Killas Force New VF Players to Leave.....

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jun 11, 2021.

  1. break

    break Well-Known Member

    Joe D Haze
    Never been good at Virtua Fighter, myself.
    Could never get the feel for the buttons or understand the mechanics.
    Still enjoy the game...even though I get 0-3! daily
    And unable to rank up because of my skill level.
    While the training mode/tutorial is good
    I think it needs to go a bit deeper, with match-ups, to catch new players up.
  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    If you want a real training see VF4 evolution's training mode. It talks about every specific thing you need to know to use your character in real matches in depth. It even talked about frames at a time when most games would never think of doing that and the game is really old too by modern standards.
    beanboy and break like this.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Exactly right!

    @SDS_Overfiend1 respectfully dude, most Noobs learn to play the game through single player and offline modes.:LOL: Sure there are some noobs who do learn through the school of hard knocks, but these kind of noobs are in the minority:whistle:

    Most noobs and casuals learn the basics of the game in single player and offline modes, they pick and get comfortable with a character in single player modes, they do most of the trial and error in single player modes . In some instances (where possible) they play with family, friends in VS modes for a while, and after they've built a certain amount of confidence they venture out into the more competitive scene. But just throwing noobs and casuals into ranked mode or these hurt-locker-rooms hosted by phony KYU's ain't gonna win no significant new players.

    I'm all for the competitive scene and ranked mode, but folks, that all comes after familiarity with the game and single player and Vs modes. This e-sports version of VF only serves one fragment of the VF community (Maybe that's all Sega wants to do) But it only serves one fragment (actually the smallest fragment {but most visible}) of the VF community.

    All that : "just get good" Bull$#it doesn't really help grow the fanbase at all. Look at the ranked leaderboards for VF5US its the same old usual suspects. The same ole dudes that's been playing the game for 20+ years, dominating, subjugating, and terrorizing any new would be VF players. The new players don't stand a chance.

    Honestly, I personally know at least 9 new players that gave VF5US a try that first couple of weeks and they found the rank mode and the rooms to intimidating and they all stopped playing after 3 weeks.

    The Rank Mode was full of stone cold, 7 hit combo, frame trap, make-no-mistake killas and the Rooms were full of Doomslayers, Lionheart's, Berserkers. Dragon Fangs, etc all disguised as Kyu's and Dan's just simply brutalizing noobs as casuals. I was in a room the other day where a 5th KYU had 90% win ratio and over 50 wins. This player could go to rank mode and rank up to Stormlord in about 2 days if he wanted to. But instead chooses to demoralize players in Room mode.o_O

    Don't get me wrong there are online players who enjoy this kind of setup, but most noobs and casual players don't find this kind of game play enjoyable. They need single player modes/offline game modes to have enough time to breath and learn the game. NO, NO, NO, most of they players are not going to learn the game in the damned Dojo, they need single player modes, good AI, and decent VS Mode, in other words they need solid OFFLINE modes to play and learn in, and get comfortable with the game, and then maybe (just maybe) they'll get into the e-sport thing.

    @Darrius_Cole good to see you back mate.
  4. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    You can't just catch up to someone who has a 10 or 20 year head start on you in a game like VF, that would take years. New players soon realize this and they just walk away.

    Moreover, a lot of players won't even play noob. A player has to have a certain amount of skill level to be a challenge to you. Often times if a player doesn't have that much skill they'll get kicked.

    What they need is the VF4:Evo Quest mode that breaks players and A.I.'s into blocks (called arcades) according to skill level. Then if you were online, real-life players could just break in to matches to challenge you but only players who were in that arcade as well.
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Alternatively a handicap system could also work. In the game of Go experienced players grant additional stones to newer ones. It's difficult to translate that to a fighting game - maybe more rounds to win or granting a longer healthbar?
  6. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    There is no handicap in an arcade environment period. This version is supposed to create that feel with access to the world. If your so concerned with wasting time posting think about that time you could have used practicing, watching your own video, or perhaps ask a higher rank to practice with to solve the gap. There are plenty of wonderful people creating videos, hosting learning sessions, or offering time to play.

    Put your quarter up..
    Or stfu..

