Jean combos

Discussion in 'Jean' started by Reno, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    You quoted a way to do it without charging [​IMG]
    If they are sideturned and you land [6][K]+[G] (no charge) you can follow up with [3][K]+[G].
  2. Watson

    Watson Member

    Without charge it works on Jeffry, Wolf and Taka in any stance and for other characters only in open stance.
  3. casualdreamer

    casualdreamer Member

    Well, now I feel stupid.

    Also, good to know it works on everyone in open stance.
  4. DaiAndOh

    DaiAndOh Well-Known Member

    Are there any guaranteed combos out of [4] [6] [K] [+] [G]?
  5. Kiu

    Kiu Member

    If they don't stagger out of it in time you can follow up with F+K.

    (Sorry, I don't know how to use the commands for move inputs. I'm such a scrub. D:)
  6. Watson

    Watson Member

    I tested combos with [6][K] launcher. This is guaranteed combos which can't be teched.

    • [9][K][+][G], [3][3][P][K] (69)
      Super Heavy Weight: Taka
      Heavy Weight: Jeffry, Wolf
    • [9][K][+][G], [P], [3][3][P][K] (74)
      Heavy Middle Weight: Akira, Jacky, Jean
    • [9][K][+][G], [2][P][+][K], [4][6][P][K] (84)
      Middle Weight: Lau, Kage, Lei, Brad, Goh
    • [9][K][+][G], [P], [2][P][+][K], [4][6][P][K] (87)
      Light Weight: Aoi, Sarah, Shun, Pai, Lion, Vanessa
      Super Light Weight: Eileen, El Blaze
  7. Kiu

    Kiu Member

    Good look. I just learned how to use the input commands on this site so I didn't want to post up BNB's in a "foreign" format lol. All of these is what I've been using so far for the most part. Pretty solid damage imo.
  8. Watson

    Watson Member

    • [6][K], [9][K][+][G], [3][3][P][K] (99)
      Super Heavy Weight: Taka
      Heavy Weight: Jeffry, Wolf
      Heavy Middle Weight: Akira, Jacky, Jean
      Middle Weight: Lau, Kage, Lei, Brad, Goh
    • [6][K], [9][K][+][G], [4][P][K] (104)
      Light Weight: Aoi, Sarah, Shun, Pai, Lion, Vanessa
    • [6][K], [9][K][+][G], [P], [2][P][+][K], [4][6][P][K] (117)
      Super Light Weight: Eileen, El Blaze
  9. casualdreamer

    casualdreamer Member

    These only work if your opponent doesn't break the stagger quick enough. If they do break it you'll get blocked.
  10. CamChattic

    CamChattic Member

    Ok so I wasnt going crazy 74 is about the max you can get on Jacky

  11. casualdreamer

    casualdreamer Member

    [6][K][+][G] (charge), [3][K][+][G], [9][K][+][G], [4][6][P][K] hits for 91
    If [6][K] lands as a counter hit you can follow with [9][K][+][G], [P], [2][P][+][K], [4][6][P][K]

    The problem is these are harder to use. There's probably some other good ones too and maybe they'll be easier to work in.
  12. ModiVG

    ModiVG New Member

    I found a pretty easy combo off a full [6][K][+][G] charge that gets you 99 damage and works on everybody.

    [6][K][+][G] (charge) ,[3][K][+][G],[4][P][+][K],[9][K][+][G],[3][3][P][K]
  13. Watson

    Watson Member

    I think it is very hard to hit [6][K]+[G](chagre) in normal fight. Maybe we need to find good combos [6][K]+[G] without charge.
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

  15. StickyStaines

    StickyStaines Member

    [3][K][K] is natural combo on normal hit

    Wall combos:
    [1][P][+][K], [P], [3][K][+][G], [4][P][K], [3][3][P][K]
    94dmg (114dmg on [6][K][+][G](hold) starter)

    [4][K][P], [P][G], [6][K], [P], [2][P][+][K], [4][6][P][K]
    93dmg, Light-Middle Weights

    [4][K][P], [P], [3][3][P][K]
    (sometimes it will wallsplat allowing you another [3][3][P][K] for 85dmg)

    [3][P][+][K], [3][K][+][G], [4][P][K], [3][3][P][K]
  16. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Best wall splat combo I found so far:

    (Wall splat move) > [1][P]+[K] , [4][P]+[K] , [3][K]+[G] , [4][P][K] , [3][3][P][K]

    Works up to Goh at least, haven't tested it further yet.
  17. 2ndFace

    2ndFace Well-Known Member

    Found a nice one.
    [6] [K] [9] [K]+[G] [P][K][P](hold[P]) [K] (76dmg)
    Just tested on Wolf
    On Heavys only in closed Foot position.
    On Mediums it doesn't matter.
  18. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    xX SETTRA Xx
    My contibution to the Wallcombos.

    (Wallsplat), [1][P][+][K], [9][K][P](Fullcharge for a Standing Bound), [P], [3][K][+][G], [6][6][K], [P], [2][P][+][K], [3][3][P][K]

    On NH 99Points of damage.
    The Combo is quite specific though. The [9][K][P] will only connect on charakters who are at least as tall as Jean, and also just with an angular angle to the wall.
    Its however a lot easier to connect on Halfhigh Fences and will also work there with a straight angle to the wall.
  19. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    From what I know, the optimal combo for most of the cast is:

    [1][P][+][K], [P], [3][K][+][G], [4][P][K], [4][K][P], [4][6][K][+][G]

    Dunno really know though but there ya go.
  20. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    • [3][K][+][G], [P], [2][P][+][K], [4][6][P][K]

    This works for Lei open only.

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