Losing the FGC one event at a time

Discussion in 'General' started by BlondieVF5, Jul 1, 2013.

By BlondieVF5 on Jul 1, 2013 at 4:53 PM
  1. BlondieVF5

    BlondieVF5 Well-Known Member

    The fighting game community has never been so big and active throughout the US. Every quarter there is a massive FGC(fighting game community) event showcasing some of the greatest talents in fighting games the world has ever seen. For some it's a chance to see greatness and clutch on a level that we aspire to get to. For others it's a way to showcase your talents and see just where you stack up in terms of time dedicated to your preferred fighter. This is not fact or statement, it is a compilation of feelings and emotions I felt after my time with some FGC events. It's a self check for everyone out there that loves fighting games and is connected to them as a player, spectator, or creator.


    I am no stranger to the tournament setting, the pressure, and excitement of travel worldwide for events. I have seen the FGC culture change. From old school hands in Streetfighter and virtuafighter to the new blood in titles like Injustice/MK(new version) and hybrids like SFxTekken. There is a loud and resounding difference between the culture back then and the culture now, media. Media makes everything so accessible and easy to share, it is a wonderful thing. There is however, a downside to media and all its outlets to the various fighting games. The downside being a very dangerous combination of the socially awkward, hype, expectation, pressure, and money.

    From the time you walk in to an FGC event there is tons of people yelling and screaming, bags on their shoulders, sticks in their laps, energy drink stationary on the floor as they hold their spots in the chair of domination. Tons of expletives, saltyness, and headshaking towards opponents that have bested their dedication to the game. No handshaking after a match, just yank your cord and walk away. The "saltyness" seems to be a combination of ego, expectation, and perhaps puberty for those that apply. It's losing, and if not checked by a peer or mentor can lead to violence.

    When watching a final, I find myself having to look past the goons taking bets with cash in hand on the players. No official stopping any of this, just allowing active cash handling bets to take place in something that to me is sacred. This isn't a fucking chicken fight in cuba. This is two young men playing a game that they enjoy to compete at its highest level. No one wants to hear you spray shit talk, you are embaressing yourself and your crew. How the hell did we let it come to this. Haggling from afar while someone plays his match. It's safe to say there is little sportsmanship in the FGC.

    As these events get bigger and bigger, I fear the worst. A tarnish, something that lingers over the culture of our beloved FGC. If we as mentors and elders don't start involving ourselves in the fundamental growth of some of these crews, violence will manifest itself into a tabu for tournament events, and could in the future be outlawed. This is not something to take lightly, if you add all the factors in, something terrible will happen at one of these events. It is important to note, there is a difference between hype and bad sportsmanship. Allow people to play, respect those playing. Obviously if something epic happens you can cheer or sigh, but think of it in terms of golf. You aren't going to haggle someone trying to shoot or concentrate on their shot, let them swing, then haggle. I'm going to put a link at the bottom of this post, keep in mind. I wrote this post before I had even seen this. While not directly involved with the event, it's only a matter of time.

    Yamato_Angeal_, Tocuh, Aion and 2 others like this.


Discussion in 'General' started by BlondieVF5, Jul 1, 2013.

