Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Dear sega

    As you guys know i'm the biggest fan of VF and would love to see this game come out for both systems in the U.S.A and would love to see this game rise to the top over here,as you may know we all still play VF5 on xbox 360 live and no VF5 is not dead in New york,they're still people over here who still play this game and would love for this game to make a kill over here,so a proud member of VFDC and always will be,i would love for this game to come out in New york city! as well as anywhere in the world.

    And i also like to say i'm glad i met everyone who played this game with me and hope that one day this game will be set oversea to us when the time will come.

    Thank you sega
    From Christopher Velasquez Brooklyn NY!

    Also like to shout out to my friends who i met in here who taught me VF
  2. el06

    el06 New Member

    I don't really play Virtua Fighter, but I know how it feels to be left out. Fighting games in general are usually left out of the spotlight. Now that it's finally pulling itself back up, we need this opportunity. Many fighting games have show great progress throughout communities over the years and Virtua Fighter should be no exception. SEGA, give your supporters what they deserve. They're what makes SEGA, SEGA. It's a big letdown to not be able to play your favorite game and access it. You will only lose, not in cash, but in credit if you guys don't give them this opportunity. So go out and prove to the fighting game community that you don't suck.

    Raphael Cueva, Philippines
  3. 2ndFace

    2ndFace Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I still remember my summer holidays in 1996 in Greece where I first played the arcade version of Virtua Fighter 2. Arcades are very rare in Germany and mostly only allowed for people above the age of 18 so I never heard of Virtua Fighter before.

    I liked fighting games since I was a kid, but this was different. It was a whole new experience for me. the graphics, animations and character designs where amazing and I wanted to play the game all day so I was looking forward to our next visit to Greece. But when we went there the following year the cabinet was gone.
    Some time later the Dreamcast was released in Germany and with it Virtua Fighter 3tb. I wanted to own this console and the game. And a short time after I had it and I still own my DC and VF3. And I have all the following titles as well. Everytime when a new VF came out all other games were on pause for me.

    This series is and has always been the most innovative of all fighting games and I really want to own the newest update on console. I own a PS3 but even if You decided to bring it out on XBox I would even buy a 360 just for VF5:R

    Leif Harbort
    Hannover, Germany
  4. Murder_Material

    Murder_Material Active Member

    Dear SEGA

    I have been playing the Virtua Fighter series since the first game came to arcades. I bought an Xbox360 just to play Virtua Fighter 5, and I need VF5R as soon as possible. This series has a lot of
    power behind it and even after all these years, we are still very enthusiastic.

    Virtua Fighter 5 has scored extremely high review scores abroad,
    and fighting games are seeing a resurgence of popularity in the west so I believe that not only are the Virtua Fighter fans ready for it, but the western market is ready for VF5R as well. Please give us, your loyal fans, the only thing we could ever ask for.

    It's time. Bring VF5R to western audiences ASAP!

    Adam Gibson, USA
  5. SkullNBones

    SkullNBones Member

    Sega Plz , dont make the mistake ignoring the worlwide fans of VF,we love VF, we need VF5R.

    Julio Trinidad, Rep.Dominicana
  6. PerroChileno

    PerroChileno New Member

    To Sega,

    Despite Sonic, Virtua Fighter series represents the best of SEGA. Excellent graphics, great sound and endless entertainment and that is posible to recognize in the very first time you take the control of Akira, Pai and the others fighters. My first time playing Virtua Fighter was in Segaland, in Stgo of Chile. I played the first Virtua fighter in a arcade machine and VF become in one of my favorite games of all time. Since then, I played every iteration of de series and i will buy the next releases in the future. Make it true SEGA! Bring VF5R in HD consoles please!

    Ariel Moll
    Santigo, Chile.

    PS: My english is bad, sorry.
  7. xxCr33chxx

    xxCr33chxx New Member

    Sega please release VF5R on consoles worldwide.
    I was brought to the VF series by a friend.It was the first time I ever played a fighting game seriously.And after playing that amazing game (VF5) it was impossible to enjoy Tekken6.Tekken6 felt more like a commercial 4 gay pop rap like lil wayne while
    VF is a real king of art like Duckdown and stuff.
    Sega make it happen leave the underground scenes of europe, america and all other places outside of japan and make it a bestseller.If you do right it will be possible.Quality matters!!!

