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My Problem with "MOST" VFDC Members

Discussion in 'General' started by Blondie, Jul 6, 2002.

  1. Ellinas

    Ellinas Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    The board is SO over-run with garbage that the vets, who are often the most knowledgeable people about the game, won't/don't even post anymore. Even when we do post meaningful info, nobody cares! All the info VF4akira and I translated about the changes to Akira in Evo fell on almost deaf ears, and degraded into a bullshit arguement about NOTHING (even though people tried to act like it was about the low kick; now, who was it that was involved in all that crap again...? I'm trying to remember). I mean, they've reworked the character and eliminated all the shit people have been moaning about, and no one has ANYTHING to say.

    The same thing happened when I translated the Goh movelist, and wrote down all the moves I saw in the Evo videos for the new characters, not a peep (no one even said thanks; a year ago, a post like that would've gotten a "good job" from about 5 people). Same thing with Creed's Wolf info.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I VERY much appreciate all the new VF Evo character info from the various people. In fact before that info was posted it was exactly what i was hoping for and I was looking out for some akira info. The reason I don't make any good job posts is because I don't want to make a "useless" post. I can't count the number of times I started to post a reply and said to myself "hmm... forget it, this isn't a very good post, aside from a thank you I have nothing to write that isn't obvious" and I just close the window. I suppose back in the old days there weren't so many people so the posts weren't self-regulated as much. I think that might be why you're not getting any thank-yous nowadays. Well, just letting you know, they were very useful to me and I greatly appreciated the work put in to getting those up.

    Trying to make the community like it was will never happen unless the board becomes regulars only. No matter how hard you try, idiots will run on to the boards and post stupid questions that have been answered in FAQs, as well as on the boards. Pretty much all you can do is wait until the popularity of VF4 wanes and the real players are left behind. There will also be the little wars between the vets. The ones that involve physical threats are especially funny. Makes you look really stupid, no offense /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  2. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    I have a question,

    Why is it that some of the people on this message board have been play VF for years, and still do not play as well as the japanese.
  3. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Re: My Problem with "MOST" VFDC Members *DELETED*

    Post deleted by Jedi_Fei
  4. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    I think there are many people here whose skills are equal to or above the Japanese average. Most of even the most hardcore Japanese VF players are only in the mid-high Dans. Here's some things to remember:
    A. Most of the video clips from Japan and Korea are of some of the highest skilled players that country has to offer.
    B. People like Kyasao and Chibita eat, breathe, and sleep VF. As cool as it would be to have a job as "professional VF player" (which I hear is pretty much what Chibita's work is), it's simply out of the question for almost everyone.

    Lack of competition also keeps a lot of people from advancing in skill like they should. I play FV2 like a madwoman, and I think I'm pretty damn good at it. However, I haven't really had that much human competition. I have a feeling when I go to Japan in September and play with my FV2 friends over there, I'm going to get schooled in a lot of things I never even considered before. But I sure am going to enjoy it. ^_^
  5. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Why is it that some of the people on this message board have been play VF for years, and still do not play as well as the japanese.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is like comparing a Los Angeles high school basketball team to a high school in Idaho. The pool of potential players to choose from is much greater in LA making the local LA competition stronger than in Idaho.

    The best way to get better at this game is to play against people that are better and know more than yourself. We all know theres only a small amount of good VF players in the US. These veterans have been playing the game for years and thats great. They get together in their local circles(that die out in a few months or so after a new installment is released) and have large scale gatherings, in US terms, maybe once or twice a year. This is nothing compared to a Japanese player who goes to the arcade everyday and plays top notch competition. Theres also the distance factor in the US, you have a bunch of good players on separate coasts, thousands of miles away. It just seems that theres not enough strong local competition for the veterans to get better at the rate that a Japanese player would be able to.
  6. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: My Problem with "MOST" VFDC Members *DELETED*

    cant we all......."just get along"?????
  7. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Zero, anytime you wanna play some hard core FV2 come down to florida, im not good but I love the game. I think we have talked about this before.

    I asked that question for a reason. While a lot of people play VF and want to get good, its still a game, just a past time. While this is true for us in florida, It goes beyond that. VF is what we do. We strive and work at it like its more than a pass time. I wish other had the same passion we do. And maybe they do, but it dosent seem like it.
  8. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    i think full time careers that pay damn good, families, friends that dont play games, and other hobbies are what play into vf not being a 'culture' here in the us......i just dont have the time as lots of people dont.....
  9. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    Now that this post has exploded you learn alot about the people who post on it. I take back what i said about piccolo because it looks like Blode_one just wants to trash talk everybody on this board.