    1. Tricky
      well shit then.
    2. akai
      Since, you quoted my post...where have I wagged my finger? Where have I thrown stones at the 2d fighting game community? Where have I denied FT10 money matches is gambling? Do you not see your own holier than thou hypocrisy? In my opinion, you most likely do see your own hypocrisy and just posting for the sake of just trolling. To each their own opinion, and I will leave it at that.
    3. floodnhard
      lol he plays marvel.. straight capcom hate
    4. Plague
      Shhhhhh. Feck is joking.
      Feck and Pai~Chun like this.
    5. YOMI
      The FGC has been shady with money matches, betting, pot splitting and other sorts of gambling for all of it's existence. Most of the time it goes under the radar or everyone is okay with it, sometimes it comes to light and causes controversy. A year or so ago the raffling boom was at it's height which had ultimetly been illegal all the time, but either folks didn't care or know until this thread. It was hella stupid and made people look like greedy or lazy assholes, like JWong raffling off stuff just to get his computer fixed instead of using his own money but on top of that it was illegal. Nowdays it's stopped, but even still all of the other forms of gambling still go on. As Aris would say, it's a part of the community.
    6. Gear Wolfen
      Gear Wolfen
      Okay, first and foremost, I wanna say I read the full story on ko-TOOL-ku and while I agree that domestic violence is serious, IT IS NOT GAMING NEWS! 1) yes someone "Known" in the FGC did commit this crime. 2) Yes, the crime was commited against two other games. However, this is not news about GAMING! this is focused on a particular individual who games committing violent acts against two other individuals who shared the same hobby. That doesn't make it gaming news. That's some shit I expect to see on channel 10 or something let them cover that bullshit. Secondly, WHAT IN THE FUCK AM I SEEING ON VFDC RIGHT NOW? FUCK SF4? REALLY GUYS? FUCK FGC? Can we please stop for just a moment and look at what we as fighting gamers are actually doing right now? I am not a major player in any fighting game community. Im just going to stat that right out. I work hard, and I play hard. I like learning fighting games. VF is by far one of the most complicated fighters I have ever played given the fact that in most cases you have to know a variety of the other characters moves to compensate for how fast it plays in terms of counter attacks, defensive maneuvers and securing the win over your opponent. However, these slam posts im seeing are COMPLETE BULLSHIT! I know you guys have seen or heard of the fights that break out at some of the smaller-scale events in ANY fighting game community. WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT KIND OF BULLSHIT STARTS?! The roots of that kind of unsportsman like, unnecessay, immature, childish, hate mongering bullshit, are burried deep within posts like that dude?! I mean COME ON GUYS!? I understand you may not be a fan or even someone who finds these communities, the individuals in them, or even the games played at the events hosted by and for these communities. But just out right blastin' em like that? When I saw that shit, it reminded me of the fucking riots we used to have at my school between, Piru blood gang and Neighborhood Crip gang. MF's shouting out fuck you's, and fuck your hood, yadda yadda. THAT SHIT GETS PEOPLE KILLED WHERE I COME FROM! AND WHY? BECAUSE HATEFUL ASS PEOPLE MUST ALWAYS BE DESTRUCTIVE! Gaming has gotten way outta hand with this kinda bullshit. People forget their goddamned manners in games these days. Sportsmanship is but a lost spectre of a dead generations aspiration for peacful competition. People would much rather do what they can to piss another player off, or incite rage rather than supply a good hearted decent fight. IT'S FUCKING VIDEO GAMES FOR FUCKS SAKE GET A GRIP! I remember being 8-12 years old walking into an arcade sticking a coin on the game screen of my favorite arcade box fighters (MK, SF and KOF at the time) and 1). Not having to worry about some troll snatching my coin just to instigate an altercation. 2). Playing a fair, non-violent, non-confrontational yet very competitive match with a RANDOM STRANGER without even the slightest sign of a major conflict breaking out. AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL 3). Congratulating the winnder or breing congratulated by my defeated foe for a match well played! The arcades were the only safe place I could go as a kid because the gang bangers either didn't have the money or were to busy being "10 going on 25" to give a shit about some damn video games at an arcade! The only friends I made as a child were ppl I met AT THE ARCADES PLAYING THOSE FIGHTING GAMES! GO FUCKIN FIGURE! AND NOW I COME TO POST WITH THIS BULLSHIT IN EM?! GIMME A FUCKING BREAK DUDE SERIOUSLY! This kinda shit breaks my fucking heart because this is exactly what happened to competitive gaming. People formed their "Clicks" and started getting the notion that because the games they play are different, they have to be better than the games others are playing which in turn must make the players themselved better than those playing those "Inferior" games. I have seen this most with 2D fighting communities. They say they are the grandaddies of all competitive gaming and bullshit like that. WRONG! Were 2D fighters the first fighters to show up? YES! However, that does not mean that you were the ones that made fighters what they are today. 3D fighters are made from a different formula and follow a different set of rules PERIOD. Are 3d fighters superior to 2D fighters? NO! they are merely different. THATS ALL! they require a different type of skill to play. STOP THE FUCKING BEEF AMONGST COMMUNITIES JESUS CHRIST CAN A GROUP OF HUMAN COME TOGETHER IN AT LEAST ONE INSTANCE IN THE WORLD WITHOUT THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT TAKIN PLACE?! THERE'S ALREADY ENOUGH NEGATIVITY OUT THERE IN THE STREETS AND THE BATTLEFIELDS OF THE WORLD TO LAST US ALL UNTIL THE END OF EXISTENCE DO WE REALLY NEED TO BRING THIS SHIT TO THE VIRTUAL WORLD AS WELL? AND DON'T GIMME THAT BULLSHIT ABOUT IT NOT BEING POSSIBLE CUZ I KNOW A SHIT TON OF YOU OLDER GAMERS IN HERE WERE AROUND FOR THE DAYS WHEN THINGS WERE THE WAY I MENTIONED EARLIER IN THIS POST. MOTHERFUCKERS NEED TO TOSS THAT EGO BULLSHIT TO THE SIDE, PULL THIER HEADS OUTTA THEIR ASSES, AND STOP TRYING TO BE VIRTUAL RAMBO'S THE SHIT IS CHILDISH AND ALL YOUR DOING IS RUINING THE THING TO CLAIM TO BE A HARDCORE SUPPORTER OF! COMPETETIVE GAMING!!!!!!
      BlondieVF5, ZomgitsEd and Tha_FeauchA like this.
    7. Gear Wolfen
      Gear Wolfen
      And with people like you saying things like that why would they want to. Me personally I have never had the time or the money to make a trip to a fighting event. Does that mean I dont want to? HELL NO! even now I am trying to take as few days off and save as much money as possible so I can attend next years evo, cuz I know I'm gonna miss this years. But if this kinda attitude is what I'm to expect when I go there then why the hell would I waste the money? what just to be told I don't belong by ANOTHER HUMAN BEING WHO PLAYS FIGHTERS? FUCK THAT SHIT DOOD!
      ZomgitsEd and Tha_FeauchA like this.
    8. ZomgitsEd
      There is no denying that in all forms of sports there is gambling going on behind the scenes. This much, I think everyone can agree upon. A total removal of gambling in the FGC is a fever dream at best. Like that post targeted raffling, this one targets gambling al fresco in the tournament scene. People have shared stories about it from other events and overall, the stance is "who cares?"

