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Model 2 Collection for PSN and XBLA

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Oct 18, 2012.

By akai on Oct 18, 2012 at 4:12 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    November 16th, 2012 Update: Model 2 Collection will be released on November 28th, 2012. Based on the Japanese Official Model 2 Collection Website and was confirmed all 3 games will be playable online.

    As has been leaked last week, Sega released a youtube video confirming five games: Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers, Sonic the Fighters, Virtua Striker, and Virtual-On will be available on the PSN and the 360 as part of the Model 2 Collection. In the video description (rough translation):

    1. Virtua Fighter 2 - The 3D fighting game phenomenon, you can play Version 2.0 and Version 2.1
    2. Fighting Vipers - A flashier 3D fighting game introducing armor and wall breaks.
    3. Sonic the Fighters - An unique game within the Sonic series of games.

    The above three games will each be available for 800 YEN or 800 MSP in Fall 2012. For the Playstation 3, there will be a bundle deal of all 3 games for 1500 YEN.

    4. Virtua Striker - 3D football (soccer) game that will be released on console for the very first time.

    5. Cyber Troopers: Virtual-On - another revolutionary game that influence the control scheme of other robot games, the game will feature online play. You can also pre-order the Hori Twin Stick peripheral to replicate the arcade control scheme

    The price for the last two games are currently not set. Both games are expected to be released early 2013.

    According to a Siliconera article, all three games--Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers, and Sonic the Fighters--will have an online mode. Spectator mode will also be available fof Virtua Fighter 2. The Youtube video from Sega does not mention anything about it though.
    ZBEP likes this.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Oct 18, 2012.

    1. Richkwondo
      I remember on the Saturn Vf2 you could switch between version 2 and 2.1. Not to sound like a greedy bastard or anything, but damn, could they make Last Bronx for PSN and XBLA?
      hseiken1 and Wingman like this.
    2. Zero-chan
      Was the non-slowdown enabled Dural stage ever available? Or is that a new addition?
    3. Sudden_Death
      non-slowdown dural stage was always available for vs play.
    4. Uncle_Kitchener
    5. hseiken1
      +1 for Last Bronx...I mean, really...it spawned live action movie in Japan along with manga and anime...and school lunchboxes!

      I would love to see if I'm as good as I think I am at that game against other humans.
    6. CodyHunter07

      Ya, but we need a REAL reason to want the game...:cool:
    7. hseiken1
      @cody it's a badass mind game and even though is broken in some respects, is just as technical as VF. Cancel system FTW.
    8. DS91
      Aww man I've always wanted to play Virtual-On. Sick that you can get the twin sticks!

      Does anyone know of a decent guide to Virtual-On??

      Also +1 from me for Last Bronx. 3D sai and tonfa? That you actually fight with*?! Yes please!

      *as opposed to tonfa that you just pose with like all you little Kujo beeatches out there :p
    9. DS91
      And sansetsukon actually! A full size one, not a tiny triple nunchaku that hangs from your waist!
    10. VF2011
      Am I seeing this right? Are those Virtual on sticks actually $300?
    11. CodyHunter07
      Ya, special discount for those who bought the Steel Battalion controllers... :D
    12. Pai~Chun
      Older SEGA games on Live Arcade right now:

      Guardian Heroes
      Outrun 2
      Alex Kid
      Golden Axe
      Streets of Rage
      Sonic CD
      Afterburner Climax
      Revenge of Shinobi
      Comix Zone
      Jet Set Radio

      Own personal wishlist would be VF3, Scud Race and Snatcher.
    13. CodyHunter07
      Hey, guys, how about that Golden Axe: The Duel fighting game?
      Yes, I know technically that was STV hardware, but was that any good?

      I never got to play it, but the idea of a 3d weapons fighting game based on the Golden Axe universe seems kinda cool.
      Maybe an edgier version of that fruit-fest Soul Calibur.
    14. Feck
      Sounds like you need some Last Bronx, that Golden Axe game was fap.

      I wish this Model 2 collection had a few more games to it, there's some obscure games that I won't miss but they've missed out on some great titles. I'll still pick it up but I doubt i'll play it much.
    15. dagcon_faraday
      I'm really hoping that support/sales of the Model 2 Collection lead to a Model 3 Collection and Naomi 2 (VF4 Final Tuned), or just a FT itself as it was never released outside of Japan and would be nice to have each ver, on the same console with online capabilities and HD support.

      Still curious about the HD support as these older games weren't really made to exploit it in the first place. I would probably be just happy to just not have those non-HD letterboxes that other re-released games had.
    16. Pai~Chun
      I wonder how hard or time consuming it would be for SEGA to take the VF5 engine, and whip up a Last Bronx update? Namco obviously have their own weapons based game, and look how lucrative that has been over the years.
    17. Dragonps
      You forgot Super Hang On :O This is really great news I'll be saving my points to get them all, would love to see Outrunners and VF4FT :D
    18. Genesis
      This is so beautiful. Wicked-fun trailer, too.
    19. Ytpme_Secaps
      OMFG!! VF2 online play !! Tap guard reversals! The original SPoD!! This may slow the FS play for a bit..evryone on VF2for a month!! So awesome, VF3 would be great but honestly this is the one I want the most. Great memories of the arcade on a saturday night at the mall. Did I mention VF2 online play!?!
    20. gns168
      Virtual On !!! Finally !!!

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