Level Expert--the good the bad

Discussion in 'General' started by smb, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Llan you set the difficulty in quest mode itself. The game settings are just for Arcade.
  2. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Llanfair, I think they mean the Expert difficulty in Quest Mode where you only get Normal or Expert.

    The Very Easy-Very Hard is for Arcade and Score Attack only.

    Or what Jide said.
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Quest mode difficulty is Normal - Hard - Expert.
  4. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Just figured I'd put a nice book end on this thread i started. Short term, Playing level expert killed my online game, long run, I shot straight from 8th Dan thru 9th thru 10th, and grabbed a master ranking. It has definitely tightened up my game. (also I have a few new tricks i would have learned otherwise, but its definitely worth doing if you haven't)

    note, i'm not saying that i'm just the best ever know, i'm surely coming to a 10th dan near you, i have no disallusionment that i'll beat 10 10th dans in a row, and in the future i could very well drop back to 9-10th, but for now, it has strenghtened my game up.
  5. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I can't play live right now but I make up for it by playing quest mode and it is forcing to face demons I didn't think I would ever have to deal with ever again. When I play online again I should be stronger fundamentally because of it, the game past Master rankings plays better overall defense than most of the people I play online and it is I see it as a great way to learn new tactics as well.
  6. Isca

    Isca Member

    I have the ps3 version I have no expert mode in quest just normal and hard mode is it normal?
  7. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I didn't have internet for a month when I moved and I picked up Lion in quest mode on expert... I would say my Lion ended up being really nasty the first time I brought him out of the garage for online play.

    Quest helped me play more morally too and it improved my defense. Good defense helps a lot period but the way the CPU plays emphasizes the importance of active defense like throw escapes, evade cancels, fuzzy guard and ETEG...

    I also learned some cool flows from playing mirrors against the expert CPU. If the CPU did something tricky and I noticed it fooled me I would just incorporate it into my game and gain new weapons to use on people.

    I figured if the CPU fooled me I could use the same setup to fool someone else. The CPU doesn't really train you to be tricky as it forces you to play much more moral and conservative to win consistently. Plus, the CPU throws a lot in guaranteed situations so it trains you to enter TE's when you do a move with a long recovery. Quest won't help your Yomi as much but it will "tighten" your game as SMB-is-Me stated.

    The safer style of play works well against humans because they can be frustrated by a nice, tight defense. If they are having trouble hitting and throwing you you can force them to play a way they are not comfortable with, which in my experience, usually results in them losing because they are out of their depth. I also noticed that expert quest helped me deal with evades a lot better as the CPU evades really well... I still have trouble with Fuzzy guard but fuzzy guard is a really powerful defensive technique in VF5...
  8. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    I'd say that Quest Mode helps you with your Defense the most. You really can't play too aggressive on Expert because the CPU's AI is unreal and they block entirely way too much. I've had a winning percentage as high as 87 percent on there. When I got to Master, the gameplay was a lot better. I eventually fell around to 82 percent.

    I got to the last official tournament last night and I tried it with my arcade stick (I've played this game with a controller since I started out). And it was fustrating as hell because I knew I would of been able to beat the CPU with a controller. I just stuck it out anyway, dealt with all the ass whoopings and my win percentage is now 76 percent, due to the controller to stick switch.

    But all in all, I don't think Expert is that hard at all. The CPU is very predictable in most cases. Here's a big tip to beating basically all of the fighters you face on there. Whenever they knock you down to the ground. Don't panic, most of the time they stand straight up RIGHT next to you and guard. They'll either stand up guarding or duck guarding. Each time I get knocked down, I would just read what he was doing and throw the opponent. This tactic works damn near everytime. Basically you just have to not miss the throw, because sometimes they like to trick you. They'll start out ducking and then stand right as you're going for a low throw move and vice versa for a standing throw move. Just try that and see what happens.
  9. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    i serious gotta play expert sometimes maybe it will help me block better and improve on other stuff i lack
  10. Gmoney

