New Characters In Virtua Fighter 5?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by HiddenEvil, Aug 8, 2003.

  1. Psyckogod

    Psyckogod Member

    Heh. That's true...there is nothing more inherently homosexual than asking someone to be your best friend. Thank you, whats-your-name. You are a beacon of heretosexuality and a paragon of virtue. I consider myself set right and will forever hold you in my heart for your thoughtful words of advice.

    I mean, y'know, it was either recommend him or my idea for a clown fighter.
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't take his comments to heart. You're merely the latest victim to fall into the stream of constant rubbish that flows from his fingers (and most probably his mouth for those unfortunate enough to have to pretend to like him in real life). Remember, this is the same guy who has named his Lau "DiseaseMan". Is this the level of creative genius that once achieved, allows the bearer to pass judgement on those foolish enough to submit their own ideas to the world?

    If so, somebody make me a turnip.
  3. CantUse

    CantUse New Member

    You know, I'd like to see a nationality that is outside of the norm. Personally I'd like to see mexican in a fighting game. I can think of no real reason to say why they couldn't. I'm tired of all the fighters coming from Japan, Europe, or the US for the most part.

    I gotta respect the diversity they've already achieved and say it would be difficult to come up with a new character without using a style already present.

    My votes are for karate (shotokan), some bizarre kung fu (snake, crane, eagle claw, etc.), silat, sumo, TKD. Something distinctive. Most other martial arts I've seen mentioned are more philosophical in nature (Krav-Maga? Sounds like it would end up being similar to streetfighting IMO, but I'm usually wrong).

    I think ultimately new characters would have to be some kind of hybrid of a unique style with a good variety of bread and butter moves, and any character would have to have a breakout image or theme.

    Perhaps an oversized hairy bruiser of a shotokan karateka. His straight blasts and powerful almost attacking blocks intimidating the opponents.

    A TKD practicioner could be from practically anywhere, considering how widespread it is. The guy/gal could be a small (read: teenage!) person with tremendous height on their leaps, allowing for dramatic and acrobatic kicking attacks.

    A capoeirista wouldn't be horrible if only they would avoid the gordo pitfalls of making him too easy. Also it would be more rewarding if the character was a bit "post-capoeira", meaning that wasn't the only thing he new, perhaps a bit if street fighting or moves incorporated from real break dance battles if you follow me.

    Kung fu would be one of the hardest, considering how much representation it already has (with Drunken Fist, Koen Ken, and traditional Shaolin represented). It would be difficult to make it appear original. Perhaps the practicioner could be some deviant who mastered a conglomeration of crane and eagle claw. Would be interesting.

    Anyways, I'm rambling...
  4. Lightning

    Lightning Member

    I think they should break away from the traditional 1 or 2 martial arts character and have one with mixed martial arts. Most of the best fighters in the world today know lots of martial arts (UFC, K1). Even Bruce Lee,s Jeet Kune Do came from a mix of martial arts. AM2 could design a character unlike any other instead of worrying about things like TKD being to much like Sarah.
  5. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Maybe they can put in a character based on Bob Sapp. I know he's not shit outside of Japan, but here, he's super popular. He's apparantly negotiating a fight with Tyson.
  6. Psyckogod

    Psyckogod Member

    I like the idea of mixing up nationalities more. I thought some more about my character idea...I'd make Vinny into Vincentus or something and make him Russian, then toss in a teenaged redheaded Wing Chun practicioner from England and a Hapkido/breakdancer from either Mexico or Jamaica.

    What's Bob Sapp do?
  7. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Russian? Wtf? People, it's pretty obvious we need a Polish character, or the least they can do is put one Canadian in the damn game!

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CantUse said:
    You know, I'd like to see a nationality that is outside of the norm. Personally I'd like to see mexican in a fighting game. I can think of no real reason to say why they couldn't. I'm tired of all the fighters coming from Japan, Europe, or the US for the most part.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    King is Mexican.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Wolf is Canadian.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    GaijinPunch said:

    Maybe they can put in a character based on Bob Sapp. I know he's not shit outside of Japan, but here, he's super popular. He's apparantly negotiating a fight with Tyson.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL! The Beast! Bob Sapp is huge in Japan as GP says. Size is everything when it comes to his fighting style, though he has an achillies heel which happens to be his stomach. Actually it's more like an achillies barrel /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif If such a character were ever made, EVERY mid attack against him should be an automatic crumble!
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    In namflow's livejournal you can see a pic of like bob sapp candybars I think. That's pretty popular. Or maybe I saw it on :p

    We could call him... Mr. T-arashi.
    Or maybe Shaft-arashi or something.
  12. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    We need a character that looks like these: Wushu Powa
  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    You can also do a search on
    Watch him xpd someone /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  14. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I still can't believe that Sapp has a win thru using an armbar... what the hell?

