Discussion in 'Arcade' started by KiwE, May 21, 2004.

  1. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    I wasn't expecting a giant leap in graphics (or VF3 style stages) since this is only an upgrade to the existing VF4 engine. The new change to Kage's stage is pretty interesting though. It probably won't look that great on PS2, so I hope this comes out for xbox as well.
  2. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    What the fuck is wrong with you... this is still VF4. FOUR. You expect "the bar to go up" within the same game? The graphics being improved just a bit is just what I've been expecting, and seriously, I don't understand all the anti-hype. And you haven't even seen this in motion yet. Wait for VF5 - if the graphics still suck, THEN you'll have the right to whine. Hell, I'll whine if it's sub-standard.

    And who seriously cares about DOA4... except lunatics like virtuapai? Someone else? Josh, will you switch to DOA if it has great graphics? Or will you prefer VF gameplay? If you're going to play the "best" game on the market, and it's eg. DOA4 according to you, then quit this "I've been in the community since 1993" act. It's lame, really. Plus... didn't you come during VF3TB DC days?
  3. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Bitch please.

    Wait you want great graphics yet people want the game to be ported to Ps2. Please make up your minds. Second It is still running on NAOMI 2 FFS this board was made even before DOA 3 was announced.

    Who cares if DOA 4 looks better none of you here will play it anyway as GLC said apart from Vpai and a few others...
  4. Gorbag

    Gorbag Active Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    [ QUOTE ]
    DRE said:

    I wasn't expecting a giant leap in graphics (or VF3 style stages) since this is only an upgrade to the existing VF4 engine. The new change to Kage's stage is pretty interesting though. It probably won't look that great on PS2, so I hope this comes out for xbox as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well... I think such ring can look pretty close in a PS2. But would need to know the engine and plateform used by Sega to know it. If it's a home mode engine, I see no reason it don't progress (They may simply use the PS2 better, it can do huge difference).

    I wasn't expecting stages like in VF3 either, but I keep wanting them. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif And at the end people will compare all this 3D fighting games on console. I can tell you in advance what will be say as ever: Tecken has more characters and is more brutal, DoA better ring (and next one has network challenge), VF stay difficult for new characters and keep reserved for elite.

    And I'm frustrated... lets wait... get all little infos one per one... and wait...

  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    Crips you are a simple creature GLC. I am merely talking about the graphics...for the record, I was/am still dissapointed with the graphics if VF....I prefer the gameplay so I play it, but guess what, except for you and a few basement trolls, graphics matter to people, otherwise a thread like this would not even fucking exist. Graphics are part of what makes the game an immersive experince. If graphics did not matter, it would be stick figures....would you like virtua stick fighter?
    I do not agree with your position that graphics need to suck to complain...I want the best of everything for all aspects of vf...including graphics...When the FUCK did I say DOA is the best game on the market? I said it has the best GRAPHICS, but I never said it is the best GAME...try a reading comprehension course buddy.
    And no, I've been in VF since 2.
  6. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch please.


    Now we just need Rich to pop in.

    [ QUOTE ]
    And no, I've been in VF since 2.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So do you deserve a placard or something?
  7. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    I prefer the gameplay so I play it, but guess what, except for you and a few basement trolls, graphics matter to people, otherwise a thread like this would not even fucking exist. Graphics are part of what makes the game an immersive experince. If graphics did not matter, it would be stick figures....would you like virtua stick fighter?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Graphics are good in VF4. Not ultra-superb-shit, but good. Virtua stick fighter? Are you seeing things?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    And no, I've been in VF since 2.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bullshit. Besides, who cares even if it were true? You've never said anything resourceful VF-wise. Have a cookie.
  8. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Some more info.