    Ask Beavis VF gets nuthin butt-head of all other fighting games
    YES WE CAN!!!
    Sven Bartesch

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    The Virtua Fighter series is HANDS DOWN the greatest fighting game series on earth, I've had at least a thousand hours put into VF5 on XBOX 360 due to the superior gameplay and top tier net-code. Seriously vf5 on xbox 360 was your first fighting game with online and it's net-code is one of the BEST!.

    Now is the time to strike! last year brought fighters back into the forefront and this year is set to keep fighters in the public's eye and interest, with titles like 'Super street fighter 4' and 'BlazBlue: Continuum shift', but wait! something is missing? The latest fighting game in the greatest series for fighters!!!.

    Please, PLEASE! bring VF5R to consoles, We are starving for it over here. Bring back the high quality net-code and the high quality gameplay!.

    And when/if you bring VF5r to consoles in order to ensure strong sales fully pack it with the features like VF.net, lobbies and the best net-code.

    Hope you do the right thing and bring VF5R to consoles Sega & AM2.

    L'aine', United States, California
  9. Bludgeon

    Bludgeon New Member

    Dear Sega,

    Please bring Virtua Fighter 5 R to both the PS3 and XBOX 360.

    I believe with both of these consoles dropping in price, being around a lot longer and also having a bigger audience then when the original Virtua Fighter 5 was released, will mean that you will make more money and sales if you release the updated version of Virtua Fighter 5.

    The Virtua Fighter series still has a dedicated scene in Japan, Korea, Europe, USA and Australia.

    If I could make a recommendation I think having a deep and robust training mode like Virtua Fighter 4 Evo will help get more casuals into the game easier. A excellent net code will give the game good reviews and publicity, and attract more people to play the game

    Anyway, please release this game on both Xbox 360 and PS3

    Pitu Guli
    Darwin, Australia
  10. Accel

    Accel New Member

    <span style="font-family: 'Book Antiqua'">Dear Sega,

    I may not be the best VF player in the world, but I have always loved the VF series. I got shafted once when you guys decided to add online play and more items into VF5 version C and left the PS3 owners with an outdated game. I would really, really love to play 5R but I cannot since I live here in America. Please think of your fans outside of Japan...

    - Vin Valentine
    New York</span>
  11. LeonHeat

    LeonHeat New Member

    I heard really good things about the game from the local comunity however since the newest version wasn't going to get released to the consoles we haven't got our hands on it and moved on to other games.
    Release VF5R for PS3 and Xbox!

    Leon, Israel
  12. PureYeti

    PureYeti Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I support this petition to bring Virtua Fighter 5R outside of Japan. There are plenty of fans who are begging to play this. I hope you hear us out.

    John C.
    Texas, USA
  13. ADVIII

    ADVIII New Member

    Virtua Fighter is one of the best games out there that you requires you learn skills instead of button mashing.I'm not a diehard fan but I still have respect for virtua fighter.Please bring the game to ps3 and xbox360. I support this petition as well as many others.Even though I'm a 2D fighter I still like virtua fighter for its in depth system.

    Christopher James II
    Georgia, USA
  14. rasdiggle

    rasdiggle New Member

    Hello SEGA,

    I have been a huge fan of your company since the days of the Sega Master System, don't let your fans down. Bring back that magic that everyone loved since the days of Phantasy Star 1, keep VF alive and get it in the hands of the people who support you and your endeavors. The premier 3D fighting game Virtua Fighter needs to come into this generation with a solid console port and worldwide online play; no more slap dash jobs let's get SEGA back into what made it what it is today a great company who releases great games for people who love them release VF5R for console and make it GREAT!

    nuff said
  15. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I'm a retired VF fan who'd gladly come back from retirement for a new iteration of VF on current consoles. I've played VF1 & VF2 casually (on Arcade and Saturn), but only got seriously interested in the series after seeing a video of one of the big tournaments for VF3 in Japan where International players were invited as well. After that I hit our local arcade in Kuwait to revisit the game and spend more time, only to find that there were a couple other people who were already long time fans. That local Arcade had to pay a hefty sum to bring the VF3 machine and I didn't get to experience enough of it until the Dreamcast came out, making me buy the imported Japanese machine along with VF3 and two arcade sticks shortly after.

