Monkey Flow

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by Tricky, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Eileen's hop back is leet in situations where you have the right spacing and the right amount of time for a hop back. If I'm able to start using hop back on oki against someone and still apply pressure, I'm almost always in full control of the tempo of the match by then. People tend to roll away or tech roll if they see me hoping back on them too. It's an interesting tactic because if you hop back too soon, you've shown your cards and they might not press KKK to rising kick. However if you do the hop too late you risk getting hit or worse, dodging the kick but not having enough time to use the P followup to whiff punish. There is a golden window of when you have to hop and from what range it's effective. That said, if I hop too early or too far, I just go for monkey twist K (9P+K+G,K)
  2. DeadlyLastPush

    DeadlyLastPush Member

    Well hop back itself is really difficult to use on its own in that situation, but I find that you can be more loose with the timing if you plan on canceling into 6P+K+G because if you miss the initial counter window and they have time to choose a 2nd action, high attacks whiff, slow mids lose to the P(shoulder ram)or K(triple kicks), and sidesteps will lose to K+G(spin sweep series). In fact, I'll sometimes do it early on purpose to lull the opponent into thinking I'm backing off, then they are forced to quickly respond to how much closer 6P+K+G has put me to them.

    You're right though - You have to know you're opponent's tendencies to some extent, because rolling away is always an option, and of course different rising attack speeds will change your necessary timing. And if you're too slow on your 6P+K+G approach you could get launched, which is never good. But mixed with a true oki crush game like the one you outlined, it could really give people a lot to think about. Another reason why Eileen is the queen of mixups!
    Tricky likes this.
  3. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    I am here to vouch that the Okizeme crush game is the single biggest thing that has helped my pressure. I have found monkey twist kick (9P+K+G K followup) to be an effective crush as well. Zenk P crushes (well, it avoids it completely) low kicks, and on high kicks it whiffs so you are both back turned to each other.

    EDIT: And to the hop back, it's actually a guaranteed punish (P followup) with the right timing to a wakeup kick.
    Tricky likes this.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

  5. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    Posting because I just found out 6P+K+G > PP goes under wakeup mid kicks early in the start of each P. This way if they get up mid kicking immediately, you can get a side counter hit, and if they roll before mid kicking, you can press P again and get a side counter hit on the second time!

    EDIT: The spacing works like this: The further away from them you are, the more frames you have to successfully go under the wakeup kick. The only characters who you can duck under at point-blank range are Jeff and Taka. This move works best outside the range of 236P+K > P. That is to say, if 236P+K > P would not reach far enough to punish a wakeup kick, try this instead.

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