    You're not "voicing your opinion" you're whining. If you were not something positive would come out of your mouth once in a while but it doesn't. If you want to criticize something (and have grand dreams of Sega listening to you / others if you do) you should go beyond the point of "That looks shit" "That sucks" and so on and try a more adult approach. Just wtf did you expect? Did you expect FT, running on naomi2 still, would get a complete graphic overhaul so it looked better then DOA4 would? So you were, like, suprised and felt compelled to tell the world it looked worse? That's just insane. No you just went into whine mode again and with the wrong comparision base - FT should be compared to EVO's graphics and as such I'm hella happy cause I thought the redesignment of the stages would be much smaller. Anyone who's followed the FT's progress should - and then it should be a positive suprise not another fucking whinefactor.

    From day 1 it's all been about you hating FT and feeling that other people here should justify for you to buy it (wtf?) and not feel cheated. Clarence Thomas? Want me to have a thought cause I might like it? Here's a fucking thought for you (wth was that?):

    You've whined so much that by now nobody gives a utter shit anymore beyond the point of annoyance/distraction.

    Now about actuall discussion of the stages...
    I somehow think that the sky's dynamic or something. This new picture of Sarahs stage kinda confirmes that theory (similar sky):


    The second picture is, yet again, of kages stage :cry:
    I wonder how more nightly levels will look like and how the "new" levels look like aswell. These pictures so far look like the VF4 VerC. (not evo) stages revamped. At the beginning of FT betatesting there were some rumors about 2 new stages which might have been goh and brads then but there has been no new info on this which leads you to think they might not be there or some lamer got confused of the graphics and thought it was a new stage.

    There seems to be a new singelplayer mode called "Challenge mode" (sorry if this has been brought up elsewhere but new to me) where you get to play 8 stages regardless of win or loss. You pick one of two missions everytime and work in a pyramid structure.

    That's all for now. Fuck you Josh (I never knew you had dollhouse fantasies btw).

  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    Points of interest in the Watch Impress article:

    1: The AI is like that of the PS2 EVO version, where "it's like your're playing against a real person. Even playing alone won't get boring."

    That sounds very ambitious.

    I'm way out of the loop, so please tell me if I'm just late as hell on this:

    2: Finally, details on the adoption of "technique switching" were made clear. On VF.NET, players can swap out specific moves with other moves. Even some moves that have disappeared from previous upgrades will be revived.

    The article gives two examples of Kage's moves, but the names are just too damn hard in Japanese.
  10. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    The Kage move is [2_][3][P]. You can switch between the Evo uppercut and the old Ver C chop. The same thing applies to Wolf's new/old knee and Jeffry's new/old [4][P], etc.
  11. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    So it's just switching between different version of a move with identical motion, like in that Kage example? Basically choosing the version you like more eh.... /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    Ma0, have a Coke & a Smile & STFU! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  13. Mindscan

    Mindscan Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:
    Oh yeah, a monkey dick and be specific..your gunna say vf shits all over doa graphically, since that is ALL that is being discussed in this thread.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hahahahaha! take the dong out of your ass for a minute... sure DOA4's stages may shit all over VF4FT's, but don't twist what i said. All I said was that Vf just shits all over DOA. And when it comes to play mechanics (control, balance, you know all those things that make a game great other than graphics)... you can't deny that.

    Now I'm all for improving graphics and since they have been improved (a decent amount) and it's running on the same hardware I'm impressed w/ the skill of the programmers to squeeze out that much more out of the hardware. As far as PS2 porting goes, I don't doubt that if the programmers handle their business they can make this game look really great on PS2. The system has potential, its just hard to code for because of the dual processors... just look at what can be accomplished with GT4.

    The game looks like its going to be pretty sick. I'm looking forward to more moves, improved graphics and even more balance. Oh and Shadowdean, as you inanely bitch and moan about everything and then tweak out when someone says the slightest thing that might damage your narcissistic ego, just remember how much time you're wasting whining on the internet.
  14. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    More Pics...

