to sell their flagship title to the console base with the highest installed users. PS2. And they had to forgo a Model4 hardware plan to be able to PORT VF4 to the PS2.

    I would hope we can all agree that if Sega coded VF4 purely for the Xbox, we would have seen a bigger jump than we got with VF4 currently.

    And for those who clain VF4 arcade is loads better than the PS2 version, well your right, it's looks a hell of alot better. But it still does not compare GRAPHICALLY to even DOA3 let alone DOAU. I think Josh (And my) point was IT SHOULD HAVE STOOD ALONE, like it did for the previous 3 versions.

    Wasn't Yu's vision to bring each new version of VF closer to reality? (Correct me if I'm wrong here)

    Was VF4 a logical progression of VF1-3? I think it was a step back for reasons of profit.

    Sure it's a great game, I think it's the best fighter out there to date. I also don't think DOA is even in the same league. (It's fun though) But truly ask yourself, is VF4 what it COULD have been. On a Model 4 iteration of hardware. (Maybe we could have kept Taka)

    (If I'm rambling it's because I can only see a few lines o what I wrote above) I think VF3 stages are still some of the most functional, pleasing stages ever made. Do people really even like VF4's stages in the same way? There's not the same level of "Being there" as in 3, you might as well fight in VF1 stages. Stages should be more than just "Something to fill out the area outside of the ring"

    In the end, what Josh said is correct, there's nothing very exciting about the FT stages shown so far, they are not any improvement over Evo (From what can be seen so far), they are just .... different.

    He's also correct in saying that the DOAU stages shit all over Any of VF4's versions. Why shouldn't they be compared, if we are comparing graphics and they are competitors in a field. But even looking on the same system, SC2 characters and backgrounds look better than VF4, (Yeah I know the slow down is horrible, course it runs perfect on the Xbox...) We all love VF, but come on, it can't be admitted that some of us wish it had been something ... more in the graphics department. For a VF game to not even be the best looking fighting game out on RELEASE (Or not long after, not sure when DOA came out in relation to VF4 arcade), well I don't know about you, but it hurt, it hurt like Roy Jones getting knocked out.

    And for some sad reason, I expect to get that same feeling when VF5 is announced and screen are shown..... Power VR5, hrmmmm, I can't see competing against an ATI chip today much less an architecture 2 generations down the PC pipe.
  17. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member


    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    VF3 had great graphics but the Dreamcast SC put both arcade and console versions to shame. Man are we bored ! Lol

    ''I would hope we can all agree that if Sega coded VF4 purely for the Xbox, we would have seen a bigger jump than we got with VF4 currently.''

    Yeah but what's the use if it's to sell 20 000 copies ? Ryo and Lan Di are in the unemployment office looking for a job because of the Xbox and it's pretty graphics. Sucks to look good sometimes.
  19. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    And for those who clain VF4 arcade is loads better than the PS2 version, well your right, it's looks a hell of alot better. But it still does not compare GRAPHICALLY to even DOA3 let alone DOAU.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I haven't seen DOAU stages, so I can't really comment on this part.

    I have seen DOA3 & VF4evo arcade & if evo arcade isn't clearly better graphically, the two are AT THE VERY LEAST on par with each other. I suspect the admiration for DOA3/U stages comes from how much is going on in the background. Perhaps my tastes are swayed by too many hours of VF4, but the DOA3 backgrounds just seem too busy for me. When I look at the FT stage pics, I see something that's basically photorealistic & I just don't understand how you can do better than photorealism graphically.

    Also, I think all of this can be talked about without making personal attacks you cocksuckers. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think it's mostly your own taste. I prefer the VF stages better myself also. Serious, putting the different aspects of the two aside, technically and graphically I can't say one looks better than the other. DOA gfx is more anime like, and VF gfx is more realistic. The stages in DOAU do look really nice, but you simply can't compare that to stages in VF4FT. Simply because they are intended to be different. DOA stages are about the multi level tier setup, and VF stages are about one location and subtlety. I personally prefers the VF style, because it seems like such a cool idea to have a match in a peaceful locale as presented in much of the VF4 stages. And really, the screens shown of the graphic improvements in FT really really impressed me. It was much beyond what I had expected it to be, and it made more impact to me than DOAU's trailer. DOAU's stages seemed to be more of the same, but I thought FT's improvement was really a step forward towards photo realism. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe not everyone thinks the way I do, but that's just what I feel... It's not because I like VF over DOA, because really, both of them are far from what I consider to be pretty 3D graphics. I have worked on scenes much much more advanced than things in either DOA or VF. In the end though, I just think it's a matter of personal preference, and at least for me, the new FT stages were more impressive to me than DOAU's stages.

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