Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. LostCloud

    LostCloud Well-Known Member

    Lost Cloud86
    Hey Sega,

    I've been playing VF since Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution. I played VF4Evo and VF5 occasionally but never had much interest in really learning the game or playing a lot. I was basically a casual VF player with an uninformed opinion of VF. That is until I saw Virtua Fighter 5 R for the first time. VF5R's awesome new characters, stages, music, moves and items completely changed my opinion of Virtua Fighter. I wanted to learn everything that I could about VF5 just so I could have a better understanding of VF when VF5R was released on consoles.

    Through learning VF5, I realized just how amazing VF5 truly is and have been playing it nonstop since July 2008. I know for certain that there would be a ton of other gamers out there who don't play Virtua Fighter who would see VF5R's new, more intense style and be completely hooked just like I am and buy it for the PS3 or
    Xbox 360.

    Virtua Fighter 5 is the best, most competitive and fun game that I have ever played. Please Sega, bring Virtua Fighter 5 R to the PS3 and Xbox 360! (If I can't play Goh in VF5R, I'll go crazy!)

    Thanks for your time,
    Ben C.
    Washington, USA
  2. shamo

    shamo New Member

    For someone who really love this saga the console port of vf5r is an absolute must buy because in this game there's is everything fans have ever asked for:

    -a karateka in the roster
    -more customiztion
    -a balanced roster

    would be a shame for who have supported this saga on cosole trough the years if only japanese arcade players could enjoy this masterpiece.
  3. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Wow ok this is a reason to attend to the vfdc again. Good thing darius told me ^-^

    My first Virtua Fighter was VF2 on PC. I liked it very much but forgot its existence since I missed 3 because I did not own a Dreamcast. Then I played VF4 because a friend brought it with him, I remembered VF2 and how much fun it was. But VF4 was so much better compared to VF2. Then VF4 Evo came out. First I thought why should I buy an update of an existing game? I bought it for 20 to 30€ …. and I’m really glad I did! VF4 Evo was no mere update! It was like a new game! After using the tutorials I got to know the REAL VF!
    I never knew that VF was that deep. I trained and played with a new friend, I got to know through VF4 Evo. We played a lot and improved, then there was a tournament and we thought lets attend it. We did and the experience was just awesome! After what we saw on the tournament we were completely addicted to VF and played it like crazy. Final Tuned started in Japanese arcades and we were really thrilled! Until we got to know that it’ll never be released in Europe. We were heart broken, still continued to play VF4 Evo until it got too old and almost completely stopped playing VF. Then VF5 was announced! It came like a shock because we thought SEGA had discontinued VF for the European market! I used all my money to buy a PS3 on its release with VF5 and a HDTV and spent 2000€ just for VF! It was heaven on earth! I could play VF again! Then VF5 for 360 was announced with online mode and no update for the PS3 version… This made me furious and I really hated Sega for it! I scratched the money I had left together and bought a 360 with VF5 again and it was worth it. Without the online mode I would have stopped to play VF completely. VF5 R was announced and I was hyped again, till I got my heart broken again to get to know that it would end like Final Tuned. I really had hoped that it would be an update like VF4 Evo. I was so frustrated I almost quit Playing VF but I just can’t since I still hope it will be made available in Europe somehow. Even if VF5 R would cost 300€ because of a small amount of copies, I would buy it! Since my childhood I’m a martial arts fan and VF is the only game that shows real martial arts and to play it the player needs the mentality of a martial artist. There is no game closer to martial arts than VF. I still spend money just to visit friends that live further away and for VF tournaments. But I don’t know if I can keep playing VF without incentive. I always watch VF5 R replays in Youtube and it’s like I’m a dog in a cage and someone has put a steak out of reach! I just don’t know if I can keep up until there will be eventually a VF6 in 2012 or later.

    Bora Dilsen
    Wiesbaden, Germany
  4. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    Message to Sega:

    I'm living in Austria - a country that doesn't have a fighting game community. Besides my brother and me, I know around four other people who play Virtua Fighter at an advanced level.
    My first Virtua Fighter experiences were in Greece, I guess around 2001. In the local arcade I spent all of my greek drachma at the VF3 Cabinet. It was nothing more but buttonmashing at this time.
    My brother got a copy of Virtua Fighter 4 years after Greece but I wasn't really interested in the game anymore. With the release of Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution I got hyped again and instantly chose my main character: Goh. I started to learn more of the rather complicated techniques but my gameplay was still that of an intermediate buttonmasher, nothing fancy.
    In the summer of 2007, I reactivated my PS2 and VF4Evo, because of VF5 being announced. Christmas 2007 was the beginning of what still lasts up to this day: The motivation to become a Top Goh player. I still went back to VF4Evolution here and there - because it is the best VF up to date (since I had no possibility to play VF5R yet).
    And with VF5R I hope to finally get to play some other players online (I only have a PS3) and become even more better with Goh.