      I care, I care for the same reason I went to, CEO and left with a renewed competitive spirit. Its all about the games, for those three days, every second of every minute, and I love it. That being said, no one wants to see cancer grow in something they love.

      Gambling in the FGC has spilled over into the public eye once again. Its time for all of us to put Taka's 6 K+G to use on the hustlers and gamblers there to exploit the tournament scene. That way its not even a thought for spectators, event staff, and competitors.
    9. Alstein
      There's lots of problems with the FGC< this is a minor one at best.

      Entering a tourney is fundamentally gambling as well- you have entry fees.
    10. ZomgitsEd
      If there are other problems, do speak your mind. I've just been hitting this one hardest because its something that has the potential to get nasty and out of hand.

      As for the entrance fee's to tournaments, its not considered gambling (by law). In theory, yes, your entry fee is you "gambling" on your skills to secure your victory and phat loots. However, the entrance fee in actuality is what is divided up among the positions that get a cash prize. It would be gambling (by law) if you were putting up a bet every round as an entrant in the tournament per round, per match.

      The best example of what FL defines as tournament gambling would be:

      20$ entrance fee to be in the tournament. Then when you sit down against your opponent, each match you're able to call, raise, all in (bet) against once another like in a poker game. Winner of the 2 outta 3 matches walks away with all the money.
    11. ShinyBrentford
      Yes. Fuck the smash community. Yes Fuck a community well know for stealing your shit and masturbating on player while they sleep.(looking at you mewtwochamp.) Now Why I say Fuck the SF4 community. This community is full of 09'er trying to simulate the marvel2 community one of the best yet one of the worst communities. Marvel 2 know how to bring hype I will give them that, but they also did a lot of dumb shit like....I don't know...PULL A FUCKING GUN ON SOMEBODY AT EVO CAUSE THEY LOST IN A GAME. Right now I fine with all the Capcom babies punching guys in Wheelchairs and beating up their girlfriend, and Marn getting the mob chasing after him. Thats fine, but to be honest I too old for that shit.
    12. Gear Wolfen
      Gear Wolfen
      I mean I kinda see your point there. But I knda have a wierd circular agreement and disagreement with your statment. A bit of a conundrum if you will (probably not the exact word I'm looking for but you'll understand momentarily). When I was a kid I used to scrounge around my house for a few bucks( like 3 or 4) in change so I could go to the arcade and play against the ppl there. Win, lose or draw I had the time of my life. But often times I would use the arcade to escape the BS going on in my neighborhood, and I would get ppl to place wagers against me. Like me and a guy would get ready to start a match and I would be like "Hey wanna bet some quarters ( or nickels at the nickel arcade)?"
      If you put up two quarters I will to, and whoever wins gets the quarters". I would do that when I only had a few buck and I won some as well as lost but I could go into an arcade with only 3 bucks and end up with like 8. Which meant that instead of only being able to play for an hour or two I got to play for like 4 or 5 if I wanted. Now that was also gambling but nobody cared and I think its because it was small cash. These days people are betting in the hundreds on players like they are race horses its not like the fighting poker thing me and a few others I knew were doing. EVEN STILL, in retrospect I realized a long time ago what I was doing was wrong and I haven't done anything of the sort since. But not everyone is gonna have that realization. And if no one stands in the way of it, just like all vices, its gonna continue. But I digress, the point im going for here is this, everyone likes to get a reward for all their hard work be it money, gifts, whatever. So the entry fee's you would pay for these tournaments im sure, have one of two purposes or even both. One being to pay the winner a handsome sum for putting in the work, taking the game seriously enough to show up, pay and compete, and also for giving good competitive fights to the fans. the other would be to help fund other events in the future. ( these are just guesses so please don't quote me on this) now with entry fees' being taken, there will always be those who when confronted with the morality issues associated with gamer gambling will say "well whats wrong with me making money off the players? I mean we all had to pay to get in here so obviously our coin is lining SOMOBODYS' pockets so why can't some of it be mine?" not saying this is a valid argument but someone is bound to make it if they haven't already and that defense has worked in a lot of different situations and either the people have gotten by on it or it has opened up a can of worms no one wanted to take the first bite out of. So in conclusion I am saying just one thing. It sucks, But it happens and it's gonna take nothing short of an army of dedicated people to stop it.
