Let's Compile: Evade-Counterable Attacks

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Chanchai, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    It was just driving me up the wall that when I was getting evaded from side turned I was getting hit with stuff so I need to know which moves I could use that are completely safe. Hence this several hour long search for an answer. I was using P, 2P, evade, PPPP (mashing to get the fastest input). Then when I was evading the 2P, I noticed odd things were happening and I just had to do more research. The equation came out when I did 4K, 4P+KK, P+K, (P or G) and I found my magical number 28.
    Cnul and Chanchai like this.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I was using the side turned evade formula to find out some stuff about using 3K from side turned evades and found that my formula was a tad off for that one. The constant portion of that equation is actually 26 not 28.

    This was found by using eileen's 4K (puts her at +6) then using 3K then blocking as the CPU record feature. I would get hit by the 4K which side turned me then evade the 3K and per my old formula I wouldn't be able to hit my CPU in time with my 11 frame punch. However I actually was able to hit her with an 11 frame jab but not a 12 frame jab. This led me to believe the formula was wrong.

    26 makes more sense in a lot of ways because it takes 3 frames to turn around from side turned, so essentially your character is turning forward then evading when you execute an evade from side turned.

    New Side turned formula:

    your adv from side turned evade = total frames of attack evaded - your disadvantage - 26
    Chanchai likes this.
  3. shinryu_returns

    shinryu_returns Well-Known Member

    This thread is gold; been getting fucked after evades and this should hopefully make that happen less.

    The question is: how does this math change for strings? Do you assume if they don't delay that the next attack is executing at effectively no disadvantage? Would imply you can't interrupt in a lot of situations; e.g, it seems like from the formula a successful 1st frame evade of p should give you +5 but damned if you can ever interrupt a pp. Also, if you're dash canceling, this mean from a front evade you should get (evaded attacks' total exec frames - 11 (10 for evade, 1 for dash cancel), correct? Partially I'm just trying to figure the viability to go for sabakis after evades against strings rather than evade and then just have to evade yet again or guard. Or take it in the face.
    R_Panda likes this.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    The math is not clear for strings since they are different based on the string. The frames lie to you here so you just gotta kinda know

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