    Waiting for VF5R,

    Timo Frei
    Vienna, Austria
  5. Vyers

    Vyers Member

    Dear Sega,

    Ohisashiburi desu.

    It was 1997 and my dad had bought a Sega Saturn. Virtua Fighter 2 came with the bundle and I didn't really know what to expect (as I've never seen/heard of it before). I don't really remember how it happened, but somehow, I was in love with VF2. I spent quite some time trying to master Lion with the best joypad ever created.

    Once the PS2 came out I got VF4 immediately. And then VF4Evo came out and I also got that as well. The graphics were better, and most importantly, the gameplay was solid as ever. Customizing my Lion was really fun as well!

    Recently, I purchased an Xbox 360. I got VF5 as one of my 1st games. I also got a MadCatz SF IV TE stick to play my ONLY fighting game with. This stick wasn't easy to come by and costs really expensive in my country, but I had to have it if it meant I could be experiencing VF5 as it should be experienced.

    So please Sega, please release Virtua Fighter 5R (and every other subsequent VF version) for console and/or PC. I've played alot of other fighting games out there such as Tekken, Soul Calibur, Guilty Gear, Dead or Alive, King of Fighters, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Capcom VS series, etc. but none of them come close to the masterpiece known as Virtua Fighter! This is arguably the most balanced fighting game ever created, and thats why I love it. Any given character can win on any given day, assuming of course that the user has enough skill!

    I hope that we'll all be hearing the good news from you soon!

    Your neighbour from a not so far country,
    A. Taqiyuddin

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    First of all, thank you very much for giving us Virtua Fighter. The series was the pioneer in 3D fighting and continues to improve with each iteration. With precision, balance and quality that many others still have yet to reach, VF defines the phrase, "often imitated, never duplicated." As you have labored so much on your product with much time and dedication, we, in a similar manner, have poured much effort to learning and playing VF, whether it be for serious competition or recreation. As you have seen from the many testimonies worldwide, VF was life changing. I can in all honesty say that VF has pushed me in ways I never thought possible. I've met new people, traveled to new places and trained in ways I thought I couldn't before in any fighting game.

    We stand now in this renewed interest in the fighting genre and as most of the major fighting franchises have placed their bids with dramatic results. However, there is still one very important piece missing in all this. I know it. You know it. The world knows it. Virtua Fighter 5R.

    5R represents a great change for the series. You took a great chance in changing much of what was familiar about VF and yet, still keeping the very soul of the series intact, further solidifying it's dominance as a fighting game. Now it is time to share such a tremendous game with the rest of the world. You can do nothing but benefit from such a contribution.

    Just listen.

    Listen to your fans everywhere. Listen to your very countrymen.

    All we ask is VF5R. All we ask is that we, the fans of VF, can continue playing a game that has brought much enrichment to the fighting game community and to fighting games as a whole. We know you are fully capable to the task. Please, consider this request and give us VF5R on consoles so that many more will appreciate Virtua Fighter for years to come.

    Luis H. Garcia AKA INCIDENT
    Miami, FL
  7. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

    a few words for Sega...
    I'm taking on my chest being ashamed because i don't know English and Sega made me to write this begging letter in English [​IMG]
    I bought console only for VF5. I had x360 for 3 weeks and didn't play any other game than VF5 and i won't. VF5 is a great competition game but comparing it to VF5R i feel so unsatisfied.
    If you publish VF5R on console i buy it, else you can sue me ^^
    Come on Sega you're Japanese, so you probably like Chopin [​IMG]
    guess what? I'm from Poland, the Chopin country, and because you didn't release VF5R on console there is no hell possibility to play it. What would Chopin say for that?!
    Please release VF5R on console and I will shut up forever or unleash the this kind of ridiculous messages beast o_O

    Thanks in advance [​IMG]

    I hope You have more logic arguments than me [​IMG]
  8. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    Just adding names because I forgot to put mine on my previous post. Also adding my brothers.

    Kenneth Chan, Melbourne Australia
    Kris Chan, Singapore
    Kevin Chan, Singapore

    One more thing to add to the document side.

