Kage Basics

Discussion in 'Kage' started by ice-9, Nov 7, 2001.

  1. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [3]+[P] works very well after a short backdash. In a lot of minor disadvantage situations [4][4][3]+[P] will beat elbows and other short ranged attacks along with all highs.

    Good things to do [4][4][3]+[P] after:

    any stagger wthout backdash
    [P] (guard/hit/MC)
    [2]+[P] (guard/hit/MC)
    [6]+[P] (guard/hit/MC)
    [K]+[G][P] (hit)
    [K]+[G] or [3]+[K] (MC) without backdash
    [4]+[K]+[G] (guard)
    [P][P] (guard/hit/MC)
    [P][P][4]+[P] (hit/MC)
    [9]+[K]+[G] (guard)
    after [6]+[P]+[G] is escaped

    The best thing about [3]+[P] is that not only is it safe (-6), but it recovers crouching, so you can easily just fuzzy guard after it gets blocked. Also, you are in a great position to do reverse nitaku against throw/delay throw/delay attack with [2_][6]+[K] (thanks IMF).
  2. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    doesnt it beat low punch at a disadvantage too without the backdash? ive only played a bit of kage but i never noticed that thing about how you can fuzzy after - how awesome
  3. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    In certain situations yes, like in tactics advice where they tell you [6]+[P] (blocked) --> [3]+[P]. It doesn't beat [2]+[P] in every similar (-4) situation though. It beats [2]+[P] there because of range; Kage's elbow has a small pushback effect (along with a shitty hitbox) that creates some space between him and the opponent when it's blocked. Of course [3]+[P] has some distancing effect itself when he leans back, hence why it works well after a blocked [6]+[P] or a backdash.
  4. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Thanks man, it was exactly this kind of information that I was looking for. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    I will be posting some media clips in the near future,
    If you see any situations where I should have used this move (or any other stuff) please leave a comment.

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