Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Hittakara

    Hittakara Active Member

    This is my message (there will be some mistakes, but I'll try to do my best):

    "I started playing VF with Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution and some months later I also bought the 3rd VF for my Dreamcast. Since I bought VF4EVO, VF has became my favourite beat'em up. I bought Virtua Fighter 5 one month an half later when it arrived in Europe and I'll continue to play it today.
    I can't understand why you, Sega, continue to ignore requests from your fans. Why can't we have VF5R on console?
    I'm tired to see games such as The Conduit, Iron Man and pubblisher games like these. Why are you continuing to spend money on these games? Why spending money on pubblisher games but not on a new Virtua Fighter for console? It would be just a console version of a game already done.
    If you want continue to spend your money on pubbisher games ok, but please, don't do only those games. Listen to your old fans, listen to your fans who have loved you since Master System and Mega Drive/Genesis and who have continued to love you until today.
    So please, Sega, give us Virtua Fighter 5R on Xbox and PS3, with on line mode for both of them and with a Dojo Mode similar to the training mode of Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, for players who have never played a VF game before.
    Thank you!

    Rome, Italy."
  2. sharkone

    sharkone New Member

    Hello Sega, there is a moment in the life where you should listen your fans.
    We are with you, but are you with us?
    Bring to us Virtua Fighter 5 R, we are here to play arcade games especially when they are SEGA, cool, and retail and we love Virtua Fighter from the beginning.

    Have a nice day

    Nicola (Sharkone)
    Sega Italian National Front
    Catanzaro, Italy
  3. Jacky_storm

    Jacky_storm New Member

    Hello Sega

    Last time you (AM2) said to show our support to bring Virtua Fighter 5 R on console, and it didn't worked...
    Now we are here again to show you that Virtua fighter fans are alive and kickin'

    We need Virtua Fighter 5R on XBOX360 and PS3, as RETAIL.

    If Capcom can do Super street fighter IV, you can do VF5R and even more!!!
    Don't forget your legacy and don't leave your fans behind.

    And bring more arcade games at home.

    from ITALY
  4. Remy

    Remy Member

    I started playing VF5 ver C on Xbox console, and It has become my favourite 3D fighter ever. Please do your good work justice and bring R to console/arcade internationally!

  5. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Dear SEGA

    I'm a big fan of the Virtua Fighter series ,I have played VF1,VF2,VF3,VF4,VF5 in the arcades and I own every VF game you have realeased over the years. We all think that this is the right moment to bring Virtua Fighter 5R to home consoles : PS3 and X360 have a big installed base, you have the experience from VF5 about the online part of the game and above all ,there are many fans who want to play VF5R . You did it with the exceptional port of VF4 Evolution and I'm sure you will do it again if you decide to port VF5R to PS3 and X360 .

    Thank you very much

    Spiros Asimakis
    Thessaloniki, Greece
  6. deadfrog

    deadfrog Member

    Dear SEGA,

    Please bring Virtua Fighter 5 R to home consoles for the rest of the world. There are many international players from all over the globe who are excited about Virtua Fighter and wish that they, too, could play this new version. I am one of them, and my region is full of them. Many, many players here feel the way same as me. We are extremely passionate about the Virtua Fighter games.

    There are many people in my area who want to play Virtua Fighter 5 R. Some of the arcades in our area imported machines for the original Virtua Fighter 5 and it was very popular here. Lots of people here play the original Virtua Fighter 5 at their houses on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 as well.

    We have no way of playing the new version and we are very hopeful that you will release this upgraded edition for us at home on Playstation 3 and/or on Xbox 360. Please bring Virtua Fighter 5 R to home consoles so that we can play it too.

    It would be wonderful if you also released an international version of Virtua Fighter 5 R for arcades as well so that the arcades in our area can have the option import it, but I understand that this is probably an unrealistic possibility. Just a home console port would be more than enough for us. It would be everything that we need to continue loving and enjoying the Virtua Fighter series.

    Thank you very much for your time and consideration, and for giving us Virtua Fighter for so many years. Please bless us with the opportunity to continue being fans of the Virtua Fighter series.

    Eric a.k.a. deadfrog
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  7. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Dear SEGA,

    My name is Ryan and I've been playing VF since it's inception. I've never been a high level player but by far I've never enjoyed a video game as much as I have enjoyed playing VF throughout the years. I spend hours watching VF5R vids online weekly, sadly I have not been able to play it yet. Please bless all the hardcore VF players outside of Japan with the opportunity to play the continuation of this amazing series. Word's cannot describe how badly myself and many other VF players outside of Japan want to play this game. I honestly pray often about this, praying that I will soon have a chance to play VF5R.