    I’m certainly not going to spoon feed you and nor was I spoon fed in Japanese arcades.
    I left the arcade with empty pockets and more knowledge. Pay 2p tax like the rest of us.
  7. break

    break Well-Known Member

    Joe D Haze
    Hmm...don't have the VF4 game in my collection
    But sounds like it would be nice if they added that stuff into the current VF5 build.
    Still feel lost on a lot of things.
    When I run into a strong opponent, they just leave after 0-3! me once.
    Very difficult to get a skilled player to teach me the ropes of the game online.
  8. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Unless the player is a genius.:p
  9. Adam Gibson

    Adam Gibson Active Member

    It might have been nice if the game had you play a quick set vs. dural beforehand, and assigned you a starter rank up to like 5th Dan depending on how you performed. Did you win? How many sets? How much health did you/dural have left? something like that could have let experienced players jump the line and still allowed new players to gain their footing.
  10. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    Connection quality and rank must appear at the same time
  11. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Some of those new VF players who left, will definitely come back. There is no way they will let defeat stop them, from learning to kick butt in VF.
  12. As a new player who consistently considers quitting this game all the time, this game is seriously lacking a good single player mode to properly learn this game. After over 800 ranked matched (Chump change, I know), getting your ass handed to you is never fun. It sucks and it's mad discouraging knowing that a game you just got into, has a mountain of players who have 10, 15, 20yrs of experience ahead of you. Why even try when this massive gate of players live to stomp you out the moment you try to dip into online? I love this game. I love the community. But it is very hard to keep new players in this game. Nobody wants to get destroyed all the time. For 99% of players, losing all day is NOT fun and beating a computer lower than you is not rewarding. Just how I'm sure many people here have given up something because of the challenge, try to understand the players in those shoes. Not saying let them win or handicap them. That would be disrespectful to the time and effort you put in to being this GOOD at this game. But try to understand their struggle, have compassion, remember you were there once too, and offer some encouragement or even some coaching stuff. This bully mentality of "Put your quarter up or stfu" is mad toxic for no real reason.
    Munk, masterpo and akai like this.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    This is exactly the case. @Anthony Agosto I'm with you on this:holla: This is why single player modes are absolutely necessary. Single Player modes, like, Kumite, Quest , Score Challenge, Sparring, Team Battle, etc. The major advantage and pros of single player modes:

    • Allow new players space, room, and time to learn the game at a fun, relaxed pace.
    • Allow players to play and enjoy Virtua Fighter without getting into the competitive scene or going online. Most players don't play fighting games to be the absolute best.
    • Allow players play the game whenever they want to whether, there is someone playing online or not.
    • Allow players to simply enjoy and play the game without having to to master frames, metas, neutrals, match-ups, yomi, abare, moral, etc.
    • Allow players to simple enjoy and play the game without having to dedicate 20-30 hours a week for years before they become competitive enough to survive online with dignity
    • Allow players to play the game without worrying about lag, netcode, rage quitters, cheaters, poor match making, elite "member's only" rooms, or over ranked killa predators
    • Allow players the opportunity to see what awesome AI AM2 has designed over the years.
    MOST players of Virtua Fighter are not interested in playing VF as a job, or in dedicating 1/3 of their day grinding, drilling, practicing, rehearsing, combos, setups, yomi, traps, wake-ups, oki, advantage/disadvantage scenarios, maintaining a highly functional stick, or scouring social media for match-up tips &tricks:oops:. MOST players just want to casually enjoy the games mechanics, beautiful graphics, stages, music and rosters, without the constant pressure to play and compete against Online Killas, VF Fanatics, and or VF Jedi Frame Masters:mad:

    Unless RGG and Sega add some significant Single Player modes for VF5US or release VF6 with signficant Single Player modes, in about another 70 days or so, VF5US will be back to the same old small inbred Jedi Frame Masters that have played 10's of thousands of matches, mastered every matchup, memorized frames, situations, and strategies for every character in the game and spend most of their time squeezing that last iota of mystery and chance out of VF game play:whistle:

    Yea I'm all for VF e-sports but the e-sports aspect of the game really only represent about 35% - 40% of the people who enjoy the game and are willing to
    spend money on it:cool:

    Right now VF5US is nothing but a big Online Mode. No modern fighting game has ever survived and thrived with only an Online Mode, Even Tekken 7 as bare bones as it is, has a story mode, battle treasure mode, gallery, etc. VF5US is the most feature poor version of Virtua Fighter released.(n)
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
    Anthony Agosto likes this.
  14. I wish I could so this as a job or was even a FRACTION of a % as good as the people who have been playing for 10yrs+. I'm just one of the rare few new players who understand the beatings, trial/error, and learning process is tough lol
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Hey man, I do have many thousands of competitive matches over the years. I have played many tourneys offline. I 've played several thousand rank matches online between VF5FS and VF5US. And I've lost count of room matches and player matches. But to be sure its in the thousands. I typically pick the rank I want online, achieve it and then stop. I could keep grinding, but its just not fun to me. I literally have more fun in single player modes:LOL: The diverse AI in Quest Mode, Kumite Mode, Sparring Mode, and License Mode in previous Virtua Fighter games are more interesting to fight to me. They are more diverse and show off more aspects of the game than human players do imo.:ROTFL: Playing against the AI also encourages far more experimentation, and exploration than playing against human players. Again that's just my opinion. And I get a blast out of seeing the full range of the AI's potential when faced with different styles of attack.:rolleyes: For instance, if I turtle, or play counter hit, or play rush down, or abare how does the various AI's react. This is very fascinating to me. And VF4, VF4EVO, and VF5, VF5FS, have somewhere between 60 to 100 different AI's to play against. Not counting difficulty levels.:X3:

    And with VF's AI I never have to worry about:

    • Wifi Cheating
    • Rage Quitting
    • Spamming
    • Lag, Roll back, delay, etc
    • Availability
    • Monotony

    The AI is there to play when I want, for as long as I want, on the stages I want, against the characters I want. the way I want, the number of rounds I want. It doesn't complain, or get fatigued, or have somewhere else to be,. Whether I play each round as a champ or a chump the AI has no opinion one way or the other. These days most of the VF I play is on the PS3 and PS2 (VF5US has no real AI to speak of). And while many of my mates have moved on to the PS4 and PS5, the AI on the PS2 and PS3 will never move on to other consoles:ROTFL:

    I play most of my VS human matches offline, with friends and family (which is fun). The online modes against high level, low level, intermediate level players just don't do it for me.:meh:

    I got a rank with a name I can accept on VF5US on my ps4. And then I went back to playing VF5FS, VF5, VF4EVO, and VF4 where I have plenty of interesting AI's to challenge. Unless VF5US gets some Single Player Modes(Plenty of AI), or Sega releases a VF6 with Single Player Modes (Plenty of AI) I'll stay with the VF on my PS3 and PS2.:cool:
  16. Acid

    Acid Member

    If new people quit because they're tired of losing over and over it's SEGA's fault. Players can't rank down until they get to Raider rank which means even the worst of the worst players will be forced to fight mostly above average skilled players who are able to get above Hunter. The very worst players should be able to fight amongst themselves in the lower Kyu ranks until they prove they're better than their peers. Players should be able to go from 9th Kyu to 10th Kyu just as readily as players can go from Raider to Hunter. That's the only way match making would be fair for the bottom half of players, and not to mention the only way rank would have meaning for them. I can't imagine anybody would rather be a Hunter knowing it's essentially the lowest rank than say a 5th Dan knowing they're outplaying everybody ranked lower than them.
    masterpo likes this.
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    But of course, that's my point mate. If VF5US had significant and decent Single Player Modes (like all the other versions of Virtua Fighter have ) then new players could learn and enjoy the game on their own terms with no worries;)

    In Single Player Modes new people don't have to worry or concern themselves with rank, KYU, DAN, or none of the rest of it.(y)

    In Single Player Modes players don't have to worry about roll back, net code, match making algorithms, lag, rage quitters, or member-only rooms.:meh:

    In Single Player Modes new people can pick the difficulty that they want to play the game in.:ninja:

    Here's a fact. Not every body that plays a fighting game wants to play competitively or even compete. There a literally hundreds of thousands of players who buy and play and are loyal to a fighting game for only its Single Player Modes. The Soul Calibur and Mortal Kombat communities are the biggest example of this. But Tekken, DOA, and Virtua Fighter have thousands of players who are not interested in playing in VS mode offline, and who are not interested in competing in Ranks or Rooms online. Players (New and Old) who only care about Single Player Modes.:holla:

    If Sega's plan is to try to convert these people, then its a lost cause and VF5US will be a ghost town in less than 6 months. VF5US does not have enough juice to compete with Tekken, GG, MK, Street Fighter etc online. and as soon as

    • Tekken 8
    • MK 12
    • Street Fighter 6
    • DOA 7

    are released , the new players that are playing VF5US will drop it and quickly move on.

    Without significant Single Player Modes VF5US will go down as the worst entry in the series.:oops:
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
  18. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Yeah. It's always good to have lots of single player modes. Alot of players and new players, would rather take their time, and play offline matches to get comfortable with the game. And when they are ready, they will go online, than to be forced to play online matches every minute.

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