    Dont talk shit about the vets they are the people who started with this site and who probably made you want to stay because of all there great information! The reason i joined this site is because after reading spotlites thread on Vanessa i knew i could gain alot of knowledge from what vets have to post.

    Also it seems to me the people who are respected have quality post not quantity post. They may have 500 posts but thats because they have been here for years since the first vf. Dont bitch that because you have 100 posts nobody listens to you, if you had posts with good information you would also be considerd a "vet" and people would respect you.

    Im not a vet, i only have 60 or so posts but i dont care. maybe one day i will have 500 posts and be considerd a vet but im not one right now and im not gona bitch about vets teaching new members not to put out dumb posts because thats what they should be doing. They have experiance on vf. They ARE veterans
  10. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Sigh .
  11. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Since Blonde_one seems to have given up a little and didn't make himself look too good with his last post, let me just help him be more specific about what his "problem" was. 1: It's a fact, don't pretend for a second that we aren't looked down upon and almost loathed in FL by a large number of VFDC users(mostly so called veterans) for our "scrub" thread. A few of us decided at some point that keeping the thread going no matter what would be our only chance of really generating interest in the relatively gamer unfriendly area of central FL. And guess what? We have more people playing VF in FL now than anywhere in the country. The price that was paid is we made most if not all established VFDC users hate us to some degree. Whatever, the thread worked. And only until recently did the lack of any respect bother anyone. After hearing similar complaints from people around the country Blondie went ahead and posted. He hasn't always said what he's meant very well, but he does have a point. 2.: Blondie's big falling out occurred when he failled to realize that veterans do get special treatment. Let's take the very specific case of Mr Bungle. Which is where Blonde_one earned his reputation of being "rude". I don't remember the subject anymore, but it was a typical Bungle flame where he takes a point that he feels to be valid and talks to whomever he's arguing with like they're less than human. Blonde_one's response was WTF? And he "stepped out of line" by attacking Bungle. The reaction he got from EVERYONE he talked to about it was "You were so rude to Bungle, he's really such a nice guy in person, and at one time he used to be quite good at the game, so like you shouldn't have said anything." Being a "veteran" or whatever Bungle's special case is, doesn't give him the right to personally maul someone online. But because Blonde_one didn't know the rule was to let Bungle alone, he's been looked on as a shit talker since then, and as you might imagine after that, he lost a certain amount of respect for his so called elders. Resulting in subsequent shittalking. If Bungle can be horrible, why can't Blonde_one be arrogant? He makes the effort to travel and has become a real addition to the VF scene in the US. Even if he's only been on 6 months 3: It's another fact that since then, almost invariably, whenever Blonde_one posts something pertaining to strats and tactics, someone comes along and no matter how politely it's diguised tells him he's ignorant. Wah, wah, at this point I know, but Myke wanted to hear a less generalised problem. It seems to be rather obvious that Blonde_one gets ragged on a little for no other reasons than A: he's a fucking FL scrub, and B: he's that flaming asshole who had the nerve to attack an innocent like Bungle. Tell me if I'm wrong. There is a general bad attitude going around, it's plain to see that most newcomers are not welcome unless they understand to keep their mouths shut and follow some special rules. OK, so is that a bad thing? I dunno, that's just VFDC. Does it discourage people sometimes, IMO yes, as I have talked to more than a few personally. Can it change? Does it need to? I dunno. Neither side can be completely right. Everthing changes, and so it will probably work out on its own. Maybe this thread has helped, maybe it hasn't. Who knows. Sorry for the long post.

    lalalalalalalalalalala /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  12. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

  13. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    He provoked me to do that, he was acting like an immature asshole. We were exchanging words with PM and he says he wants to start a "signature war". Well I got irritated and I'm sorry if I acted childish myself. I admit that was stupid.
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    yea i agree because i was a newbie once. i posted nad all these kinds of ppl like creed, bungle, glc and summers smac ked me and idscourige me me from posting. so i just lkurked and now i'm expert!
  15. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    [it's plain to see that most newcomers are not welcome unless they understand to keep their mouths shut and follow some special rules.]

