New England / Boston / Mass/RI/CT playing VF5 ?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Shang, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. masang_lion

    masang_lion Member

    Re: New England / Boston / Mass/RI/CT playing VF5

    hey Frank,
    sure we could do that at some point. i don't have my own place though and normally i'm really only down to play on friday/weekend. i only do weekdays some nights if i'm not feeling too tired after work.

    also, you are welcomed to the aforementioned "major gathering" i plan to have after FS is released as well =)
    i talked to my friend who had a hookup at Foxwoods at one point about getting a hotel and unfortunately he doesn't work there anymore, so that particular hotel is out of the question due to the cost.
    i will find another more affordable hotel through my friend who works for a chain of hotels so hopefully it'll be ok.

    this gathering would be free of charge to you guys. i'm basically only getting the hotel to allow our friend Kang from NJ to stay the weekend and play til our brains and eyes melt.

    yea Cozby, frank the tank (not you Frank, dr.teeth, haha) is coming along quite nicely in VF5. he played with me plenty at PAX East and there is footage of us playing on youtube,,, etc.
    there's even stream footage of me against Shidosha.
    Hyun is hyunster on VFDC...and as for kang, well, he's MIA from the scene since VF4 (when he used to go to school in boston, but has come back on two occasions during VF5 to play with me and Dobi. the last time was about 3 years ago. he still plays from time to time and i'm sure he'll be putting in some time for FS even though he doesn't play with anyone. he was a pretty good player back then and i'd love to see him play against everyone now.
  2. Dr_Teeth

    Dr_Teeth Member

    Re: New England / Boston / Mass/RI/CT playing VF5

    Ok word! We'll set something up. We could always play at my place, and I'm in Brighton (the green line literally runs by the front of my apartment) so I don't think it would be too far away from you.

    And thanks for the invite! I'd love to go for sure. Is there a solid release date for FS yet? The only thing I've been hearing is summer 2012.
  3. Dr_Teeth

    Dr_Teeth Member

    Re: New England / Boston / Mass/RI/CT playing VF5

    Don't know if you guys are planning on going to GU tonight, but if so I'll see you there! I'll probably be along a little later.
  4. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    Re: New England / Boston / Mass/RI/CT playing VF5

    I'm going to be at GU this Friday for Marvel, but I'd always prefer to play VF. Hope to see some folks there who want to play
  5. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Re: New England / Boston / Mass/RI/CT playing VF5

    Im locked up this Friday, but I might try for the Fridays in the following weeks
  6. Dr_Teeth

    Dr_Teeth Member

    Re: New England / Boston / Mass/RI/CT playing VF5

    If anybody's near Dedham, UGS will be running some FS stuff tomorrow. They typically have a DOA stream going on Saturday nights, but Greg was talking about streaming some VF as well to promote the crossover they have going on. I'll be there, so if anybody's able to make it out tomorrow I'd love to get some games in!
  7. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Boston Peeps


    I was wondering if people would be interested in getting together in the Boston area for some local matches? Either meet at someone's place or we could head over to Brainbox (video game parlor in JP)


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