    Best regards,
    Ryan St. George, Rancho Cucamonga California, USA
  8. retos11

    retos11 Member

    Hi, first of all, excuse me for my english. I look on VFDC often, but I rarely post on the forum, but I'd like to partecipate on this.
    Virtua fighter is too good to not be released on console to let all the fans play it! I always liked the virtua fighter series, the fighting videogames are my fovorites, but since Virtua fighter 5 was released on xbox360 I can't play any other game! Simply ther's not comparision with the other games, Virtua Fighter owns all of them! If the funs of virtua fighter can be this,you, SEGA, can understand how this game is important for us.
    Please release Virtua fighter 5 R on console!

  9. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I've heard that you are considering releasing VF5R again on console. I know that sales for VF5 were weak, but I believe sales would be better for VF5R. Reasons:

    a) People trust the 360 as a fighting game console now, whereas when VF5 was released on 360, they did not.

    b) People have more interest in fighting games now then they did 18 months ago, due to Street Fighter 4.

    c) The install base on both consoles is higher.

    Personally, I feel that it is the most interesting fighter released this gen, and have been really disappointed that it has not been given the second chance it deserves.

    So please release the game and give it one last chance in the US. I'll even buy Bayonetta if you do.

    Jeff, US
  10. Schubert

    Schubert New Member

    Tell us the truth: Virtua Fighter 5 is the best fighting game we played in the past few years, no doubt about it.

    Street Fighter IV proved there's still a large audience interested in this genre, so a conversion would be not only a great thing for SEGA fans like us, but it will be a great thing for SEGA itself.

    Besides that, SEGA is losing its identity, with many games in the role of publisher that have nothing to do with the glorius past we all lived and loved. Games like Virtua Fighter represents an identity that mustn't be lost. It mustn't be throw away, no matter about it.

    So SEGA, move up and bring VF5R to home console systems. We want this game, and most of all, I want Ulala costume for Sarah [​IMG]

    Milo from Reggio Emilia (Italy)
  11. Toshihiro90

    Toshihiro90 New Member

    Hey Sega I'm a Sega Fan and I'm ready to play Virtua Fighter 5 R on my console!
    Listen to us, we are ready, and you?

    Emilio from Pinetamare (Italy)
  12. Wiizpig

    Wiizpig New Member

    Dear SEGA, all letters in caps,

    In these years, we hear lots of people referring to games published by Sega as "SEGA games".
    While some of those games are great, what we fans actually want are true, internally-developed, SEGA games.

    What we need, now, is Virtua Fighter 5 R.
    Thanks for listening to the fans, and remember: this is not only a game for the fans, this will be a game for everyone on the 360/Ps3.
    Fans from all over the world just need to make it happen.

    David, from Italy.
  13. Mana_RD

    Mana_RD New Member

    Dear SEGA,
    i'm a old Virtua Fighter player...
    I would ask you a little dream: Virtua Fighter 5 R converted on home consolles!
    It 'a common demand of all fans of this fantastic fighting game.
    The entire The entire community looks forward to your response, which we are sure willirtua Fighter's community looks forward to your response, which we are sure will...YES!!!

    Igor from Milan, Italy
  14. stobbArt

    stobbArt New Member

    Dear sega,
    once upon a time there was a software house called SErvice GAmes that used to create not only great games, but great games that gave the player a unique feeling, something different from all the other companies: a mixture of passion, love, tecnique and strenght.
    Today i'm sure that this software house still exist but we see at least a publisher company with this name on our consoles. Only on arcade games we can still see this SEGA, a comapny that is always watching too far for all the others, which can only try to chase you.

    So sega, bring us your magic on our consoles, so we can call you SEGA again: all you have to do now is to bring Virtua Fighter 5 R on our home console. It could be a great first step for all you fan, that continue to be so much, even if sometimes you forget them.

    Andrea from Bergamo, Italy.
  15. Death_Servant

    Death_Servant New Member

    Dear Sega,

    VF players and fans need VF5R on consoles.
    VF5R is one of the best fighting games of this gen, and there are VF fans all around the world; a console version would be great ! VF could become more popular.

    I started with the exellant VF4, and now I am a big VF fan, and I can't keep on playing VF5 while others are playing the great VF5R. Please make VF5R on consoles, this game deserves it.

    Please forgive me for my bad English.
    From France,
    Thank you.
  16. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega

    This is the part where I'm going to beg for VF5:R, but I'm not going to do that. I'm going to look ahead more to the future.