    13. Gear Wolfen
      Gear Wolfen
      Fine you hate the people that have done fucked up shit in the community. HATE EM it seems like they are pretty fucked up people but thats just it. hate "THEM". No matter how many fucked up people there are in a community, unless those fucked up people are literally the entire community, those people ARE NOT THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY brent! You can't go on these tirades bashing other gaming communities and call yourself a true fighting game lover cuz its just not right dood. If I myself gather like 20 other people from this games community ( not saying that I will or even could if I so desired) and just decided to crash or try to crash every fighting event from weds. night fights to evo but just being overall trolly, shitty, violent people. A lot of other people would start saying the shit you're saying now about the VF community. Would you think that was fair to be judeged by the actions of a few shitheads that are active memebers of your gaming community brent? FUCK NO YOU WOULDN'T I'm not saying I know you from jim carry, but I did play a few with you a long while back in a player room. Your pretty course but your passionate about VF so I KNOW THAT SHIT WOULD NOT BE OK WITH YOU! So how can you go on this forum and judge the entirety via the actions of... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and say the majority? If that were the case in all things in life than My black ass woulda been strung up a long fucking time ago simply because of my ethnic background. The majority do not represent the entirety brent please tell me you know this.
    14. nou
      I'm still wondering how this made the front page....
      Zekiel, soke, coffeezombie and 4 others like this.
    15. JHow77
      Cozby, Tha_FeauchA and akai like this.
    16. Ylyon
      you're comparing the opinion of few pro-gamers to the majority of people that attend the tournaments in Japan. I do chat with Japanese players and they do prefer more quiet scenes. Anyway, who was that Asian guy who won some tournament in America and said he never wants to return there? I forgot his name....
    17. akai
      A moderator found the original post interesting and decided to promote it to the front page. Just that simple :p
    18. SDS_Overfiend1
      Bottom line.. Dudes mad cause they cant get in on the action. You guys can type till you blue in the face.. Side gambling will not stop. When the bookies in Las vegas have bets on Evo off the overs and Unders.. Then what? Shit is Big bussiness deal with it. If I can bet on myself to make make 5 grand taking a dive.. Cha-Ching. Once money is involved.. This the end result.. Good luck cleaning up the Sport.
    19. Tricky

      Hey yo SDS imma need you to take a dive for the Don. You do it and he'll split the 10 grand with you, you don't, and lets just say those fingers won't be hitting any buttons ever again.

      I really hope nobody ever said that to someone at evo.
      Gear Wolfen, Ylyon, nou and 1 other person like this.
    20. ZomgitsEd

      Cool story bro making an inflammatory post! I'd like to point out that if you've read any of the posts you see that the problem isn't what goes on outside the tournament, but within, you know, the place its being HELD.

      People that act like this gentlemen here, are the reason the FGC has issues. As I've stated before and I'll state again for clarity's sake:

      Gambling done in private, via a bookie, forum message, etc OUT of and AWAY from the area the tournament is taking place is fine. It is inside the tournament area that I and other have a problem with it. We don't want to see people hustling, haggling, brokering, throwing money around, or betting on people INSIDE the premises its being held. That much, for certain, can be stopped with the effort of the players, the FGC, and staff of the events.
      leftylizard likes this.

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