Lei VF5FS Combos

Discussion in 'Lei' started by AlexMD, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Jiraiya_The_Sann

    Jiraiya_The_Sann Member

    With the following wall combo: [6][6][P], [4][6][6][P][+][K], [1][P][+][K], [4][P][+][K], [3][P] [P][K][G], [6][P], [4][P][P], [3][P][P], [4][6][6][P][+][K], I'm having trouble finishing it after [4][P][P]. I can't seem to pick em back up with the [3][P][P], [4][6][6][P][+][K]. Any tips/suggestions?
  2. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    I'll check it out. Are the numbers going green anywhere in that combo?
    Also, I usually don't use 466(P+K). I use 43(P+K) because it's safer.
  3. Jiraiya_The_Sann

    Jiraiya_The_Sann Member

    No, not that I know of
  4. Greymalkin_

    Greymalkin_ Member

    There is a sticky not to post as a combo something that can be teched. So this is entertainment only...

    You need a wall, and a counterhit. Nehan KG or 6K at start

    Nehan [K][+][G] CH, Koko [K], Nehan [K][+][G], Koko [P], [4][P][+][K], [3][P] ([P][K][G] cancel), [6][P], [K][+][G], [P], [P][+][K], [8][P] ~200 damage varies 208 on Jean, Taka goes to 185.

    The link from Nehan [K][+][G] to Koko [P] was an accident while testing. The rest is flowchart Lei. I don't think Lei is low tier, but then I'm not that good at VF yet.. hard switch from SF
    VFnumbers likes this.
  5. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    While in Koko there is no [P+K]...only P or K...
    Greymalkin_ and VFnumbers like this.
  6. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    I thought i share this with other leifei players

    #s setup (parallel to the wall)
    While in closed stance [6][K] (side wall stagger) ---> From Koko stance [2][K][P][P](should wall splat)---> various wall combos. assuming everything was CH most damage i got was +150
    Works also with nehan [K][+][G] on Ch (+20 frame advantage) guarantees [2][K][P][P] for even more dmg

    While in open stance (parallel to the wall) -->[8][K][+][G]( wall splat)---> various wall combos.
    phanatik and Greymalkin_ like this.
  7. Greymalkin_

    Greymalkin_ Member

    You're right... it was a P. Thanks for isolating this from the rest of it...

    for me

    I want to learn open and closed stance, I see it's important for high level skilled players. I also enjoy watching your matches. I'm going to try to follow this in the dojo until I get it

    ODANGO Member

    [2_][6][P][+][G] combos

    [K][+][G][P] (49)
    [4][P]delay[P] (51)

    [6_][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (56)
    [6_][P]-->[2][P]-->1 Frame delay[K][+][G][P] (62)

    [6_][P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[K][K] (64)


    Hai[P][P][+][K]-->[K][+][G][P] (72)
    El Blaze,Sarah,Pai,and Middle Weight

    Hai[P][P][+][K]-->1 Frame delay[K][+][G][P](72)

    [6_][P]-->[4][6][P]-->[6_][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (73)

    [6_][P]-->[4][6][P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[K][K] (76)

    [6_][P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]->Kyo[6][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (82)
    Chibitox and Kanoppio like this.
  9. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    Hi, All:

    I am working on the Combo List in the Resources section of the site. There are many combos that I use and know work; I just haven't checked damage, open/closed stance, CH, etc. I will get to all of that. Any and all comments/feedback/help would be greatly appreciated. I hope I have provided some new stuff for you all.

    Kanoppio likes this.
  10. ODANGO

    ODANGO Member

    Full charged Haishiki[P][+][K](dmg40) combos

    [4][P][+][K]-->[3][P][P]-->[4][3][P][+][K] (56)
    [4][P][+][K]-->[3][P][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (63)
    Taka open

    [4][P][+][K]-->Hai[P][P][+][K]-->[K][+][G][P] (61)

    [4][P][+][K]-->[1][P][+][K]-->[K][+][G][P] (58)
    [4][P][+][K]-->Hai[P][P][+][K]-->[K][+][G][P] (61)
    Akira closed

    [4][P][+][K]-->not 1-frame delay[6][6][K]_-->Doku[K][K] (62)
    Jacky,Jean,Middle Weight,Light Weight,El Blaze

    [4][P][+][K]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[4][P][P] (68)
    (Jacky,Jean,Lau,Brad,El Blaze)open,Vanessa

    [4][P][+][K]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (66)

    [4][P][+][K]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[5][P]-->[4][6][P]-->[6][6][K] (74)

    [4][P][+][K]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[6_][P]-->[4][6][P]-->[6][6][K] (74)
  11. ODANGO

    ODANGO Member

    [9][K][+][G](dmg20) combos

    [2][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (32)

    [P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[K][K] (41)
    except Taka

    [P]-->[3][P]-->[2][P]-->[4][3][P][+][K] (41)
    Shun(sobering 1)

    [P]-->[4][6][P]-->[4][P][P] (49)
    (Jacky,Jean,Middle Weight,Sun)open

    [P]-->[6][P][+][K][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (50)
    [P]-->[4][6][P]-->[6_][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (50)

    [P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[P]-->[K][+][G][P] (50)
    Eileen,El Blaze

    [P]-->[4][6][P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[K][K] (53)
    (Eileen,El Blaze,Aoi,Sarah,Pai)open,Lion,Vanessa
  12. ODANGO

