Maddy's coming down to Florida!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by tonyfamilia, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: God is everywhere

    No need to be. We are all good people and sinners, losers and winners all rolled into one.
    No need for indoctrination just realization.
    Far from perfect and def not trying to be.
    None of us are Jesus and nobody is dying to be.
    Just trying to live by better code of ethics than one set by HUMANS, including me/you/them and every other religious group including "Christians".
    We all worship something, we give our money to and praise different things.
    What do you want to praise/worship?
    Alcohol, drugs, money, sex, games, intellect, knowledge? Everybody has a "god(s)" it's just a matter of identifying it and seeing just how important and/or necessary that "god" is in your life.
    It's not about putting others down and making them feel bad, those are not good representatives of what Jesus wanted.
    Jesus wasn't about alienating others, while most wouldn't touch or even talk to lepers, Jesus spoke to, touched them and healed them.

    I couldn't do what Jesus did. I'm a sinner. I'm vengeful, I curse and I'm just not a very good representative myself but I'm proud to say that I have my moments when I try.
    For me, as an individual, it's way better than not trying at all. That's what I used to do and I wasn't happy.
    I'm a Christian and that makes me happy. You do whatever makes you happy, that's all.
  2. HamalSharatan

    HamalSharatan Active Member

    Re: God is everywhere

    I was actually referring to the experiences of you guys on that day with Maddy, not religious preferences /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif sorry if there was a confusion.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Re: God is everywhere

    Yeah.....Took me long enough to put these up. :V

    Anyway, it was awesome. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: God is everywhere

    ohh my gosh!!!!!!
    I would love to see these! thanks incidnet! Maddy is still good, right?
    I don't know why he went to florida, but I am so glad that he can still play VF!!!

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