    Gmoney Active Member

    Am I missing something Here? You mean to tell me EVERYONE on VFDC plays This game on expert and it's easy? WHAT?..... BULLSHIT!! Maybe it sounds cool to say but i very much doubt it. expert mode to me is frustrating as hell and really takes the fun out of the game. And yea yall can go on with all that noob shit if you'd like but I'm gonna be a lil realistic. Here's my OPINION!! I ONLY use expert or whatever level it is in dojo that's 5 to train defense That's pretty much it and when I do this it's not for long periods of time with the same character. I only do this to speed my reaction time a bit and work on my side steps and gaurds. playing through story mode maybe easy at first on expert if your playing the begainners arcades and you have a low rank but later as the cpu gets higher rank good luck finishing that shit. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif I don't see the point! fighting the cpu and fighting people are completely different and I don't see how one helps you better the other. For some reason the cpu seems to cheat by guessing moves before you even do them their timing seems too perfect and combo's executed flawlessly I never seen a cpu just miss a command or hesitate due to fear of punishment. I mean the cpu feel like a.. well... CPU!! to beat it you have to keep changing what your doing it forces you to fight it's game. I feel training just against the cpu will fuck your vs gaming up be it online or offline vs. because your gonna try using cpu tactics to defeat a constantly thinking human. but to kill all this why even play expert anyway. I only play expert in games that are only single player and after I'd completely killed the game and want a final thrill or maybe if it's an achievement offered. Cause I mean really, Who are you trying to impress by constantly losing, forcing un-needed habits and not having fun. Do you not get the same items and rank on normal or even hard? Does your Expert rank transfer to online? Will you get a hero cookie if you brag about it on this site? Look man it's your game I say if you play more than 60% of your fights online leave expert alone it's not going to help you achieve no more than normal. When you train train to human flaws and the mistakes YOU may make your reaction speed, timing or execution patterns the expert cpu can't give you this. you may figure out how to defeat it but that's all you've done, just beaten another cpu... WOW big deal. Then you'll get online and for the life of you, you just can't seem to get past a lei-fei spamming /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif But hey at least you got that EXPERT BADGE. Wait that doen't exist........damn!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  11. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    I play Expert Quest mode and it's not that hard. Maybe it's because I play with Pai or whatever, but I know moves that really fuck the CPU up quite easily. And if you use the throw tactic I mentioned in my previous post you will own the CPU... trust me.

    Only thing bad about it is that they block everything in the higher ranks, and you may say that doesn't make you better but I believe it does. If I play quest for a while and then hop online I usually do well because I've been playing on the defensive side of things offline, when I go online not only can I play well defensively but now my offensive game will be improved because human players won't block and guard nearly as good as the CPU. Playing Quest Expert gets me sharper with defense. It helps me a lot.

    I won all the official tourneys yesterday on Expert, it's not that hard. 100% it will take a long ass time though.
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    It was really hard for me to win the last tournament on expert. Just because you have to win so many in a row against expert opponents to beat it. It took me more than 10 tries, I know that.

    I don't think the CPU is easy to beat at all because they compensate for really good "character specific" tactical play with incredible defense...
  13. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I really mix things up and oddly enough I find quest mode with pai quite the challenge especially when I throw I don't know how many time I get my throws escaped even if I mix them all up as I always do and mix in many good attacks in I still find throws hard to land in higher ranks on expert. My Aoi and Vanessa has an easier time throwing in VF even against higher ranking matches on expert they throw more often than my Pai does one would think they would be escaped more if I throw more. The lei feis are the worst though I had the worst getting past them as literally all my throws were escaped match after match and I was mixing them all up as well my pai just left me wondering if I could get good attack in.

    Being as defensive as the game is they they are more vulnerable to throws and quicker attack that human players would counter hit. That is why I miss playing online but quest mode is a great way fight superior defensive tactics consistently I will never hate it for that.
  14. DominoLogic

    DominoLogic New Member

    Fighting game cpus tend to be bad in general (lol, SNK) but I like VF's AI because you can actually train against it. It still "cheats" in the sense that it reads your inputs and does things no human would do, but you can still win most of the time without resorting to anti-cpu tactics.

    The thing with VF's Expert AI is that I can only train defensively against it. Anytime I try to rush it down it will do something silly, like ducking highs on "reaction" or evading anything thats not full or half circular. Sometimes it will repeatedly do Offensive Move and get hit by random attacks like slow ass launchers or crumple moves. It is incredibly bad at getting out of Vanessa's tackle, and will always evade Brad's kick from ducking stance. The matches just seem to be more "real" (and useful) if I turtle and wait for something to punish.

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