    Although console software sales were down in the year 2009, that was due to the world economic recession. However, the world is now in recovery, which is a good time for growth in sales.
  9. XTG

    XTG New Member

    Dear Sega,

    Honestly, I wanna play VF5:R because it appears to me like a quality product. I am a fan of generally paying for quality products I know I will get some enjoyment out. I wanna be able to listen to the Snow Mountain stage music while playing. That is the first reason as to why Ive wanted to play R, thats just my thing. Once I play it, Ill find other things to enjoy with R besides the obvious gameplay it presents.

    Nathaniel Montes
    Seattle, WA, USA
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Dear Sega,

    I brought VF5 as an after thought because it was offered to me on release day for a reduced price with other games. What i didn't know was tha i was purchasing one of the best fighting games i would play in year. I didn't know the game would introduce me to an amazing community. I didn't know i'd cross borders and visit different countrys for the game. You can imagine my suprise.

    It has been a great journey and i'll keep playing, but it's hard not to want VF5:R. It's a great improvement on the game dominates my gaming time and want for the game is causing disenchantment and defection to other fighting games. The idea that i'll never get to play it is preposterous.

    Give us VF5:R Sega, and relight the fire under all the Virtua Fighter players in the west.

    Marlon Jacobs
    London, United Kingdom
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  11. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    My message to Sega:

    Understanding the challenges involved in porting VF5R to a console, my request is that you continue to invest in ensuring that the VF series is a strategic priority for Sega in Japan and around the world. The Virtua Fighter series has brought together an incredible community of dedicated fans that truly travel the globe in order to continuously improve and develop their love of the game.

    I was the 2009 Canadian representative for VF5 at WCG in China and whilst the tournament for VF5 was small, the community is remarkably well connected. We are often the envy of other gaming communities and the benchmark for dedication and commitment to a gaming series.

    If VF5R can be released to console, the world of VF fans will be beyond appreciative. We love your game - many thanks for the past 15 years of great gaming in my local arcade, at home, and around the world.

    Owen Lewis
  12. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Dear Sega,

    I've been been a fan of virtua fighter since VF2. I remember putting in credit after credit trying to beat Jeffry in arcade mode.
    However I feel in love with series at Virtua Fighter 4. I've probably asked for a vf port of VF5R 1000 times. So this makes it the 1001th.
    So please Sega release VF5R for console. Don't give up on US!


    London, United Kingdom
  13. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    To whom it may concern:

    The decision to purchase VF4 Evo way back in 2004 was the first step in a long journey that has greatly affected the person I am today. I have much to thank to the game for what it has done for me as far as personal development. VF represents the first time I took an activity and decided I wanted to be fully involved in on my own terms: No one else telling me I should study "X", or take "X" class, or "X" hobby is for me. Over the course of two years I fully devoted myself to learning and growing within the game system.

    The journey ramped up in 2007 when I found out about a tournament, and decided to go to see what good players looked like. Needless to say I was blown away. I made sure to get the number of the player nearest to me. That man is known here on Virtuafighter.com as Chief Flash. He is now a great friend to me, along with many of the other people I met through this game. With him tutoring me I've done what I considered impossible for years. I fully realized the potential in myself!

    VF is the only game I play most of the time. I would be a great pleasure and an honor to be able to continue playing the game, but without the support of you guys the scene is dying. I'm watching the community I came to love dissipate bit by bit. I implore you (oh dear reader)to please consider release of Virtua Figther 5 R. Your fans...no, your customers are dying to purchase and play this game for years to come.

    Thank you,
    Geoffrey Laurindo Booker
    Lorton, Virginia
    United States
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I honestly can't put into words about how I feel about VF5R being exclusive to the Japanese community. What I can say is that not having VF5R release in the West has pretty much crippled my gaming career. I'm tired of playing this outdated version of a game for a game series I have given 14 years of my life too. I absolutely feel empty knowing that yet again Sega has done the impossible like they did with VF4:FT. Again they have left the entire West out of the equation. Is it so hard to think outside of the box and believe that people outside of Japan know and appreciate the Virtua Fighter fighting game series?

    Sega seems to have no idea the sacrifices foreign players go through just to play this game. Sacrifices such as spending our very own hard earned money just to invite your star players to our country to teach us or to hang out with us so we can get a taste of what it feels like to play in a Japanese enviroment. Me and my colleagues in New York City have invited players such as the great Kyasao, Brun-Brun Maru, Heruru, Shinjuku Jacky, SHU, Sugoroku Star and my all time favorite the incredible Homestay Akira. Why should we have to go to these great lengths to play this game? Why should we have to promote your game for you in a region that you have obviously abandoned?

    Honestly I have said to much already. If I continue I would be writing forever. This company really saddens me because in all the years that I have supported them I can not think of one time that they have listened to their fans or given something back to them.

