Last Final final retirement till vf5 London vf (Money) Torni.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Genzen, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Yep ^_^ , won't be for a few weeks yet, busy schedules and organising the setups to do yet.
    p.s, main issue is tv's any ideas people?
    edit: For practical reasons 1st to 10 maybe then finals up to 25 maybe?
  2. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Who is going to host?
    Will it be Sham again?

    I'm fairly sure that some of you guys have a T.V. knocking about, that you could bring over to his place. I would bring mine, but it would be a tad difficult to carry both my stick and my T.V. at once......

    Alternatively, you guys could come up here, I have two t.v.'s and a p.s.2. I'm sure someone could bring another P.s.2, and if anyone drives, they could bring another tv and we could have three set-ups.

    Someone get in touch with Mike and see if he is up for it....
  3. romeo_longsword

    romeo_longsword Active Member

    Me up for watching as well.
  4. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    romeo_longsword said:

    Me up for watching as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Enough with the watching. Join in, it's the best way to improve, because then you don't fall into any nasty habits that the AI doesn't punish, and are able to cope with mind games better.
  5. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    what we guys need is a place to crash. anybody here who dont live with their family man enuff to step up to the challenge?

    this iron man idea is gold. that way everyone gets alot to play.
    but opti, if you gonna put the idea of money into it, make sure you got ur base rules set and that they are understandible. make it so a child could understand it, or Count Edward might have another row with jide.

  6. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    possbile new london meet and iron man

    hokay guys my parents and older brother are going abroad from the 15th to the29th of august.

    that means i got a free house.

    yes i know, i intend to have a session. i already cleared this up with my other bro who wont mind, as long as youse guys act within reasonable bounds (no loud assed long arguments)

    i got at least two good sized tvs we can use in the main sitting room, which is quite spacious i think. and theres the possiblity of using the large tv screen in the second (albeit smaller) living room which is opposite the first living room, as long as you guys dont mind skipping from room to room.

    so that means maybe a good possiblity of three set ups.

    however, there are a few setbacks.

    i imagine if i did decide to hold a meet, most people would be only available to come on a fri-sun timeframe.

    the setback here being that sometimes during weekends fucking met and jub lines are under planned works. so travelling might be a bitch.
    now i say sometimes cuz once or twice every month jub and met lines go under repair. so maybe if we're lucky, they wont be under repair on the weekend(s) i plan to hold this.
    i live in kingsbury btw.

    im fine for starting on a friday and continuing thru till morn.
    like i said, parents are away and my brother dont give a fuck really.

    so, to clarify, i intend to hold a 'casual' meet on 19th aug, say meet youse guys at my place at like 9, 10 ish and play casual matches thruout the nite . the main rule here being that by 12 midday on sat, youse guys are out of mah house.
    reason being cuz i got a exam resit on the 22nd aug

    then i intend to hold an 'ironman' contest, like the one ollie recommended on the 26th. again, on a friday nite and end whenever it needs to. if this needs to go on thru out the nite and well into sat midday and even beyond, im fine with this.

    for the 26th, if people could kindly help me organise the paperwork and general organisation for an iron man, cuz i have no real experience in this matter. i dont want another jeffahn vs jide debacle making sounds in mah house.

    remember, guys you are guests in mah house and as long as you act reasonabley, theres no reason for me to beat you with a baseball bat or sic my dog on you.

    im maybe 85% sure i can go thru with this. just remember what i said bout travel arrangements. if met and jub liens are out, chances are your going to have to take replacement bus services, or go to golders green stat and get a bus from there to my house.

    im pretty sure i can maybe hold up to 12 people here, with three set ups, as long as people donate ps2,games and sticks. i dont care really bout recording matches.

    so dats the 19th and 26th

    so whaddya guys think?
  7. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    KS, count me in. I have a fair recollection of your location so I should be able to draga few peeps along w/ me.
  8. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    I'll come down for the 26th, although I would probably be travelling down on the Saturday, so the event will probably be half finished?
  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    I'll come down on both weekends, if that is ok.

    Also, if no-one else can provide A ps2 then I can do so, though it is a hassle to bring it, so if someone else can do this, then it would be easier, but if no-one is able then I'll bring mine down.

    Ade, if you really are serious about coming down, then you need to organise someone to meet you (possibley Mike, and if not, get in touch with him any way and see if he wants to come to the meet) so that you know where you are going.

    Eddie, can you do me the honour of escorting me to the prestigious venue where this spectacular event is to be held?

    Thanks man, hope this can go ahead.
  10. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ev2 said:

    Ade, if you really are serious about coming down, then you need to organise someone to meet you (possibley Mike, and if not, get in touch with him any way and see if he wants to come to the meet) so that you know where you are going.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, of course I'll be contacting Mike, it goes without saying!
  11. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    Aight then safe KS i'm not coming down. People are going on like i wanted to organise the tournament. Safe allow you and allow VF

  12. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    ah man dont take it like that.

    i thought the rules you made on the day were fine. im not pointing fingers here. its just that i thought jeffan was making something out of nothing and to be honest it did get kinda loud.

    that said, i do understand you were under a type of pressure i was not aware of at the time.

    actually i was gonna look to you for some advice on how to do this iron man ting.

    there couldnt be a meet without you beating my vanessa.

    in the words of the CARTMAN, aw come on
  13. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    I was kidding i think i can make it down i guess. But i'll be quite late coming down since i'm sure i'll be working

    Thanks for letting us play /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    Yeah man, there are too few of our dying species left to start falling apart now. We must be strong for the love of the game.
    (Except Ryan, who is too scared of my 'skillz' to come and face me!).
  15. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    Id like to come down to one of these. Whats the location?
  16. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man


    its just one stop away from wembly park.

    so far, my plans seem to be taking shape.
    now i just need to wait until the 15th, which is the date when all my parents and bro exit the house.

    then ill be able to totally confirm meet is going on.
    patience people. youll get your chance
  17. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    Sorry guys, count me out.
    I have Tae Kwon Do classes that run on a Sunday morning, so I can't make it.
  18. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    im planning to do both on friday evenings running till sat morn.
  19. RandomHajile2

    RandomHajile2 Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ev2 said:

    Sorry guys, count me out.
    I have Tae Kwon Do classes that run on a Sunday morning, so I can't make it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what a shame, i guess ryan will have to jet off to evo2005 to console himself not playing such a grandmaster such as yourself and slum it against yanks and japs in real head to heads!

    skills u aint got!

    anyways im down for your meet KS:)

    maybe we can play some 3rd strike as i hear its well popular again and besides its all ive been playing (and capcom fighting jam/evo)

    do VO and Columbo Jacky still play???
  20. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: possbile new london meet and iron man

    ehh? ..... /versus/images/graemlins/indifferent.gif

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