    ...Is that COWGIRL SARAH I see on the banner?
  15. DanniBoySmith

    DanniBoySmith Well-Known Member

    cool pictures!

    nice job Kiwe, thanks for posting the links to the new pics /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif. i like the new stages, they seem to be coming along nicely. especially like the skies. i like to fight in open stages in general and seeing a clear, bright sky on any stage accentuates that sense of vastness of background.

    regarding the graphics, i don't see what the problem with them is? the engine is essentially the same as VF4's right? if so, i don't uderstand what people wanted to see in terms of an improvement in final tuned's graphics? shadowdean perhaps if you could elaborate what you were expecting in terms of graphical improvement it would make it easier for people to empathize with your perspective.

    VF4:evo's got great gameplay and i'm sure FT will as well. thats what carries a game. i know we're talking about graphics and the pics here but i think VF's graphics ATM are easily good enough to last us until the arrival of VF5. i'm more concerned with the gameplay changes that will occur in FT and don't think the graphics of FT warrant such intense (perhaps emotional?) responses from anybody /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.

    can't wait for more updates! keep them coming people /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  16. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    If graphics did not matter, it would be stick figures....would you like virtua stick fighter?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think what people mean when they say graphics don't matter, is that they don't matter as long as they are above-standard, and I believe VF4's graphics are well above standard, don't you agree?

    That's how I think about graphics for games in general too; as long as it's well above-standard and better than the previous iteration then I won't complain /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

    If this sounds like a contradiction to my first post asking for an xbox port, it's not, since it was about having the most arcade-perfect home conversion possible.
  17. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Bitch, Reconsider

    VF 4 Evo is one of the best looking games on the PS2. If FT looks better, then be happy. I won't get to play the arcade version anyway, and even if I did, I'd hate to have to play such a cool game with those American arcade joysticks designed for use at the tard home.

    DOA will look better because it will be on the XBox. Big Deal. If anyone had an XBox in Japan, maybe AM2 would do an XBox version. Expect a quantum leap in grahics for VF5, when the home conversion is for the PS3!

    (Please do not read this next part if you love DOA)

    Who gives a shit about DOA anyway? The original DOA was the first 3d fighter I ever spent much time on. It was fun at the time. Those giant, undulating kizonkers were certainly amusing. The up and down guessing game was fun for a while. Luckily for me I graduated to VF.

    Now I think the "Totally Extreme" stlye of DOA is kind of corny. And the gameplay is too simple. P1 guesses that P2 will hit mid and therefore reverses mid. P1 misses the timing by an entire two seconds, but it doesn't matter because the game is very, very lenient. When P2's middle hit is reversed, he gets kicked five times in the head and once in nuts, all as part of one reverse sequence. This launches P2 over a sand dune and head first up an elephant's ass. Whoop dee doo.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch, Reconsider

    [ QUOTE ]
    SgtRamrod said:
    Now I think the "Totally Extreme" stlye of DOA is kind of corny. And the gameplay is too simple. P1 guesses that P2 will hit mid and therefore reverses mid. P1 misses the timing by an entire two seconds, but it doesn't matter because the game is very, very lenient. When P2's middle hit is reversed, he gets kicked five times in the head and once in nuts, all as part of one reverse sequence. This launches P2 over a sand dune and head first up an elephant's ass. Whoop dee doo.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL, I feel bad for elephants. When they're not being slaughtered for their ivory they're getting DOA characters stuck up their ass, it's just sad LOL. Jacky = Jann Lee's bitch but DOA3 (GRAPHICS INCLUDED) = VF4's bitch.
  19. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: Some more info.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good to see Wolf's old knee in action.
  20. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter Ultimate......nooooo

    talking about DOA graphics is superior to VF4:FT, doesn't VF get any credit for it's flawless (in a fighting game) in animation? surely this comes under the same catagory as graphics, and VF definitely rule in smooth-motion-animation-characteristic in game graphics, ehh....yeah....something like that, right? /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

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