Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championship

Discussion in 'General' started by supergolden, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    UraOhsu is a really famous player.

    During VF4, when they used to have the 3 on 3 Tokyo Bay Area Beat Tribe Cups that they made all DVDs/Taped from, he used to play a lot (if I'm remembering correctly) on the same team as Ohsu, Homestay, Yoro etc. Unless I'm crazy, I remember him being on Ohsu's 3 man team a lot.

    maybe Yosuke can tell more about him
  2. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Re: Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championshi

    This post is for the Goldens to add on to if they want to.

    Any way, went to the Hokuriku area tourney to cheer on the Goldens. It's only a 2 hour train ride for me, and I get to drink and play VF, so it's all good. Here are the pics!

    This is the set up for the tournament. The big screen in the middle is usually used for House of the Dead 4, but it was retrofitted to broadcast the matches being played on the left-hand machine. Almost everyone at the arcade that day was in the tournament.

    Some of the peeps at the tourney. There was actually one junior high school kid there :lol Sad thing is that he actually whooped me pretty good in the game. His defense wasn't all that hot, but he uses Jacky and he has a good, aggressive style of play.

    This is the screen that pops up when a match is finished. Basically shows who won and whatnot.

    This is the match up screen in the arcade. You can see the little tags at the top, which basically denote if that player had been owning up people recently. As you can see the Lau player (裏大須 - UraOshu) has an insane number of tags. Most of them were from last month, where he was ranked in the top three in the entire damn country. Also, make note of his match count. That's why he's so damn good.

    This is a match-up screen when the players insert their cards. The Eileen on the right was the eventual winner of the tournament, and was god damn lucky that he got as far as he did. In the first round of the tournament, he faced off against a strong Lau player, and it went down to the wire. During the last round, the Lau player hit a P+G throw and both players stood up, and the Lau player didn't bother using the ground stomp, which is guaranteed after his P+G throw because they both assumed the match was finished. It wasn't finished. The Eileen player realized this and quickly sat down, did a quick low kick while recovering, and won the match. God damn lucky!
  3. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championshi

    hey Reno, great pictures. Thanks for sharing
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championshi

    Great Pictures, thanks Reno!

    I still contend that the Eileen player wasn't lucky so much as the Lau player was stupid.

  5. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championshi

    Is that a classic Iai kick I see?

  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championshi

    Uraohsu lost? Also, I don't know if you'd know...but is his rank legit? He has the highest ranking possible in the game!
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championshi

    There's a chance that the Eileen player is "Chacky", who's one of the big VF writers for Arcadia, the name is spelled the same way.

    I'm sure UsaOhsu's rank is legit, he's 2nd in overall points for the whole country, 2nd in his area, 3rd in overall points in Feb, 1st in his Area in Febuary, and I think the last one means first at his arcade. After playing through Quest, it seems much easier to get the current highest rank. I thought getting from Kaidan to the next one (Tsuwamono?) was toughest, since one loss and you start over. 12,000 wins with an 85% win ratio? Probably legit.
  8. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championshi

    Uraohsu was wrecking people before and after the tournament (15+ win streaks) with his Shun, which also had a high rank and winning percentage...

    He dominated just about every opponent in the tournament... He lost in the finals, but at that point it had already been decided that he would go on to the national tournament in Tokyo, so maybe he wasn't trying his best... There's little doubt in my mind that his rank is legit... Over 10,000 games is crazy!

    Nam and I both got knocked out in the first round /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Thanks for the pics Reno, I'll write some more later on...

  9. lotrzyna

    lotrzyna Well-Known Member

    Re: Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championshi

    Thats too bad supergolden /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
    I wonder - were there ever any non japanese players in international VF tournament finals in Japan?

    That Lau guy having 14118 fights 235 days after premiere - 60 battles daily. I added 400VF movies to winamp - avarage time of a movie 2min30sec. Deleting intros and replays but adding time between fights and loading arenas - he had to fight for over 2,5h daily, everyday, for almost 8months... those japanese /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  10. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Re: Kakutou Shinseki IV: Hokuriku Area Championshi

    Hey though, least you got to participate. And thanks for sharing all this with us, cool read.

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