    Sapp vs Tyson does sound hella intresting though, Sapp will definatly get KTFO'd probably and Tyson would become a popular (cartoon) character. I think Tyson is in his true element in K1 and will be fun to see how he does. I'd love for him to come out and throw some legkicks (aint gonna happen)... But g'damn... I want the Cro Cop vs Fedor match and I want it 5min ago. Random ranting stops here.
  15. Cloud

    Cloud Active Member

    I've seen that fight! I personal think that Takayama was beaten into submission. Right before Sapp planted that armbar, he gave Takayama a few good punchs to the face in the mounted postion, and then went for the slowest armbar in the history of MMA.

    If you place the bald head and white outfit on Jeffery, you would already have Bob Sapp. Just give Jeffery a few new moves.... Like the ability to knockout your opponent after the time limit (aka Sapp vs Hoost), punch the back and top of your opponents head (Sapp vs Kimo), to have charge move that lasts 3 seconds where he throws heavy punchs and is invincible but afterwards very fatigue, leg kick do extra damage, and start a round in the American football 3 point stance.

    I think Vanessa is the closest character we're going to have with an MMA style in the game. She reminds me of Silva, all she needs is a throw where she grabs you on the back of your head with both hands and knee you in the face. However i would love to a Don Frye or Feder looking character (all punches with little kicks, some takedowns, and ground and pound tech), and make Brad more into a Mirko Crocop.
    I also wrote a post about having either Goh or Vanessa use the Guard in the game, check it out if you like.
  16. Kain

    Kain Member

    A Kyokushinkai Karateka would be a nice addition.

    BTW for those talking about MMA and, I'm Kain from the Sherdog forums and I love that shit. I play Brad.
  17. Cloud

    Cloud Active Member

    Whats up Kain, what type of crazy style are you talking about,, man. What would a character with that style be like.
    Anyway, since your part of the Sherdog club - We've heard Bob Sapp would kind of cool. But if you could model a new character out of any MMA person, who would it be? Oh yeah, do you recognize the Dude in my picture, I think I took it from the Sherdog site.
  18. Crazed

    Crazed Member

    I'd love to see a character doing "Capoeira", a brazillian martial art, U know, just like Eddy Gordo/Christie from <font color="red"> Tekken </font> (which, by the way, s*cks way more than <font color="green"> VF4 </font> !).
    It would kinda look like a black Lion Rafale with a lot more breakdance-like moves and mostly kicks

  19. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    kyokushinkai is kinda alike Akira`s style, but I think it would look good in vf. First off, with all the different strikes, you can add different properties (crumble, half-spinning osv osv), and with more accessable kicks. Add hit-throws and the endless number of stances, yes I believe it would be my new favourite character... /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    (drivel, drivel)
  20. Kain

    Kain Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cloud said:

    Whats up Kain, what type of crazy style are you talking about,, man. What would a character with that style be like.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Kyokushin karate is the "hardest" style of Karate and the only one that holds pretty much full contact competition. No punches to the face are allowed but they are expert kickers, the main kicks are high kicks and axe kicks". Real life famous Kyokushin fighters are Fransisco Filho and the late Andy Hug. Bad motherf*ckers.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Anyway, since your part of the Sherdog club - We've heard Bob Sapp would kind of cool. But if you could model a new character out of any MMA person, who would it be? Oh yeah, do you recognize the Dude in my picture, I think I took it from the Sherdog site.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Bob Sapp in VF would just be like another Jeffry or Wolf. If I was going to put an MMA fighter in VF it would be Vanderlei Silva hands down, everybody needs to see this guy in action - he's a monster. The guy in your AV is Rumina Sato, Japanese lightweight grappler.

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