More about VF5 online

Discussion in 'Console' started by FallingEdge, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Even in a fighting game with a fairly well done online component(like DOA4), it still PALES in comparison to offline play (obviously). I don't think it will be any different for vf.

    I also don't think any ps3 owners are upset -- we've been able to play the game for months. Oct. 30th is still a long way away as well. I have a 360 as well, so there is no bias here.

    Online will be good for isolated players, that's about it. Version C is the real prize here.

    my .02
  2. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    are you sure no PS3 players are upset. i dont know about that. if i wanted VF5 to be online and it ended up being online for the 360 when i bought it for the PS3 id be pretty pissed.

    i do however agree with you when it comes to version c. this might be the only way for me to experience it. so that is why im buying VF5 for the 360. oh yea the games AI will be fixed too. in other words i wont be playing a rushed version of the game.

    the best part for me being a music lover is that ill be able to listen to my own custom soundtrack. instead of the repetitive background music.
  3. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Seriouly, was anyone pissed that VF4 wasnt online but VF 2 pc has been for how long now? I think alot of us are just happy to actually enjoy the game. Why does a game have to be online for the majority of people to even look at it, and yet these are the same generic group that will play for a month and forget about it. NA audience just isnt suited for VF online or not.
  4. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Well im excited online gameplay is shaping up to be pretty good...
  5. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    I disagree with your statement on people playing the game then abandoning it later. The majority of people out there want online play mainly because they don't want to have to play by themselves whenever they want a challenge or have to invite people over every once in while to play a few matches.

    There are some people who want to play another fighting game having come from other 2d and 3d fighters, and the online play is a huge bonus, since they can see whether they are progressing well.

    Overall it's very good for growing the fanbase and community. this is why games like DOAU and DOA4 still have people talking about the game and playing it until this day, because online will bring people together.

    I know people will bash it cause it might be laggy and ruin the experience compared to offline play, but people have to understand that it's not always laggy, and lag depends on a number of things such as where your opponent is and their connection speeds. Every game that is online will have some kind of lag, but it's not like you'll play against someone really laggy 100% of the time, and some people will enjoy the game anyways.

    Also you have to remember that this is a console game and things can be patched if necessary, so I really can't see what all this fuss is about. Isn't it better to have online than none at all? And if you don't like it, it's not like people are forcing you to use it either.
  6. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    all these new challengers trying to make names for themselves.

    just keep on blowing that 360 horn.
  7. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Oh so want to keep the game to yourself, fine by me, don't go ranting about how small the community is tho.
  8. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I think some of you guys just need to stop inferring so much from people's posts and try to be more constructive and stop labeling people as either online suck bashers, online awesome bashers, PS3 fanboys, XBOX 360 fanboys, etc.

    Online VF? Great for those that prefer to not leave their home and play against people located in a long distance.

    Version C? Great for those that want the most up-to-date version of the game.

    PS3 VF? Great for those that wants to play a VF game now instead of waiting for the most up-to-date October version.
  9. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    For you two twits who are saying that it can't go online for the PS3, are you saying that the Devs making Tekken are that much better than the ones making VF?
  10. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying that online is a bad thing, but it kinda makes me frustrated that people now will give it a chance because of it. Even when the gameplay has always been better than tekken and socal. I want VF to be just as popular as tekken and socal, but I just don't see it happening anytime soon. Sorry for the bleak outlook but thats just how it is.
  11. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    I understand, I've never played VF before, but I've been keeping interest in it ever since VF5 was introduced, and I was gonna get this game whether it had online or not.

    I'm kinda like you in the sense that I found it annoying that in every discussion of Vf5 for the 360 people would say "I'm not getting it if it doesn't have online", as if to say the game is no good or next gen if there's no online play.

    But now that it's confirmed to have online, some people are happy and others are concerned about it.

    To me online was a huge bonus, since now friends I know from previous fighting games can join in on the action, and I don't have to invite them over, and also, IMO it will help VF on a whole become more known about and possibly get a lot more new players to join the community.

    Plus Version C really drew me in because of the insane amount of customization.
  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I heard that DR online is now in japan Ps3 store, can someone check how laggy it is?
  13. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

  14. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Well it is proably easier on the xbox 360 but yeah sega did do the ps3 useres wrong and it look like we might not get version c too bad......
  15. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    its because sega would need a dedicated online server to run VF5 online. same for sony. sony might have free online but their online service sucks compared to xbox live. thats exactly why VF5 is online for 360 and not the PS3.

    think about it virtua tennis is online for 360 but not for the PS3. yea sonys online service is free but with xbox live you get what you pay for. to me 50 dollars a year for great online service and and dedicated servers is worth it.

    microsoft has the best online games and service. where sony usually has the better overall titles. nintendo always has the best party games. each console is great in its own way. if any console can make VF5 play decent online its the xbox 360.

    microsoft has by far the best online service and dont say home will catch sony up to xbox live. its taken years to get xbox live to where it is now. its going to be some time till sony catches up to microsofts great online service.

    it has nothing to do with microsoft paying sega. its not segas fault that sony is behind microsoft when it comes to online gameing. think about it virtua tennis is online for the 360 but not the PS3 but no one cares about virtua tennis.

    this shows you why VF5 is online for the 360 and not for PS3. its not sega or microsofts fault. only sonys for not getting into the online gaming sooner. i do however believe in the end the PS3 will have great titles.

    thats why im picking one up when their cheaper and when it has a good library of games. im not buying a PS3 for online gameing if you did then your stupid. the reason you shouldve bought a PS3 is because if you remember the PS2 had the best overall game titles.

    not only that but game developers are still making PS2 games.
  16. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    my post was moreless a rant towards it just feels like there's some spilling over.
  17. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    So do you think Namco devs are better than the ones at Sega?
  18. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    what are we comparing all namco and sega games or are you comparing tekken 5 and VF5? i think its going to be a little more tricky making VF5 work online. imo it has the best chance on xbox live. thats just my opinion.

    maybe sega just wants to work on the games. microsoft makes its easier for games to work online. i dont blame sega for making VF5 online for the 360 only. not only that but im pretty sure sony rushed sega to make VF5 happen sooner.

    if sega had more time maybe VF5 on PS3 might not be a rushed port. like i said no one cares about virtua tennis being online but you have the option for the 360. why? because microsoft has the best online service.

    its cool though im sure the PS3 will eventually get some better titles and sony will be back in the race.
  19. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    All I'm comparing is the fact that Tekken 5 can go online, where Virtua Fighter 5 can't - on the same system.
  20. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    i know there both fighting games but there still not the same game. im thinking its going to be little trickier to get VF5 to work online. why do all the same games that play online for the 360 and PS3 play better one the 360?

    because xbox live has more experience and has a better online service. microsoft is known for online gameing. i admit microsoft probably pushed sega to make VF5 online. the reason they sega did do it was because they knew if any one could pull off online play its microsoft.

    the other reason is microsoft not sega will be dealing with how VF5 will play online. if there any complaints or if the online aspect of the game needs to be improved microsoft will have to deal with it.

    if i was sega its a good deal because alot of people want VF5 online and it might just expose VF to a whole new audience. they also dont have to deal with any online issues. they can concentrate on just making games.

    the other reason is sega probably saw how good microsoft live was compared to sonys online service. imo VF5 would run best on xbox live compared to sonys online service. if the game runs like shit on PS3 because sonys online service sucks then its going to make VF5 look bad.

    they want to put VF5 online on the 360 because its going to look and play the best on xbox live.

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