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Live the #vfhome soap opera...

Discussion in 'General' started by Mr. Bungle, Jul 29, 2002.

  1. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Oh for crying out loud!

    Sticks and stones people, what century is this? Why are you people so damn sensetive to what's said online? You can't expect Samurai conduct at all times on the internet.

    Let's take what started this as a prime example. Bungle spent what I'm guessing was a good deal of time and effort putting this log together. He took my response too harshly. I didn't mean to say that what he did was worthless or insult him in some personal way. My main point was that I wish more people played VF4. And I even poked at myself with the last part stating that any interest is questionable as it's obvious that I do have some interest myself as he so aptly pointed out. Now misunderstandings and difference of opinions aside, there's no excuse for attacking someone in a personal way online, or for the hate over something so trivial. Grow up. We have a fucked up community in FL? Maybe, but we don't let misunderstandings or online disagreements/flames cloud our judgments about someone as a person. I don't mind at all if someone flames me online, just as long as they don't take it to the personal level and let it effect their lives. I can not understand that.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    A lot of people don't buy the bullshit attitude that 'what people say online doesn't count, because it's just the internet'.

    There nothing especially neat about a message board or email that makes it different from, say, talking to someone over the phone. In any of those cases, you can say something offensive without getting punched in the face. But even so, you should handle the boards and irc the way you'd handle talking face to face with someone. If you go to gatherings, you eventually WILL be face to face with them.

    Also what you say about poking fun at yourself and not meaning to insult mr. bungle didn't exactly come through loud and clear when you said:

    I want to know why anyone would spend more time and pay more attention to this worthless drivel than they would playing VF? It's plain sad. Paying any attention is questionable actually.

    To me that reads like an insult to bungle and anyone else who expresses even a mild interest in the work he did.

    Oh well, you won't be the first guy to be an insulting ass to someone online and then turn around and say "sheesh lighten up guys! you have no sense of humor!" ...
  3. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Look here Creed, I meant exactly what I said to Bungle. Not that interest at all is sad, but interest without playing the game is sad. It is sad to me, I meant that. That's my opinion, I am sad that so few people play.

    Now this business about the internet being the same as face to face is too complex to argue. But percieved arrogance does not justify deliberate hate on any level. Arrogance is foolish, hate is wrong. You don't need a degree in philosophy to understand that.
  4. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    <font color="33ffcc"> OMFG. You've done it again, Rich! /versus/images/icons/frown.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/wink.gif /versus/images/icons/crazy.gif You have raised the bar on flaming and internet insults another notch by providing this collection of archived chatter. Entertaining? Yup. Like a Sat Nght Live episode, not all good but some is great. I also enjoyed the latest efforts from Mike Myers too and still have all the Monty Python Flying Circus records. . Rich, you should be writing fiction. Your talents are wasted on us humble flamers, er, gamers. I hope you can make it to NYC in the near future for some Pizza and VF4 arcade too. CreeD that goes for you too. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif Sal, I hope we can get together at arcade some saturday... I guess your work schedule conflicts too strongly with mine, shrug. Shout out to Nelson too. PM me when you guys can make a breakfast VF4 battle some sat, OK? Whenever we get together (VF players) it has been my experience that all the anger gets channelled into super VF matches. Hope this tradition of trash talk/flaming continues to inspire VF battles!</font color> The subject is misleading... like Live Girls in midtown. ;P
  5. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Hey Nycat, I agree with what you have to say. It happends to all the florida guys when we get together and play after all the trash talking. The matches seem to be more intense. Most of the trash talking on the florida board is now just joking around. See all of you guys in NY.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    But percieved arrogance does not justify deliberate hate on any level.

    Well, maybe not. I don't think the guy has steam pouring out his ears when he flames someone, even though he sounds pissed. And in real life I doubt he'd spit in your eye or anything.

    Do I read you right? It allllmost sounded like you're saying "we may have been arrogant, but he doesn't have to be such a bastard over it."
    Just admitting you (or maybe the FLA crew in general) comes off as arrogant is a nice start. It almost qualifies as half an apology for trashing rich's work.
  7. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    On behalf of the FL peeps I must say, we are arrogant, but we were not always this way, no, if the old FL thread was around. Post Hydra if you will....you could see where it all spawned from.....

    The guys name started with a U or something....Uncle Uzi? I think. Then it became infectious I think we should hunt this person down and hang him by his rather large cumbersome penis, yes. Then again scratch the hanging part, we should just throw money at him, and worship him....yes...that's more like it. And make sacrifices of random hotties on his bedlike altar..yes.....then all will be well......
  8. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    lol. I read a couple of them. Some of them were pretty funny. My favorite has to be the one on Nov. 20something of last year. Where Unc proclaims his utter dominance and boredom in FL. If he had only known what was about to happen...mwuahahaha...sorry. /versus/images/icons/cool.gif
  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > but interest without playing the game is sad.

    Once again, it's a social channel. I come on there to talk to friends, and not necessarily about VF. It has ALWAYS been that way. That's the very nature of IRC itself. Grow the fuck up, open your eyes and try to understand that. Do you realize how much of an ass you sound for slagging me for using IRC and #vfhome as 99% of other people use IRC, not to mention most of the other people on #vfhome? Your holier-than-thou-o-so-sad-if-they-don't-play-vf4 makes you sound more of a fat, pasty gamer geek loser asshole than the #vfhome page could ever make me look like a sad IRC lifer.
  10. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Creed, I never claimed not to be arrogant. Quite frankly I don't care if you want to call me, or FL arrogant. No problem.

    Go ahead and hate me for my opinion Rich, if it insults you that much. I hear you're a great guy in person, so it's cool.
  11. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    way to be passive aggressive.....thou art a posting ninja.
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Whoa, gone for two days and so much interesting drama! I didn't know that ice-9 is such a popular topic on IRC: my first and only visit chronicled, I have my own imposter, my undisclosed made-for-school website ferreted out by IRC investigators...wow, I'm impressed. I almost feel like I'm being stalked.

    Anyway, clearly this thread has little to do with VF, and so I'm moving it to General. Or maybe we should create a new forum: Flame City?
  13. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    flame city....... not a bad idea at all. go for it. I'd be the mod for that /versus/images/icons/grin.gif i would move ANY flames to flame city. so select good ol sal for Flame city mod /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    vote today!
  14. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    haha, bring it on man! i'd love for you to create flame city! flames are one of the more fun aspects of VF dot com! VF? who goes to VF dot com to LEARN VF? it's like who goes to golfland to play golf?
  15. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Flamer's Inferno sounds better. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  16. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    It is time that Mister Anonymous spouts forth his evil venom of Quaker political parroting of trite, banal, party propaganda. The forces of justice are now poised to fight the good fight in the name of honesty, truth and equality. Look up on that Message Board! It's a bird! It's a plane! No! Its *** Super
    Able to make a hundred posts in a single day. Faster than Moby Dick high on speed. More powerful than a band of Uncauzis.
    Meaner than a deposed Blonde One.

    When we last left our story enkindu was being chased by a noob waving Green Krypton


    Just kidding

    -Enk (again)

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