    newcomers are welcome just that they need to understand to keep there mouth shut if they have nothing of value to say. They also need to fallow special rules like dont ask something before you look it up. In my relitavly short time here i have seen almost 4-5 posts asking what TFT means or what SPoD means even though those topics have been touched on so many times. When i first came here i read the posting rules and that tells every new member what to do and what not to do. maybe it should be manditory to read it before being aloud to sign on??
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    hah bullshit newbs have always some valuable stuff to say, like it may be something new and expers overlooked it adn - and sometimes search's not working! postimng guide is unrelevnent btw
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    why i'm stranger after being registrered so long
  18. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    heh, not valuable for the most of the time, but maybe the correct words are annoying or irrelevant......
  19. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I intend to post about one small detail (but I'll add in another at the end to sort of put this thing back on topic)... though I have quite a bit in mind (having my own criticisms of the two main sides of this argument). But I won't contribute any more... it would just take about two pages and be asking to explain it in ten more pages to everyone else, and I don't really care...

    Regarding why I looked down upon Blonde One's response to Bungle.... It wasn't because Blonde One said "WTF." Hell, I've done that to Bungle, and despite considering him a friend, I went so far as to take as many low blows as I could against him to harass him about him harassing people (and for the record, I do feel bad about doing that in retrospect).

    I looked down on Blonde One's post because to me, especially at that time, he was being a moron about his response. He was issuing a challenge to Bungle when it's known Bungle doesn't have interest in VF4--and the challenge was at a game of VF4. He was mocking Bungle, and I'm not saying Bungle doesn't do that to people, but he was mixing up contexts left and right.... Using Bungle's previous VF3 record and throwing it into a VF4 context. Issuing a challenge he knew Bungle wouldn't accept (at least if he was in his right mind he would know Bungle wouldn't accept). As such, I thought it was a lousy response that was trying to stimulate some emotion--which I think many would know wouldn't get resolved formally.... It would just continue with Blonde One complaining about Bungle's later retaliation.

    To me, I found it as silly as Royce Gracie trying to pick a fight on Mike Tyson. I don't care who wins, but it's clear they play by different rules, and I assume very different incentives (would Don King ever let Tyson fight Gracie? Gimme a break). But the comparison is that it's on two totally different platforms. What if Tyson said they had to play by the rules of Boxing? I'm sure Gracie insisted or would insist on a no-holds-barred grappling match.

    So to me.... seeing Blonde One issue a challenge (or threat) to Bungle was pathetic in this manner.

    My complaints to Blonde One, my perspective of how Blonde One posted, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH BLONDE ONE USING PROFANITIES OR ACTING AGAINST A VETERAN OR COMPLAINING OR SAYING "WTF?" It had to do with my concern (as someone who enjoys chatting with him) that he was making himself look like an annoying moron by issuing a form of threat/challenge that (I'm sure) he knew Bungle wouldn't answer formally...

    To try to maintain some on-topic discussion... I know Blonde One has justified to me that he posts the way he does to stir up enthusiasm (or conflict). Hey, it's like me posting the way I do because I like to delve into excessive detail (like in this post--which is probably two pages without even talking on topic). But, my warning that he should refrain from acting arrogant in his posts comes from the experience that it isn't well taken here. In fact, if you want a classic example of some "old schoolers" really getting annoyed by it and even more fits on VFDC--CrewNYC (NY's own Andy) was a prime example because he generally has a similar approach to Blonde One by letting the world know how proud he is of his VF abilities (and his local players), by issuing challenges (like "I'll pay for your plane ticket if you win more than 50%), or by simply stirring the pot in various ways. My understanding is that Andy's appraoch wasn't really well taken (it wasn't very well taken by myself either on various cases).

    You'll have to forgive us if we take everything seriously, after all, you wanted the attention and to stir the pot up didn't you? Besides, if we hear arrogance OFTEN ENOUGH, we'll eventually think or believe you to be serious. The way it is when you try to hammer in a message. It can be an example of propoganda working the wrong or unintended way.... or sometimes working the right way enough to work against you eventually.

  20. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Sorry Chans, you're wrong. Blonde_one did not start with a challenge to Bungle. Do the search. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    Blonde_one got in the middle of a Creed / Bungle vs Ice-9 flame and sided with Ice. He told Creed and Bungle that they were out of line and they should stop going down on eachother.

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