    Please release VF5R in the West. If it's not possible then please consider making adjustments within your company, so that not only Japan gets to play the best fighting game ever created. And please stop giving us a game only to have it be outdated 6 months later. I know it's hard to believe, but we like updates too.

    Thank you,
    Rodney John
    Representing for New York City USA and Trinidad and Tobago West Indies
  15. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member


    I have been playing VF since the first game with my brother. We stood by it and you guys for years until you called it quits on us, so we called it quits on you. Now we are back playing seriously again and your still doing the same thing. So no, we will not ask for 5R. We will not kick and scream for this game. We actually really enjoy 5.

    I will say you started out great, you had a community,then expensive cabinets happened, gameworks,crappy DC port, then when VF gets its due finally, you threaten the organizers who try to help us out. Apparently from what I have been reading, is common practice even in Japan.

    However, if you make this game, we will buy it.

    Myles and Mychale
  16. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    Being a great Fan of the VF series, is very sad to see people walking away from this wonderful game to look for the new in the fighting genre.

    Games like Street Fighter IV and Tekken 6 are getting a great amount of support from their developers.

    We, the group of people outside Japan that love Virtua Fighter, ask for the same care and support that any SF4 or Tekken 6 player is getting.

    Sega, We are loyal customers and will buy your game again and again.

    Please help maintain our group of players and bring us to console (our main environment) VF5R, VF6, VF7 and beyond.

    We will always be there to support your product.
    We will always be there because we are "Virtua Fighters".

    If you want to know a little more about how we feel, just visit the following URL:



    Miguel Andujar aka Heta Akira
  17. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I first discovered the Virtua Fighter series in arcades in New York City around 1995. I've been playing the series ever since whether it be at arcades or at home on console or going to tournaments across the United States.

    Please think about releasing VF5R to the general public. There are people all over the world who love Virtua Fighter and wish to continue to play the latest game in the series.

    Trevor Vanterpool Jr
    Bronx, NY
  18. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    To whom it may concern at Sega,

    My experience with Virtua Fighter started at the local arcade in the early to mid-90s. I became a big fan of the series with the release of VF4. That game specifically led me to be part of the international VFDC community.

    I do not pretend to understand the business decision or rationale your company takes in handling the availability of VF5R to the international community.

    I do not pretend to know what it would take to make VF5R profitable outside of Japan.

    What I do know is that there are people outside of Japan that would love to play the latest version of Virtua Fighter. I went and bought a Playstaion 3 just to play the "timed exclusive" release of VF5. I later bought the Xbox 360, so that I could played the latest and most updated version of VF5. And I and many others would purchase VF5R (even if it was just solely the arcade mode with no additional features).

    Please reconsider releasing VF5R to the international community.


    Johnnie Chau
    Cleveland, OH
    United States
  19. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I have been playing Virtua Fighter after watching the finals of Evolution 2003. Ever since then, I could not get enough of Virtua Fighter and have been playing each one that has been made available to the US. If it weren't for Virtua Fighter, I would not have traveled around the US to the play this extraordinary game or made new friends around the country, even if VF only has a niche community here. I also have made friends overseas as well, such as inviting Sin# to the Bay Area, who has stayed here in California for a while and welcoming Itabashi Zangief who also had visited this part of the US.

    It saddens me that VF5R has not been released at all yet. Although our fanbase isn't as great in numbers as Japan's, we here at VFDC are still hardcore, dedicated VF fans.

    By any means necessary, please release VF5R for consoles!

    California-United States
  20. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    Dear Sega,

    Though I am relatively new to the Virtua Fighter scene, I have always been fascinated by the news leading up to VF5R.

    However, as a student looking into getting into the advertising scene; I fail to see the logistics of why VF5R should stay locked up in your region.

    I'm am not suggesting that Sega should drop it's future endeavors in other projects. That is not my intent. My ONLY intent is to recommend that the representatives of Sega take just a short time to research the VF5 community here as a whole. Maybe after a bit of understanding, maybe you can draw the demographics and the psychographics necessary for more research.

    I'd like to stress that I'd hate to see this turn into the Shenmue III scenario all over again... The integrity of Sega took a turn for the worse, as far as we're concerned. I am not suggesting that the backbone of Sega is based off the VF series, but it was closely connected to the heart of the company. The Sonic craze is coming close to its end, and Sega as a company needs as much of a saving grace in these tough economical times.

    That's all I pretty much have to say, at this point. Just give it some thought to under-go some simple research into this community. Speaking as a future advertiser, I'd like Sega to push for innovation to spark the interest of people as a whole.

    Take the chance... We're doing our part, and we're looking forward to hear from you.

    Dustin Dagenais
    Calgary, AB

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