    Since then, I've had the chance to play VF4/Evo/FT(briefly)/R(very briefly last summer) in USA, Japan, and locally and loved every minute of it. And while I wasn't gaming much when VF5 came to consoles, I still bought a copy and a VS High Grade arcade stick before I even thought of buying a PS3 (which I only did a while later). When I got into SF4 and met with some of the local players, I found some of them were using the High Grade for SF4 just like I was, and met some new people who were also fans of VF (some who played VF5R in Japan as well).

    I believe that a new VF iteration released on current consoles can sell very well if marketed well. I suggest marketing it heavily to the casual crowd as well; core players would buy it anyway so target the casual players and watch many of them turn into hard-core players. Focus on why VF is fun, why it's cool, why it's a great get-together fighting game. Forget the technical advanced stuff; leave that to the players to discover later. I think Capcom did something similar with SF4 and it's still a fun deep game that everyone can enjoy.

    So whether it's a port of the next iteration (if one is in the works), or a port of VF5R (if a new game isn't planned to come out soon), make the investment and put the game on current consoles (and maybe even PC!) and reap the rewards.


    Mohammad MJ
  16. jeax

    jeax Member

    Dear Sega,

    I played Virtua Fighter since the first one came out on arcade, i bought a xbox 360 just to play to Virtua Fighter 5, in 2008 i was in japan when Virtua Fighter 5 R came out. Now i m back home and i can t play it anymore, so please bring VF5R to console.

    Pape Ferrier
  17. rodrigue

    rodrigue Member

    Dear sega,

    I'm a vf fan (since vf1), and was also a huge sega fan before you decide not to release scenario 2 and 3 of shining force 3 for western countries, not to develop shenmue 3, and not to release vf4 final tuned!!! Because for me these decisions were really heartbreacking!

    Anyway, as a gamer i still buy most of your games, not at full price, i usually wait for bargains or discount...
    There has been one exception though, and i made this exception for virtua fighter 5 on xbox 360, i bought it at full price, the day of its release!!! I'll gladly make another one for VF5R, because this game series reminds me of the time you were HUGE!!!
    So if you want to show us you can still make smart decisions, if you want to show us you still care about your fans, release a console version of vf5r!!!

    rodrigue barrientos
  18. Flag

    Flag New Member

    I'm registering just to petition.

    The reason why it should be on consoles as well is because I will buy it. Good enough reason yeah?
  19. Bloodevil

    Bloodevil New Member

    Hi SEGA.

    For many people, all arround the world, VF is far more than a fighting game. I confess, VF is a part of my life.
    So many hours in front of my screen, practicing, learning ...
    So many feelings, so many wonderful people met online ...

    So please, for the love of video games, realease a PS3 / X360 version of your VF5R.
    Because some things are more important than money ...

    From France, Haute-Normandie, Rouen
  20. JCDenton4

    JCDenton4 New Member

    In my sophomore year of college, my friend and I were looking for something to play. I had recently purchased a copy of VF4 Evo after hearing so many good things about the series, but had yet to really put any time into it. This was the beginning of an epic rivalry that lasted the rest of the year. Though neither of us knew what we were doing at the beginning, we slowly learned the mechanics of the game and became decent players through sheer determination. It was some of the most fun I've ever had with a fighting game.

    When VF5 was announced for US consoles, I became very excited. However, by the time I purchased a 360, 5R was already out in Japan and I could justify investing time into a game that had an improved successor. If it was released here, I would certainly buy it and I'm sure my friend would too. As much as I love the current generation of 2D fighters, I really miss the intricacies of Virtua Fighter.

    Daniel Kaufman
    Boston, MA

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