    First off, I have played VF for 5 years, I've traveled to Japan and other countries several times just to play VF, I love playing it over almost anything. It even helped me at a time when both my parents were struck with cancer and playing fighting games was the only thing that could remove me from the depression that came with it.

    So as you can realize, playing fighting games. and above all fighting games VF, is an important thing to me. Hence it is a constant frustration to live in the western world where arcades aren't that common and VF wouldn't even be available if it was since you VF5R is not even available to the few arcades in the west.

    The WORST thing about playing fighting games in the West is being a version or several versions behind what is available in the Japanese arcades. Words cannot describe how painful this is to the Western scene.

    So my plea is not so much to release VF5R on consoles, as it is to ensure that in the future you make sure that every version of VF is made available to play for consoles in some way, preferable would be by releasing expansions as downloadable content. Again, words cannot describe how important this is in order to keep the VF fanbase in the West.

    // Jonas Ohlsson hailing from Tyresö, Sweden
  17. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I've been a fan of VF since VF4. I am relatively new to the scene, but I have endured two prolonged periods of time without a console release of the latest version of Virtua Fighter (Final Tuned and VF5R have to date never been released on console). While I understand that the core business of Virtua Fighter is in the arcade, I do not think that it's fair for people without access to a Japanese arcade to go without the most recent iteration of the title. We are simply trying to be recognized by you, through this document and on other venues (i.e. Facebook), as dedicated and passionate fans of our favorite game. On the outside looking in, it appears you are ignoring us, even as we spend hours upon hours (and quite a bit of money, I might add) with your products. This greatly disappoints myself and VF fans everywhere. Ideally, all future versions of Virtua Fighter would be released on at least one console platform, but if this is not what Sega can or will do, then a definitive answer on this score would suffice.
  18. Blee

    Blee Member

    Dear SEGA,

    I've been a fan since VF4:Evo. I picked up VF5 for the PS3, and I love the game. However, quest mode can only entertain for so long and having had nobody to compete with, I've moved on since.

    I've tried SF4, SC4, Blazblue, KOF, and I'm currently playing Tekken. While I enjoy Tekken very much - partly because it's a great franchise and partly because there are people to compete with - it's not the same; the more I learn to play Tekken, the more I realize that it is a lesser VF.

    I've volunteered to teach VF to those who play Tekken, but they remain uninterested. There are enough similarities between the two franchises to make the transition painless, but VF5 is too cryptic without a proper tutorial, and I cannot garner any interest for VF4:Evo because it is too old.

    With a console release of VF5R (featuring a tutorial similar to that found in VF4:Evo), I may be able to sway their opinion on the franchise. But I need your help. Please, support your game and we - your fans, your consumers - will support it with you.


    Lee from Toronto ON, Canada
  19. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    Growing up I always heard of the myth of how hard virtua fighter was, so during my videogame collecting years I decided to sell everything in my collection and buy a Virtua Fighter 4 arcade kit and take the challenge.

    I relentlessly played, trained, cried, laughed, sweated, learned, screamed, complained, but most of all had fun. From that time to the present it seemed almost 7-8 years flew by.

    During that time, I have traveled the globe and have gone to many tournaments in the United States and Japan just for VIRTUA FIGHTER. I have met many individuals that I thought I would have never met in my life that turned out to be the best rivals a vfr could ever ask for. You see sega, VF is more than a game it's a lifestyle that you don't choose to take on it takes you for the ride.

    Having said that, you can plainly see what your creation can do to one individual, so why keep something so great away from the ones who LOVE your product?

    Please bring VF5R to a home console or international arcade release, so we your TRUE fans can enjoy all the goodness it has to offer.

    Please do your best for us.
    Tim Casey
    Saint Louis, Mo.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  20. hummer197933

    hummer197933 Member

    Dear sega,
    i've been with you during the good times, the genesis and all it's glory.
    i've been with you during the bad times, the saturn and the virtua cop, virtua fighter 2, daytona usa Christmas i will never forget.
    i've been with you during the end, the dreamcast and all those awesome Naomi ports.
    In between, i lost faith in you and somehow forgot about you. But this year, boy...bayonetta, and all those other games. I decided to pick up a copy of vf5 for the ps3 this week, just to see what all the fuss was about, and boy...am i hooked.
    Not only in the gameplay side, but the presentation is incredible. I've seen videos of the vf infrastructure they have in Japanese arcades, and am amazed at the fact that you can create a community which i believe can trump any other fighting game community if only given the chance.
    Street fighter has just become too boring and routine for me, yet virtua fighter gives me such a liberating feeling. to make this short, vf5r please!!!

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