    ODANGO Member

    [3][3][P][P](dmg16+12) combos

    [P][6][P]-->Doku[K][K] (42)
    except Taka

    [6][P][+][K][P]-->[2][P]-->[4][3][P][+][K] (42)
    [6][P][+][K][P]-->[2][P]-->1 frame delay[K][+][G][P] (49)

    [6][P][+][K][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (45)
    Middle Weight

    [P]-->[6][P][+][K][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[K][K] (47)
    (Akira,Jean,Middle Weight)closed (closed:after hitting 33PP)

    [P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[P]-->[K][+][G][P] (50)

    [P]-->[4][6][P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[K][K] (53)

    [P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[K][K] (60)
    (Sarah,Shun)closed(sobering 2)
    [P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[K][+][G][P] (59)
    Shun closed(sobering 3)

    [P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[4][P][P] (61)
    El Blaze
    [6][P][+][K][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[4][P][P] (62)
    El Blaze open

    [P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[5][P]-->[4][6][P]-->[6][6][K] (65)
    Pai closed

    [P]-->[3][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[6_][P]-->[4][6][P]-->[6][6][K] (65)

    [6][P][+][K][P][P][+][K][+][G]-->Kyo[6][P]-->[6_][P]-->[4][6][P]-->[6][6][K] (68)
    Eileen open
  13. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    Hey all:

    I'd like some feed back on the combo lists I've started in the Resources section of the site. There is a lot to accomplish. Myke brought up the idea of a second content manager to help. Let me know if you're interested.

    I plan on adding a major update after the holidays.

  14. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    Help would be appreciated!
  15. Kanoppio

    Kanoppio Well-Known Member

    If you want I'd like to help:

    - the 2nd combo in Bokutai doesn't work with me, maybe is there 1 frame delay or something like that? =/
    I guess "bokutai -> 6p -> 6p+kpp+k+g-> kk" [67 dmg] is better and always work =) (pp2k as finisher against eileen/blaze and just in open stance against SA till VA [71 dmg]);
    - the 4th and 5th combo maybe we need to put 4p+k instead of 1p+k? (with 4p+k work against eileen and aoi just in closed stance [92 dmg]);
    - in the 3rd, 4th and 5th combo in bokutai instead of 4k you can do 466p+k for additional damage;
    - in the 4th combo in Bokutai you need to put the last hit.
    - you can add: Bokutai 3k, k+gp (till brad, doesn't work against kage and goh)

    Hai Shiki
    - in the 1st and 4th combo you write Bokutai -> pp+k but that move doesn't exist in Bokutai, maybe you wanted to write Bokutai -> pp or Hai Shiki -> pp+k?
    - You can add: p+k (max charge) -> 4p+k -> g -> 3pp+k+g -> 6p -> 6_pg -> 46p -> 466p+k [114 dmg] (Against Eileen and Aoi open and closed; against Blaze and Vanessa just closed)
    - You can add: p+k (max charge) -> 4p+k -> g -> 3pp+k+g -> 6p -> 6_pg -> 466p+k [107 dmg] (against Pai and Sarah in closed);
    - the 4th combo works only against Eileen, Blaze, Aoi in closed stance (in normal hit) [85 dmg]
    it works even in open if Hai shiki K is ch [93 against Eileen and Blaze, 95 Aoi]
    in closed ch it works against Sa, Sh, Pa, Li, Va, La, Ka, Le, Br, Go, Ak, Je [100 dmg in red ch], Ja too.

    Kochouheki / Successful Sabaki
    236p+k -> 6p+kpp+k+g -> kk [68 dmg]
    236p+k -> 6p+kpp+k+g -> pp2k [70 dmg] till Sa open (eileen closed too)

    - you can add 33pp and 2_6p(ch) as launchers
    33pp -> 6p+kpp+k+g -> 6p -> 6_p -> 46p -> 466p+k against eileen [96 dmg] (wip)
    2_6p(ch) -> 2p -> 3pp+k+g -> 6p -> 6_p -> 46p -> 466p+k against eileen [96 dmg] (wip)
    - after guard break [+12] (Kyo p+k) pp or p6p
    - after side guard break [+15] 4pp or 6pp, 43p, 2p+kp, 3p+kp, k, ecc
    - you can add side combos in ch: 4k (or 466p+k, Dokuritsu P, Bokutai K) then 4p+k -> 3pp+k+g -> 6p -> 6_p -> 46p -> 466p+k [107+ dmg against Eileen]
    - you can add crouched side combos (just discovered for some awesome setups after side guard break) 466p+k or Dokuritsu P ...I'll make a video for this thing =P

    Please read if it's good, I'll add here some other things next time for the others launchers and other combos
  16. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    Thanks, Kanoppio! I'll review some of the questionable combos.
  17. phanatik

    phanatik Well-Known Member

    I phanatik I
    Updated Boku section and added a couple wall combos against lightweights.
  18. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    Here's a wall combo I found:

    [1][K]+[G] (walll stagger) [4][3][P]+[K] (wall splat)>[3][P]>[4][P]+[K]>[2][P]+[K]+[G](Hai)>[P][P]+[K]>[P]>[4][6][P]>[4][P][P] (105 dmg)

    Works on everyone except for Akira and Taka, for Eileen and Blaze only closed stance.
  19. ODANGO

    ODANGO Member

    Wall combo
    against Taka
    (Wallsplat)-->[4][P][+][K]-->[1][P][+][K]-->[4][3][P]-->Hai[P][+][K](full charged) (58)
  20. ODANGO

    ODANGO Member

    Wall combo
    against Eileen,El Blaze

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